Daily reminder

Blue eyes is a genetic mutation and is nothing special or superior. After all there are Asians and blacks with blue eyes too.

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blue eyes are very pretty, but brown eyes are more advantageous.

right, that's why i've seen nigs and spics wearing fake blue eyed contacts....

Everybody wants to be white, when you look at you eyes and skin and their shit color you either hate white people, or try to emulate them as much as you can.

nice b8 thread friendo

>10,000 years ago
>Black Sea

Someone lacks the Historical Context that about 10,000 years ago the ancestors to nearly all European people minus the Baque and a large part of pre Islam Middle East started their migration across Europe and ME reaching as far east as the indus valley.


Literally everything that makes you different from the first single cell organism is a genetic mutation.

>when you look at you eyes and skin and their shit color you either hate white people
You can be white with brown eyes too. I'm fucking pale and I got brown eyes.

Bonus : I also have black hair

Here comes the butt hurt

>Look, finally a Burger with a basic scientific understanding.

blue eyes were developed because of the low light conditions of the north.

at the same time, brains were developed in a way to help survive in the hard conditions of the north. The ability to plan ahead, logical reasoning, and abstract thinking. Without these, people would not survive the winters.

People with brown skin lived in places were you just needed to catch a fish or pull a fruit off of a tree and then sleep the rest of the day, all year long.

Fuck off nigger

>bronze age
>10k years ago
someone lacks the historical context

Well gold is just an atomic mutation but is considered superior because it is rare compared to other elements, Same with blue eyes, which are considered superior due to their rarity and also because brown = color of shit.

I had blue eyes then they turned grey. Used to be blonde too but my hair went brown.

What happened to my perfection?

Yeeeah sure everyone totally wants to be ugly whites. Nice trolling

>The Indo-European languages and cultures spread in various stages. Early migrations from ca. 4200 BCE to ca. 3,000 brought archaic proto-indo-European into the lower Danube valley
> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-European_migrations

The blue eyes gene developed before the migrations, in that area so my point still stands.

I actually had an argument with a Norwegian on here the other day who was claiming that I, as a brown-eyed ethnic Portuguese, shouldn't marry or date a light-eyed Portuguese girl. He seemed to be under the delusion that there's some special bond between all blue-eyed people and that he, as a blue-eyed Norwegian, would have more in common with someone of my own ethnic group with blue eyes than I would. That's Varg-level retardation as far as I can tell.

also that claim is old, blue eyes are at least 14k years old due to a new sample which came out last year

Blue eyes are considered inferior because they are rare. Sort of like being left handed and the colour of diseased shit

also proto-IE were mostly dark eyed

Even Varg doesn't say that

Yes, but so is most of Europe.

Plus all I did was point out that I didn't say anything wrong. Though I am assuming that a random image on the internet actually gives the right information. Which is probably wrong.

grey/green eyes are awesome man, both are great

Who else /greenmasterrace/ here?

>about 10,000 years ago the ancestors to nearly all European people minus the Baque and a large part of pre Islam Middle East started their migration
this is what was wrong, the migration started later, blue eyes though are older

I'd like to know more background of green eyes. Mine are like tree green with specks of yellow. Not brown, yellow. And why do i rarely find men with green eyes,
It's always women.

>After all there are Asians with black and blue eyes too.
That's what happens when I nut and the bitch keeps suckin'.

i don't care what other people do and it really shouldn't matter (there are more blue eyed people today than have ever lived), but it is true I feel a much deeper connection when I am with a girl with blue eyes like myself than any other color.
certain shades of blue more than others as well.

Black hair green eyes here. We are the ones who women lust after.

Stop obsessing over this nonsense and focus on real issues like wealth inequality


alien hybrid confirmed.

genghis khan was said to be much taller, had blue eyes, long braided blonde hair, and was an immaculate birth. The mayans worshipped quetzalcoatl, a blonde haired, blue eyed god.

for a board that seems to make race a big deal, Sup Forums in general is pretty illiterate on the subject, which is a shame

Eh. 4000 years of is no biggy. It's only just a bit more time than it took for Humans to go from Iron to Stainless Steel.

I did say about.

>tfw both blue-eyed and left handed

Stop being mad because all chink hoes like your sister lust after my tall Aryan self, Xingping.

everything is a genetic mutation you dumbfuck.

also, blue eyes is the most beautiful (scientifically proven) because it is associated with angels and purity.

black hair with blue eyes master race

My family is all around with hair color, Mom has blonde hair, sister has brown hair, brother has blonde hair, dad has black hair.

We all have blue eyes

I have green eyes, a do my entire family, and most of the people in my town, who all migrated from north east Italy.

I made sure to find a green eyed girl to marry, and will have green eyed kids. Hopefully our children will find each other some day!

op is a dirty brown eyed mutt

actually meant for the chink here the rarer something is the more valuable it is chink retard, time to stop cheating on exams

>a genetic mutation is a genetic mutation
No shit, martsharter.

i've always associated it with alcoholism and promiscuity


>i have

well there you go

Green > Blue > Literal Shit > Brown

Sorry niggers

I find general blue eyes AND brown eyes quite boring. However light brown eyes that are almost glowing in the light are very attractive. So are steel blue that almost seem like a stained glass window. I also like green eyes which are pretty rare.

If you have shotbrown eyes or pale blue eyes you suck.

its from personal experience i don't expect anyone to just take my word for it

>not understanding eurocentric beauty standards as a result of colonialism
lol how is middle school treatin ya?


also true, blue eyed master race reporting in





>After all there are Asians and blacks with blue eyes too.


>Asians and blacks with blue eyes too
It doesn't look good on them, looks better on whites, it suits them

>Angels and purity
>Nordic women are whores and nordic men are cucks


>the low light meme
Then why didnt blue eyes develop anywhere except europe?

You became only 60% white


No. Genghis Khan was said to be red haired and green eyes because he was Turkish and Turks were said to be red haired at the time

>Black Sea
>lack of sunlight

No its scientifically proven they are the ugliest. I am Jewish and fine traditionally jewish women the most beautiful

It did, in Mongolia.

There is ((evidence)) it developed there by itself 4500 years ago.

Genes don't develop.

They just happen and if the prove useful they are more likely, but not guaranteed to survive.

You do realize that what you call mutation is exactly how natural selection works right. If a mutation is beneficial to the Population it tends to spread out and be mainstream. Every single positive and negative trait that you have, the ability to see, speak, digest certain foods is all due to a mutation that was benefitial to your ancestors. Op is a huge faggottino

Yeeeah sure everyone totally wants to be a stupid leaf. Nice trolling

Objectively, it looks the best.

This is why all those subhumans dream about g̶e̶t̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶a̶ ̶b̶l̶o̶n̶d̶e̶,̶ ̶b̶l̶u̶e̶-̶e̶y̶e̶d̶ ̶w̶i̶f̶e̶ ... Uh I mean raping a blonde, blue eyed little girl.

The picture literally says why blond hair and blue eyes is superior in northern climates.

Lol filthy blue eyed scum

Diseased shit is blue. If brown eyes are shit blue eyes are diseased shit

So why are people with genetic anomalies not considered valuable. Why we're left handed people shunned.

Green eyes are literal shit tho


Blonde hair is a nephilim trait. Especially red hair. Same with green, blue, and hazel eyes. People with these traits literally have angelic (or alien, if that's what you think they really are) traits.

i got 6 arms 3 noses and what is this

Sorry "people of color."
More like people of BROWN.
We're the real POC.

Suuuure troll

blue eyed people have been scientifically proven to be more self aware/ aware of their surroundings.

I love threads like this because every shitskin comes to them and gets soooo fucking salty.

t. brown eyed mut

>n̶g̶ ̶a̶ ̶b̶l̶o̶n̶d̶e̶,̶ ̶b̶l̶u̶e̶
h-how did you type a strikethrough text senpai? Tell me your German tricks

everything is a genetic mutation

Objectivity it looks shit. Europe during the Roman era lusted after cleopatra because she wasn't a ugly blue eyed

wrong, retard satan.

because those genetic anomalies are not a e s t h e t i c, like blue eyes. Blue eyes are more attractive and therefore more valuable, my rice picker friend.


They are proven to be dumb

Why would I be salty? While my ancestors were building the temple of Solomon yours were savages

Right is better

Shut up white savage

I have brown hair and brown eyes. My family has lived in the same area of what is now Switzerland since around 1105. I don't get the love of nordic traits on Sup Forums. Nords never really invented anything of value, culturally, artistically, scientifically, until very recently.

Not that I have anything against the Nords, I just don't quite understand putting their phenotype on a pedestal.

Blue eyes are ugly tho. They are also the most common eye colour in northern Europe so they aren't rare. I literally haven't seen someone with brown eyes beside's myself since I went to the synagogue

"[...] Archaeological and anthropological data reveal that modern Mongolians are the descendants of ancient nomads whose remains have been found throughout the territories of Mongolia dating to at least the end of the Neolithic period (TUMEN 1992). [...] To investigate mtDNA diversity within Mongolia and identify possible New World founding populations, we studied two Mongolian indigenous populations: the Khalkha and the Dariganga, representing 80 and 1.5% of the Mongolian populace, respectively. The Khalkha are the largest cultural group in Mongolia and number - 1.6 million individuals (1989 population census). They are distributed throughout the territory of Mongolia and, like all Mongol-speakers, speak a language assigned to the Mongolian branch of the Altaic linguistic family (BADAMKHATAN 1987) [...] Lack of group B haplotypes would appear to eliminate Siberians as possible New World founders despite their geographic proximity to the Americas. [...] The fact remains, however, that A, C and D haplotype frequencies are elevated in many Siberian populations relative to other Asian groups (Figure 5) suggesting an historical relation between Siberians and New World indigenous groups. SZATHMARY (1994) confirmed the close genetic relationship between circumarctic populations in a UPGMA analysis of 15 blood group and allozyme markers that revealed that Siberian, New World Eskimo and Athapaskan (subset of Na-Dene) populations clustered with each other and not with other Asian or Amerind groups. Thus, Siberians and other circumarctic populations may share a similar genetic origin or their close genetic relationship may reflect long-term genetic exchange.. *next post*

you have to enter it in a website

look up: strikethrough text

spics know that subhumans are inferior because we are subhumans but we are concious that we are.

Holy shit. This has got to be bait.

On the subject of eyes. Do you cunts think that gooks have smaller/slanty eyes, because they have loads of mountains in their geographic and thousands of years of squinting made their eyes evolve to look the way they do??

[...] All four New World haplogroups have been detected in Mongolian, central Chinese and Tibetan populations that delineate the only region in Asia where all four haplogroups exist and no population lacking any one of the haplogroups occurs. Thus, the narrow strip of east Central Asia that extends from Mongolia to the Pacific coast may have served as the starting point for the human migration that led to colonization of the New World. Unique genes (like blue eye pigmentation) absent in New World haplogroups have been found in Mongolian samples circa 4500 years old."

Excerpt from Connie J. Kolman, Nyamkhishig Sambuughin, and Eldredge Bermingham. "Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of Mongolian Populations and Implications for the Origin of New World Founders." Genetics 142:4 (April 1996): pages 1321-1334.

t. brown eyed mut

>He's not heterochromatic.
Central heterochromia here.
I have yellow and green eyes with blonde hair, so you are all niggers to me.

imagine how much sex that guy got.
tfw i wasnt born with a sexy mutation

pic pls

The truth is that there is no rational motive (except its obvious beauty), to idealize these features.

>implying that Vit. D synth. happens in the hair.
There is no way that is how it works.

Working for a doctorate in biology and I can tell you this is untrue.

Thay article seems to talk about new world founding rather than mongolian origins.
It doesnt say what the mongolians origins are for blue eyed phenotype

But blue eyes are so beautiful. I literally choose to race mix with a blonde white woman over my own mexican women because blue eyes are so fucking beautiful. I can stare into blue eyes for days, Got fucking dammit i fucking love blue eyes so much. If its a mutation then its a top tier mutation.

>The latest piece of evidence in this scientific jigsaw has been added by scientists at the University of Pittsburgh. They found Caucasian women with light-coloured eyes - blue or green - appear to tolerate pain and distress better than those with brown or hazel eyes.


Hmm, this might explain why white women as of lately are so fond of abusive shitskins.

When is the last time you saw someone with blue eyes wearing brown contacts, leaf?