










daily reminder that if your not ancap your not white and most likely a cuck too

What the







these are great








>inb4 it will be USA in several years




















Kek. Believing in the Gaza children meme is like believing in the refugee children meme. Absolutely pathetic. and נטע אלחמיסטר is a slav Jews.




whatever there are in gaza just kill it all my greatest ally




>ocean isn't owned in ancap world

>נטע אלחמיסטר
holly shit i didn't realize that was her jew name untill i googled it thank you i have now found a new entire set of rare photos of her
truly greatest ally top kek stay stronk January 20th is fast approaching!

this is my life now



time for a good ol' dump

fuck you, JIDF. shoah yourself.



>implying Merkel isn't being a good goy








i had to post this i am laffin hard at
>נטע אלחמיסטר is a slav Jews.





Fuck off kike, stop killing Palestinian kids. Israel is occupying Palestinian land
Long live Palestine




There are Russian Jews, which are a majority in here. I myself am a Russian Jew.


go be butthurt somewhere else obama you salty nigger monkey


What is the funniest thing about that post? The flag? or the fact that you think Palestine ever existed to begin with?





Woah, too soon. Does anyone even remember that? Fucking europoors...







is the hand near the head holding the glasses or doing that meme emoji?

Is this shirt Sup Forums approved?


