Research proves that among these five women who have slept with between 1 and 150 men.

Lara Eventide, 35, lives in Uxbridge, Middlesex, with her husband of 11 years, Chad is the happiest.

> “We have a great sex life, but I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t ever considered sex with other people if we’ve hit a rocky patch.

> "It’s natural to be curious about what sex would be like with others, but it doesn’t mean you have to act on it. I’d never stray." Laura deeply says devoted to her husband Chad.

> “After all these years we are still learning more about what each other likes in bed and trying new things." she smiles in thought.

> “I definitely don’t feel sexually inexperienced and it’s not dull.”


How does it feel to not have such a beautiful pure marriage. How does it fell that your wife will one day cheat on you!

God damn Sup Forums! we're always right!!!

What's the point of all these threads. To get Sup Forums riled up?

>With her husband of 11 years
This can be intepreted in more than one way

>It’s natural to be curious about what sex would be like with other
>Laura deeply says devoted to her husband Chad
C-chads btfo?

I'm just here to look at this QT.

It's because his name is Chad.

If it were Todd or some other lame name she'd be on a cock carousel blogging about how great it is and how Todd is a-ok with it.

> but it doesn’t mean you have to act on it. I’d never stray.

You missed out that part mate. Chad's got a perfect wife!

>Laura deeply says devoted to her husband Chad.
He strikes again.

Already making excuses Jesus. Just go find your virgin and stop hating.

>I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t ever considered sex with other people if we’ve hit a rocky patch
Yeah, she's fucked other guys. Complete whore.

Meh. She's not cheating on him and is being honest.


somebody post this on r9k


Or you could get with a chick who has some sexual experience and then once she discovers you're amazing in bed and in life she would never want to stray.

You guys ARE amazing in bed and have amazing lives, right?

>you can have this good thing
>but you can also have this worse thing if you're a real man!

good goy

I'm 30 years old, umarried and don't really want to get married. Finding a virgin woman around my age is like finding a restaurant in London that is attended by only white english people. You can, but it's damn hard.

Anyone who gets photographed and talks to a fucking magazine is a guaranteed unhappy whore

>isolated example


>will die alone and sad because he can't drop the virgin worship, needs to hold up an uneeded ideal in order to feel superior

What will happen when that empty shell caves in, and you realize you could have just stopped being a tightwad. Will you look at the happy couples around you and comfort yourself knowing your "superior"? How long can that last?

>You guys ARE amazing in bed and have amazing lives, right?
My tulpa thinks so it must be true

meh. with women you gotta be careful. don't listen to what they say, but what they do.

but in this case, as she is still satisfied, was a vrigin before marriage, that guy really can count himself lucky


When I have a kid I'm naming him Chad. I'm definitely not naming my daughter Stacy though.

is what
will be telling himself when he's old and alone watching other people with partners.

YEAH RIGHT TOO BAD SHE PROBABLY FUCKED OTHER GUYS IN FACT IM SURE OF IT WHAT A KEK HAHAHAhahah..ha....ha..*cough* *die in empty room, state takes care of affairs because forever alone no family*

>this one anecdote disproves mountains of evidence

>Tfw wasn't named Chad

Ill never make it

It's not like you just provided an anecdote or anything heh

yeah bro anecdotes totally overrule mountains of evidence

Any virgin you find at thirty has something wrong with her. If she were just waiting for marriage, she should've already been married. OP would be better served viewing things on a continuum. Don't marry a whore but prude Judy will have problems of her own, like you're not getting laid much after marriage. Find a woman who is responsible, loyal, and level headed and you'll be fine.

yeah bro wow what a great isolated incident!
totally overcomes these stats right here...

I know that feel.

>marrying at 30
first mistake, you marry when you're young. I'm 18, planning on marrying at 20-21.

How fucking old are some of yall?

>Virgin around my age

Well there's your problem eight there. You're not supposed to marry a 30 year old woman. Go find a 20 something virgin and propose to her.

If your wife tells you that she "considers having sex with other people" and you stay with her, you're a complete fucking idiot.

> Implying there are some that don't, she's just being honest

Whatever helps you sleep at night, Temujin

>Marring at 21 as a man

You're retarded. Build your career, make money, date multiple women, and when you've achieved stability and have found your tastes in women, then find the right girl to marry.

Come on man just go find a young girl and marry her it's not rocket science you are lucky to live in a country where finding a good religious virgin woman in still possible.

you pick em while they're young

plus if you've seen this chick you'd put a ring on her ASAP. 100% wife material.

>this is real

OP is just shilling their article. Archived or not, the bong is trolling and Sup Forums eats it up because its about virgin/slutty women. Multiple threads with corny middle aged woman dialogue.

How, as a fucking Canadian, can you have the balls to question anyone?

>dying with some used up whore as your "wife" is somehow glorious.
we all die alone anyways.

She has told me she has thought of other guys, and if we were in such a rough patch that it was close to divorce, she might one day even consider it. But, that doesn't mean it would happen. If she wanted to be with somebody else, she wouldn't be with me. She would probably just divorce me instead of cheating on me, knowing her, if it came to that. Who would have time to have an affair these days?

I can't imgaine how low of a self-esteem I would have to have to think that my wife is going to go fuck somebody else the moment she thinks another guy is sexually attractive. She tells me all the time who she thinks is hot, like Chris Pratt or something like that. But she's with me because she wants to be with me, because of coarse she does I treat he well and I know I'm good enough. Anything less than that and I'm just a whimpering dog who thinks I'm so worthless that my partner in life would go fuck some dude the moment she sees one.

Probably has such thoughts thanks to society openly embracing slut culture. It's all over TV and music videos, etc.

So that kind of proves my point. You would have no idea what kind of life me or my wife had, but you'd be staring over from a hospital bed thinking "yeah, but she's probably a whore" to make yourself feel better. But hey, you'll have some nice company from the staff after aging alone in a house for the last 20 years if you haven't an-hero'd by then.

Surely a woman would never lie, especially when answering questions about her promiscuity.

Only if you can't speak English

This article coincides with your image, numb nuts. The one with the leas t partners is the happiest.

I wish they'd at least teach you how to read english before sending you over the wall.

>devoted to her husband Chad.

I've been fucking around so I can't really expect something entirely "pure" regarding women.
The places I hang out, the work I do, I wouldn't find one anyways, so looking for a decent chick who isn't a hypersexual nympho is the best I can do.
Stop living in your ridiculous fan-fiction or you'll be really fucking frustrated at some point.

>but I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t ever considered sex with other people if we’ve hit a rocky patch.
>"It’s natural to be curious about what sex would be like with others, but it doesn’t mean you have to act on it. I’d never stray."

Yeah no, she totally cheated.

Just date younger women m8
Men age a lot better then women, you can be 30 and date like a 20 year old and it's fine

Scorned his soul like an angry woman

Have got to agree with the article, my girl was un-virgined by me and its stayed that way ever since. Never heard her complain...

nigga please. pick them young?

there is no point in marriage. all it does is guarantee you pussy. when you hit 40-50 you realize how pointless marriage is. then you become successful and she rides on your money. then she gets tired of it, cheats and you pay child support and alimony to her. why, for guaranteed pussy?

you are a child faggot

They need to start teaching this in health class. Get these whores insecure at an early age.

Pick them young is absolutely correct. The younger she is, the fewer dicks she likely had. The fewer dicks she had, the more stable the marriage in the long term. Also, younger wombs yield superior offspring. For example, autism is directly linked to the mother's age. The older she is, the more likely the kid will come out retarded.

>never had a high school sweetheart
>never will marry a loyal qt virgin and explore our sexuality together along with life itself

>Chad now gets away with having a perfect sex life with a pure virgin too


i hope it works out for you. unless you have the dick that is made of chocolate that ejaculates money, she won't stay with you forever. are you prepared for that