Brit/pol/ - Infamy! Infamy! Edition

>Britain's ambassador to the EU QUITS - just weeks before Sharia May is set to start Brexit talks

>Sharia May's New Year Message - Hapless PM quotes Jo Cox as she vows to fight for Remainers in Europe

>Comrade Corbyn's New Year Message - Hapless Leader of the Opposition says that getting an EU deal where only the bankers and bonuses benefit isn't good enough

>Tim Farron's New Year Message - Milkman says that 2016 was the 'Year of the Unexpected'

>Nuttall's New Year Message - "2017 could be even bigger"

>Russian hackers have fingers in Tory pie, claims May - PM vows to crack down on party funding by pro-Putin oligarchs

>"The Conservatives are taking the piss out of the honours system", claims Corbyn

>Terminal decline and the madness that follows - UKIP hosts Spanish New Year party with Lembit Öpik

>The Queen is STILL deeply unwell. Be ready

>The absolute STATE of post-Christian Britain

Other urls found in this thread:

imperial leather


Threadly reminder to IGNORE YKTD POSTS

how can other nations even compete?

Nige is on LBC tonight at 10pm again.


Did he deep fry his own facial hair?

why is lily allen so fucking autistic?

3 hours again. every day this week apparently.
>Another person who did not accept the generally accepted version of events was Enoch Powell, the Ulster Unionist MP. Powell claimed in an interview with The Guardian on 9 January 1984 that the Americans had killed Neave, along with Lord Mountbatten and Robert Bradford MP. He claimed the evidence came from a member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary with whom he had a conversation.

Enoch Powell new too much so the security services had hem killed at the tender age of 85 only 14 years later

You'd better start believing in YKTD posts, lad...

Has anyone here read The Road to Wigan Pier? What did you think?

I heard an LBC ad saying that, but I don't think he's on Friday because he's filling in for Ian Collins who doesn't do Fridays.

>You'd better start believing in YKTD posts, lad...
>for attention

Oh OK. I like Ian even though he's a absolute bell end


Try to watch this, some cunt phoning up an old man and bullying him, and see how far you get, then report back.

>Ageing mediocre pop star from 10 years ago who is no longer relevant, trying desperately to reclaim some of her lost fame by parroting The Narrative and reinventing herself as a mindless talking head

These are the last tragic breaths of a dying career.

Today has been great lads.

Well /pol? APOLOGIZE

tell us what happened, Lad


I didn't know this was fake first time I listened to it, was pretty infuriated


No it hasn't, what fucking day have you been living in?

Aberdeen SNP MSP gets triggered by meme. Everyone raids his Twitter and saturates it with poo poo pee pee.


This isn't a feels thread. You've ruined my day.


Anyone have the Scottish version of this?

was Kek pleased with the outcome?

Reminder to get educated

what would Britain be like if he had become PM?

based West Yorkshire police

Left wing nut job?
Any of the above.

This tubby attention whore tart hasn't been featured on the Daily Mail for at least 3 months.

What happened to her? Did she offend someone?

went to renew some office 365 subscriptions for clients at work today, microsoft had increased the pricing by like 25% due to brexit. it makes literally no sense for them too

>tfw not a scotcuck


Morning lads

would be better

imagine coming on brit/pol/ every day posting the exact same shitty memes
fucking depressing

>it's 'tripcunts shitting in the pool' hours

Thread was almost functioning for a little while today, well done lads. Let's try again tomorrow

t. wagie

>he thought the "autism" meme was a joke

I wonder when they will make one about one of the 1400 cases in Rotherham...

Just made one for you

Carry On films are shit.

Watch youself

based lass

Find out for yourself user.

Active thread The guy who posted the original meme that triggered the SNP cuck is in there now. His first time on Sup Forums too.

Like a bunch of IT hardware going up 20-30%. Notably Apple, the cunts.


Are you Scottish?

You forgot your tripcode mate

"Sorry folks, we all know the answer to stopping crimes like (murder) in this country, but the problem is that successive governments won’t do anything about it because the answer is very, very Right wing." - Paul Nuttall

We have IDs


>Unemployed Welsh Muslim autistic tripfag

And we don't even know your sexual preferences or degenerate habits yet.

Truly the bottom 1%

>actually buying apple

but the only thing we've notice go up in price apart from office 365 is SSD's by a couple quid which is a bit shit


scottish autism in essence

The tripfag is a complete wankstain, only been here two years and thinks he is an oldfag.

Don't bother with him - he will just regurgitate Peter Hitchens shit.

or he will use his mobile phone with a different ID to 'help him out'!

What is everyone's favourite moment of Question Time last year?

That old bloke talking about how we should all suffer endless immigration because he needs someone to wipe his arse?
The realisation that the production team had booked an all female panel after the US election in the expectation that Hillary would have won and the ensuing butthurt?
Or (my favourite): DIDN'T EVEN VOTE

Funny part is... it's just true.

I mean seriously 3 autistic kids and then you have another one. The young lass understands it but the old scottish minger gets triggered by the thought her pussy may be faulty


Didn't even vote was funnier but "I will happily kill my country for cheap care because my generation also helped destroy the stability of family and now I have nobody to actually look after me" was much more important

Guess whose career is fucking over

DIDN'T EVEN VOTE was the brilliant, got a god hearty kek out of that

The obvious islamists some sounding very extremist, in the audience every episode

>the brilliant


I posted this in the last thread and people said it was BS, I'm happy to admit that I might be wrong, everyone is wrong sometimes when it comes to maths, but what is the correct answer, of the probability of having 4 autistic children is the occurrence rate is 1.1 percent.

> A pro EU negotiator who got us nothing before the referendum quits
>BBC portrays this as a disaster

I don't know who's more cucked. Scots or tv licence payers.

Who did they mean by this?


Didn't vote? Got a clip of this, can't seem to find it on youtube.

>The Queen is STILL deeply unwell. Be ready

Licence fee payers.

>Literally working hard at your job every day to be able to afford a paid subscription to a propaganda and disinformation outlet that hates you and everything about you

>Referendums are now racist

These people need to get outside

The 'socialism is a mental disorder' guy was pretty based. Definitely /ourguy/.

I'd link the video it's from but it's so utterly cancerous that I can't do it to my beloved brit/pol/.

The Tories are the best party in British politics at the moment. . .UKIP is no just fanciful memeing

Only way to ensure Brexit is to vote Tory.. . Labour won't allow it if they win!

Price William and Phillip are th prime example of nu-males.

>Doesn't marry until 30
>Marries a 30 year old club going slut who's passing her prime age of having kids
>Got cucked by 6'8ft basketball-american

>Weak and shy
>Is now hooked up to some (older than him) 35 year old quadroon
>way past her prime age of giving birth to kids
>being childess at that age anyway

Their ''''''''''Father'''''''''', Charles
>Get cucked multiple times
>Get cucked by an Arab
>Got cucked by a paddy
>Wears Saidi towels on his head

When are we removing these powerless cucks who bow to rothchilds anyway? Completely detached from reality.


>UKIP is no just fanciful memeing
>3rd biggest party, soon to be 2nd biggest

Theoretically speaking (In practice I'd abort the lil' cunt) the first autistic child would be an unexpected event.

Before we think about a second child, naturally we would go through all tests imaginable to ensure the child isn't born autistic. If after all that, it happens anyway.... Then I'd get a vasectomy or wife gets her tubes tied. There's no other option.

This haggis whore couldn't keep her legs closed after mother nature conclusively told her, your pussy is broken.

Link to new Kevin Richardson SNP thread.

>guy shot on M62
>police stop car
>put 3 bullets into the driver
>conveniently no body cams that night

Wonder what he done to deserve that

Holy shit, thanks user.

>Taking the Ellipsisposter seriously


>The Tories are the best party in British politics at the moment


Richardson, what the fuck? Stewart*

>I need a good hard dicking: the video

Would are Ian have supported Brexit and Trump?

>Paisley believed the European Union is a part of a conspiracy to create a Roman Catholic superstate controlled by the Vatican. He claimed in an article that the seat no. 666 in the European Parliament is reserved for the Antichrist.

Yeah I'd say so.

post moggs

>Would the man who refused to speak to reporters if they had alcohol on their breath have supported the pussy-grabbing 'bomb the shit out of them' Catholic-neutral atheist

Only if it destroyed Sein Fein. Northern Ireland's leave campaign would have been glorious.

There's too many Unionist shills crying "muh hard border" atm tbqh.

>Paisley believed the European Union is a part of a conspiracy to create a Roman Catholic superstate controlled by the Vatican. He claimed in an article that the seat no. 666 in the European Parliament is reserved for the Antichrist.

My sides are with Christ now.

God Paisley was a fucking legend.

He was a Paki drug dealer, the police did a brilliant job and saved the taxpayer thousands of pounds.