Scared Drumpfkins?

Scared Drumpfkins?


Yes, absolutely.

What will xir do? Filibustering laws regarding transgender toilets?

who's this guy?

Who is scared? Let Wu run for congress. I kinda hope "she" succeeds.

What will it put down as gender?

This is going to be so fucking hilarious! The 8th District of Massachusetts has most of Brockton in it. I can't wait till these Section 8 nignogs find out the creepy looking feminist is an insane man wearing a dress.

The same guy who keeps making these threads because no one actually gives a fuck about him.

I absolutely am. She lives in my home town of Arlington MA, a town over from Lexington where Jill Stein lived/lives.

God, she's minging.


So what state is it supposed to be running in?

Also, I kinda hope it wins -- can you imagine the kind of stupid bills it'll introduce into congress? Could make for some funnies.

New pronoun: "Es-he"

That's already reserved for the Finnish males.

>implying he's not just 'running' to boost his donations

Don't make these posts, she is counting on us to give publicly criticize her so she claim it's "alt right harassment" and get free media coverage.

Don't take the bait.

Why the fuck is Mass so filled with cucks?

For the last time, John, we are 100% behind you! Sup Forums is a board of peace and we do not harass. Good luck in the primaries!

Can't Jew the Wu!

We had a tranny run for Senate in my state, got blown out extremely hard

she she she she

details plz


>voter: what are your qualifications?

>Xer: I was cyber bullied during gamer gate

>Voter: What's a "gamer gate"?

Im not sure how he plans to respond but something something autistic screeching.


This dude will most likely die of AIDS before getting inaugurated.

Gay trap loving NUMALES sent those to him as gifts during gaynerd gate.

Stop making these threads you dumb tranny fuck.

>severely mentally ill man poses with great indignation with a fucking barbie doll and a backdrop full of dolls/action figures

>thinks this is a good pic and will make people vote for him

The mentally ill need help, not enablers.

no one in their right mind who actually vote this guy in



Can't wait until
Wins and finds out being in Congress is basically like watching C-Span except you have to vote

If it for california i hope she wins, run that shit into the ground.

Getting her into office will be critical for the meme war in 2017, it will be awful, yet brilliant. She will drive more people further right

>Your enemy has stage 500 cancer, are you scared?

no shit, thats why we need to MAKE SURE she wins, it will be glorious

who gives a shit

How can she afford to run for Congress?

What the fuck was Gamergate?
Something something SJW something something mesoggyknee in videogames, right?

That's not a woman it's a man with severe mental illness.

Trusting someone with more action figures than sense

Ill vote for it if they can beat Jade Connors in a street race

>wants to run for congress after this gem

>It's real

OMFG. i just heard it's voice. that's a fucking dude. an asian dude is fucking this dude. fucking gross.

As much as I want this to happen to my old degenerate birthplace, it probably won't

There are way too many established democrats politicians in the state as it is, and deray proved that twitter fame doesn't mean shit to niggers and degenerates at the polls


>that's a fucking dude
I thought that was common knowledge


Shit, I could run for office if I wanted to. Doesn't mean that it's a wise thing to do nor does it make it worth doing.

Also why does she have a Chink last name but looks like a German?

of course it's a dude

Shut the fuck up, leaf.


did you just assume xir gender?

Holy shit, the Uncanny Valley level is on par with rafael

Liberals won't vote for that thing. Resembles too much of the patriachical superiority of the cis white male, and probably manspreads out of necessity of a penis, and not to be a crotchy cunt like feminists.

That's one of the most embarissing things I've ever seen.

Sorry, used the wrong pronoun

So just like Bernie Sanders a complete loser who cant get anything done.

>WE WUZ...wait a minute is dat CAITLYN JENNER? NIGGA WTF?


He can't handle the presidential bantz.

Didn't know Rihanna posted here

To be fair, this faggot and Zoe Quinn did ride 4chans wave of bullshit into internet stardom.

Without Sup Forums and Sup Forums nobody would know who this attention whoring faggot it. Think about that.

Story time

>she is counting on us to give publicly criticize her so she claim it's "alt right harassment" and get free media coverage.


if you have the chance to make such an dumb idiot an cogressXIR use it, who needs smart enemies if you can have dumb ones ?

I wonder if they make size 12 heels

Fuck you, bong. I agree with my maple neighbor to the north actually.


god this is delicious

>Who are you going to vote for?
>Oh forget it (drops vote)

Go home brianna, we arent going to fall for your shitty tricks again.

Massachusetts has to be one of the most degenerate states.

They elected a fat gay banker Jew (Barnie Frank) multiple times, and the majority of white males in Mass. vote Democrat.

Is it just Boston, or is the whole state cucked?

what? how can a gamergate run for anything? can a human even be a gamergate? would that be the ultimate cucking?

and what is this sudden interest of pol in Harpegnathos biology?
I dont g3et it

cant wait until he shows birth cirtificate. my sides are in anticipation


>becomes congressman
>can't handle the stress
>can't negotiate for what he wants
>gets super-PTSD and resigns

Jesus Christ he's ugly.

Wu lad

people were getting tired of the obvious underhanded shit in journalism
some dumb game 'dev' fucked a bunch of dudes and one of them happened to be a judge on a panel that awarded her some big thing for her 'game'
people said "this is exactly what we're talking about" and got mad about it
>muh soggy knee
>rayciss virgin nerds
>'gamers' are dead. you don't need them to sell a game.
both sides escalated and infiltrated one another to escalate further until it was "all white males must literally die" vs. "every woman who's ever seen, heard, or thought about video games needs to die" vs "uh guys what about the journalism stuff"

gamergate is the reason i thought trump was doomed from the start. Seems the world as a whole is a lot more resilient against the media machine than the specific vidya subgroup is

I'm sorry i ever doubted him

How has (((she))) not killed (((her)))self yet?

Asian men will fuck anything.

The psychotic faggot John Flynt has been posting his picture to Sup Forums 10 times a day lately. We know it's you Flynt. Kill yourself.


whoever gets that seat is going to be a democrat anyways. Mind of well full it with someone who reminds the country why we should administer lethal shock therapy on trannies



>Implying ((()))
>Implying this thing has that much intelligence to be useful for (((them)))
What evidence do you have to label him with ((()))?

I expected better of Sup Forums.

he's mistaking signalling with quotations, lots of people have been doing that lately


Finally, someone will stop Trump, the man who duped us into supporting the soldier of Israel.

Sup Forums and Sup Forums did the exact same thing for Ghostbusters and that succeeded. Sup Forums is just terrible.

Literally no ideal who she is

Where are the zoe quinn porn pics?

some faggot tranny indie game developer that does nothing but cry on twitter and make up death threats against himself.

literally who? she looks like a man!

It started before that though with Journalists calling Gamers entitled when Mass Effect 3's ending sucked.

And before that when SWTOR sucked

And beofre that when Dragon's Age 2 sucked


I'm voting for her

Literally Wu?