Sheeit, I thought it would start a bit more east, but hey, progress needs to start somewhere ;)

'Time to act' Italy calls for mass migrant deportations as half a million refugees arrive

TERROR attacks across Europe have sparked a new push to see illegal immigrants sent home from Italy as the police are told to toughen up on refugees in 2017.

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Bumping because this is the best news I have heard in weeks.

2017 will only get better.

I hope Germany learn something from this

Learn that they are tired of your shit? Cause that is about all they are going to learn. Go back to sinking the ships Italy. Theyll stop coming when it turns into a one way trip to death.

For every deportation there will be a boat load of 3000 more niggers from Libya, paid for with Italian tax payers money.



Starting off well. This may become the year of the uncucking.

Last i looked into remotely accurate numbers the number Italy received was closer to 80 thousand than 500 thousand.
Even Germany, our biggest muslimimporter, barely crosses the line of 500 thousand into 600 thousand territory.

All the same Italy does rank close to the second place with that amount.

>Gentiloni is less of a faggot than Renzi
What a pleasant surprise, who would have thought that?

based italy

Because the migrant crisis was started by italians right, who killed gaddafi to steal OUR oil?

Leave it to the Italians to start a new Renaissance of Western Civilization. We're all gonna make it.

godspeed italia-san

Italian are based! They should also deport every jew along with the "refugees" otherwise it's pointless.

Wasn't there news today that Germany was building deportation camps?

>De Maiziere outlines plans for federal deportation centers


>feeling scared
will they deport gypsies?


Here we go again

fuck deporting them, send them to the gas chambers

>you will never gun down muzzies with anchovy
fucking kill me senpai

Nah, they're brothers in arms now. Honorary italians, I feel so sad that they will keep such prestigious doctors, athletes, writers and professors. But that's life, Romania loses again I guess. It is hard, but I accept this outcome, we must be mature.

Yeah interesting that Libya is their departure point considering Libya is in a total state of anarchy

I like how the honest warlords are letting niggers board these boats

>fucking kill me senpai
Don't despair. One day your patience will be rewarded.

thanks for the support user

>Be Italy
>most cucked nation in europe
> literally full of niggers and muslims
> oh my god just take a look at Milan Central Station
> immigrants literally have all their wishes granted
> young italians Kids want to look like negro rapper
> almost legalized gay marriage
> by chance kill a terrorist
> ''hurr durr harsh treatment, deportation'' said the liar politician while licking Merkel's butt
> praised by Sup Forums as an uncucked nation