Italian refugee centre set ablaze and 25 staff barricaded inside a building

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Why are they so savage?

Great. Now they can freeze like the other migrants.

How cold does italy get? I always thought it is sunny and warm

Implying government will let them freeze, they will likely get comfy apartments of native Italians while letting them freeze.

It does get cold there. It has snowed in Southern Italian cities. Northern Italy is fucking really cold.

It's 9 degrees now, but our cold ia humid so it will be really cold. An Ukrainian once told he can't stand with cold of italy.

>>We have a shitty house!
>>Lets Burn it down!
>> Now you have to build us a new house!

Please italy. If you have a heart you will let them freeze. Do not become enablers.

The woman died because she had Bilateral massive pulmonary thrombosis, she was a clandestine.
The Carabinieri and the police alredy took the control of the situation

>savages are savage

Who knew?

that ucraine was a pussy

I've been there in winter, and no, it's not.
Here in Spain is cold as fuck too.
10 degrees in the day, around 0 at night.

And tomorrow they will pick up 3000 more form Libya and deliver and release them in Italy.

This is a losing battle.

Kill the decision makers. It's the only way.

Trust me he was bigger than you and me together

All you need to do is sink he rafts.



I'm nazi-fascist as much as the next guy, but not into the cult of personality.

>10 degrees in the day, around 0 at night.
Wow that must suck, a whole 0 degrees.

Warmer than here

Maby those Europe fags arnt real people? Maby they are sub-human?

Honestly what kinda person would let this happen to his country.

Fuck it let the world burn. I'm a human so I'll be fighting till I die, my kin will carry it on and my blood line will be of the last humans while niggers kill us off slowly.

Maby chinks are the last hope?

This is ridiculous

This. The humidity makes a huge difference. Used to live in Florida, and anything under 40F (about 4C) was arctic parka weather. Moved up to Minnesota, very cold but dry. A light sweater keeps me comfy down to about 20F as long as the wind isn't bad.

Halt gibs

Isn't Italy kicking them out?

Then your countrymen will be ordered to defend them. Russki is correct the elite must pay or they wont change course. Just keep retiring them until you get one that says fuck off were full and goes full deport.

That's nothing, in my part of Spain it goes down to -0 degrees in winter.

At least they put the work in. Over here, we have to set in on fire for them.

Lazy cunts...

>Maby chinks are the last hope?
It's always a bittersweet thought, but every now and again I remember that if the west falls apart civilization won't completely end due to the chinks.

If nothing else, they'll keep advancing genetic research and aerospace development. And without the rest of the world condemning them they can be as harsh as they want on any lands they start colonizing. And they WILL colonize once no one is able to tell them no.

>Shitting where you eat


Celsius is for bumblefuck retard.

Woooow, horrible, how do you even survive user?

I'm so surprised no one is giving these poor and gentle souls a job

Bong here is a life lesson and word of wisdom, don't ever forget it:

Fix the CAUSE of the problem, not the EFFECT.

May it serve you well.

Sorry i don't know how to use the length of my toe nails to read the outside temperature.

Same thing here. When it reaches -1C it's horrible.

This is why Sharia is a thing in the Middle-east.
"I don't like the current ruler so I will participate in creating chaos."
Then they complain about Islamists that fill the power vacuum and flee to Europe to implement their successful ideology once more.
"I don't like the living conditions so I burn my free residence down"
"We need more resources in the hood, that's why we destroy what we have. Mupdadiddadoowewuzkangz"
That 10-30 Average IQ Point difference makes a huge fucking difference. Honestly wouldn't mind Europe getting eaten from within just so I can say "I told you so." - I have no compassion whatsoever for those who backstabbed us, nor for their race-mixed spawn.

Most of Asian countries are a parody of western civilization and the Four Asian Tigers were all underneath the wing of westerners.

Bah. Low temps are glorious. When it gets to about -10C most of the normies stay home and I can jog in peace.

Europe has such warm winters/cool summers. Count your blessings. Being far inland is fucking brutal. 40 C summers and -30 winters.

so nuke everything below 40 degree latitude (excluding australia and nz)?
seems like a good idea

>9 Celsius
It's lower than that in Philly and that's considered abnormally high.

>freezing temperature at night is cold
we are lucky if we aren't 5 degrees blow zero during the middle of the day during the winter. American zero too, not your silly europe zero

Do not talk to him that way

>The 0 at which water freezes is silly
>The 0 at which cold gets colder, is smart.

Really got my atoms exited there.

No, 9 fahrenheit

might make sense when you are doing science, but it doesn't make sense when you are talking about weather
F makes so much more sense for weather
0 F very cold 100 F very hot. Weather will only exceed these numbers during cold winter days or hot summer days

0 C, kinda chilly but nothing crazy 100 C you will literally fry like a piece of bacon
temperatures for half the year will regularly drop below 0, and have never even gotten close to 100 for several billion years

and since F is much smaller increments than C, it allows you a great deal more precision when it comes to choosing a garment or even adjusting the heat or air conditioning in your home

9 degress my ass, it's already -1 north of Milan

Well, it seems like we are two different part of italy m8

Brine freeze at 0 farhenight.

The coldest I've been was in Madrid when the wind was blowing out of the mountains. At night , waiting for a bus.

How is it related to the question?

the second i saw your comment, i knew a bunch of fags were gonna say how that isn't cold.

>no one burning refugees to protest against shitty refugees
we could learn a thing or two

I personally know at least four italian people living way worse than niggers in refugee centers. Fuck those ungrateful cunts

Western Civilization will only survive if we kill third world invaders on sight.

>We don't like the free housing we forced you to provide for us, so we'll destroy it

Fucking niggers

>but it doesn't make sense when you are talking about weather

Only if you are a moron.

This guy again.

You know the """Pooor little old man"""" was going to accept them but then found out the shekels from the government wasn't good enough for him?

good. those people deserve to burn in hell for what they have done to their nations


That's fucking hilarious.

I concur

Too late you cucks. Should have done that from the beginning. 3-4 sank/turned around boats would prevent this invasion. World of mouth would get out that euros are not bitches.

There are many places in Europe where it gets to -30.

If you've never been in Pianura Padana you should try btw, the climate is much worse than you can possibly imagine.

>35/40°C with 95% humidity in summer
>0/-5 with 90% humidity in winter

This time of year every morning I wake up to a world covered by an ice blanket. Driving is dangerous as fuck too, you can be driving normally and then suddenly get to a corner where the sun doesn't shine and it's completely covered in ice.

When I was in the mountains in Croatia at -25 it felt about as cold as -10 here.