
See, the difference between the USA and other developed democracies is that the rest of us believe in fundamental inalienable human rights.

Americans on the other hand, believe in fundamental inalienable *american* rights.

To clarify:

Where people in places like Canada and Europe see human rights as something fundamentally just that ought to be respected for all sentient beings as a moral imperative...
Americans see freedoms as some kind of mystical american birthright given to American citizens by legendary demi-god 18th century father figures, because the american constitution is "magic" and exceptionalism makes america "special".
This is pretty much the root of all the jingoistic and morally bankrupt behavior that Americans engage in on a regular basis, both personally and collectively as a nation.

To these people, rights and freedoms aren't something real to be valued and exercised and pursued as a moral imperative -- they're a shiny object they can polish and put on a shelf and say 'hahah look how awesome it is, and how special it makes me feel!'

As a result, Americans value theoretical rights on-paper over real-world rights in practice, and show a brutal lack of respect for the rights of anyone who isn't American.
For Americans, the concept of freedom is so mystical and abstracted, that they actually are capable of feeling good about having the 'right' to purchase things that they'll never ever *ever* be able to afford.

They don't mind being fucked by people with money and power, so long as they could theoretically acquire the same money and power... not that they every will. They have the 'right' and they feel good about that, but it's essentially meaningless.
Oh don't get me wrong: Americans "value" american rights -- but not in a concrete sense. To them they're valuable the same way a 'soul' is valuable -- in a totally meaningless, completely abstract, utter bullshit sort of way.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Americans see freedoms as some kind of mystical american birthright given to American citizens by legendary demi-god 18th century father figures, because the american constitution is "magic" and exceptionalism makes america "special".
I'm not sure I understand. All of this is true and fantastic but your tone implies that it is a negative?

this chart is wrong, the USA has the BEST legal system

I love how you backed up your fact with legible and irrefutable evidence.

This is why America is best.
None of the feel good bullshit, and all the freedom.

>first world legal system

Our legal system works just fine. That's why we have so many niggers in jail

>limey faggot who doesn't know dick about actual Americans opines on what Americans believe


At least we are honest about our faults rather than blindly looking past persistent problems. But im not gonna argue why homogenous societies with vastly smaller populations have a better system than we do. If anything this post supports Americanism. fuck yea




implying our niggers don't commit crimes, and belong in jails designed to house criminals.



to be fair the legal system isn't disgusting CIVIL law like in Europe

all ex-british colonies have the amazing and beautiful COMMON law with juries and adversarial courtrooms, innocent til proven guilty, habeas corpus etc




>proper spelling
>jamming in random "u"s
Pick ONE

I rage internally every time I read colour

> Oceania
> Canada
> Europe

> Downfall

I don't know how to break this to you but... You're from Mexico, bud. You wouldn't know what a downfall is like, because your country has literally never been great.

I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

one of your funniest and most cherished actors left because of taxes
let that sink in

Depardieu is one of our funniest and more cherished actors?

Jesus Christ do all Americans see the world through the perspective of whatever FOX News tells them? Lmao

>Respected globally
Almost had me there


They think rights come from gov't or a piece of paper. We make a piece of paper taking rights from gov't, Implying all rights are ours and reserved for us. See Tenth Amendment, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." And UN Declaration of HR's article 29 section 3 is them:"These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations."....kinda sad since OP is in a common law country.

*sees pic*
Well at least you admit that the UK is not a part of the "rest of the civilized world", also the us is not a democracy.

>n fundamental inalienable human rights.
Like free speech :^)
>and exceptionalism makes america "special".
Should it make american ordinary? Britbong brainlet (but I repeat myself) detected.

Do you feel important now?

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." Thomas Jefferson
Read more at:

if you don't like to hear the facts just call it bait

Canada is respected globally you stupid snow nigger. We're more liked than your irrelevant country.

>People like Canada I swear.

Is making shit up a Canadian pass time?

Gave me a good laugh, thanks nigger!

Pipe down you squealing little runt.

I wouldn't even consider myself xenofobic, not against poland, japanese, whatever, but I hate all americans with all my might.

I fucking hate americans. They are as bad as mexicans, maybe even worse. I hate them with the fury of 1000 suns, those hamburger eating fuckers. They are the cancer killing the modern world. Not only are they straight ugly and fat, they are stupid. They may run tech centers and shit, but they're so stupid it's rage enticing. Every time I see an american woman I want to throw up all over the fucking place. On top of this, they smell terrible. Every time an american turns to talk to me, the mixture of their BO and breathe makes me want to shoot myself to get rid of the pain. It's like they never bathe. I could take my hairy ass and rub shit all over it, not only would it be smarter and prettier than an american, it would smell many times better. Their food is disgusting too. I could mix sewage in with vomit and make better cuisine.

Their country is shit too. It's over crowded and smelly as a pair of old dudes balls. They're the cancer killing this world, they're like mexicans except they aren't as good at sports and they aren't quite as violent. Just as ugly, stupid fat and smelly.

A regular Banastre Tarleton I see.

>killing the modern world
>main force keeping it afloat
Fucking kek.

>Americans see freedoms as some kind of mystical american birthright given to American citizens by legendary demi-god 18th century father figures, because the american constitution is "magic" and exceptionalism makes america "special

Yeah? And?

Thought this was interesting:"When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe." Thomas Jefferson

wow you are uber buttmad.
Impressively autistic/10

Personally if I had choice, I wouldn't live in Australia nor Canada. Too many liberal fags and women with tramp stamps. That's why I don't get out too often unless I go work.

Hello there

zimzam, clear evidence our legal system is based and uncucked


check u out lad

America is hated but respected.

Canada isn't hated but it's not respected.

I rather be respected than liked.

>UK, Aus, Can superior in anything
>they don't even have freedom of speech
>they fear guns
wew lad. I'm triggered

>America is respected

No it isn't. That's why we casually make fun of them all the time.

An Australian actor did take down Banastre Tarleton (in a loosely fictional movie; names changed ect) in 'The Patriot'. Irl dude wouldn't come out of hiding after surrendering cause he only gave ' Tarleton's quarter'; which was none. Went on to become a politician in GB. (gotta explain my earlier reference)

that's why you lot are screeching about what president we pick right? Cuz you don't respect us and what we do doesn't matter.

>bogans and leafs
Literally who cares.

America's larger than Europe but has less people in it.

lelmore like obsessively

The only thing most people know about Canada is that it's north of the USA.

>fundamental inalienable human rights
Those are what's destroying our countries.

>Not universally hated worldwide

I see two nations that would be Japanese sex tourism plantations if it weren't for America and one whose quality of life is high only because they don't have to protect themselves because big brother America does it for them.

The reason Europe and the Anglo sphere can afford to have universal healthcare, cheap college, etc. is because you don't have to spend the money required to keep the barbarians from the gates.

You are welcome you ingrateful faggot world.