16 DAYS.

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Can't wait!!!

The economy shall be destroyed by a businessman.....who doesn't remotely understand actual economics. Fortunately for him, neither do Trump supporters.



*bows respectfully towards emperor*

Keep fantasizing cuck.




16 days is so far away.... :(

Can't wait to see it in person ;)

The battle for trump towers.

>Trump is incompetent
>cannot into trade
>cannot into economy
>cannot into politics
can this meme die already? the guy is a billionaire real estate developer with over four decades of high stakes business experience. he went up against the entire US political establishment and their propaganda machine to take the highest office in the world and won.

after an entire year of getting blown the fuck out you faggots still cling to your delusions. just give up already


It would help if you could actually refute the articles' points, lol.

I'll give you an easy one.

"If fixating on the overall U.S. trade balance weren’t dumb enough, Trump goes one step further and obsesses over an even more meaningless stat: the U.S.-China trade balance. As I’ve examined repeatedly, the proliferation of global supply chains and multinational investment has rendered bilateral trade balances an empty trade policy metric.

Indeed, old-school trade stats like these have become so obsolete that the World Trade Organization has launched a global initiative to determine how better to account for actual trade flows. The most common example of the indisputable obsolescence of the U.S.-China trade deficit is the iPhone: each device imported into the United States from China accounts for about $300 towards the bilateral trade deficit, yet the Chinese get only about six bucks worth of value from the item’s assembly and shipment. Meanwhile, the U.S.-based Apple and its affiliates get hundreds of dollars from an iPhone’s final U.S. sale (for things like design, marketing, and even some manufacturing)."

JULY 4th


>some leftard talking head trying to disguise their butthurt fearmongering as expert opinion
>meriting a response other than keks
yeah nah you faggots have already lost all credibility

Or how about this one?

"Higher interest rates normally result in a higher exchange rate. But what happens if Trump does build his wall with Mexico, repeals NAFTA, imposes 45 percent tariffs against China, and labels China a foreign-exchange-rate manipulator? One of his advisers should have told him that China has been intervening in its exchange rate to prevent it from falling. If China stopped intervening, its exchange rate would fall—and our imports from China would increase. If it reduced restrictions on its citizens investing abroad, it would fall even more. If Trump imposes new tariffs on China, production of clothing and textiles won’t shift back to the U.S.; it will just move to elsewhere in the developing world. A few hi-tech companies might start producing goods in the U.S., but the sad news is that the jobs will be few and they will be hi-tech—not the jobs promised for the dislocated workers of the Rust Belt. And again, Trump will be foiled by the exchange rate: the higher tariff will result in a depreciation in China’s exchange rate, partially undoing any hoped-for benefits.

If Trump builds his new wall with Mexico, America’s car manufacturers will find themselves in an even tougher place than they are now. Without cheap car parts, they become un-competitive, both at home and abroad. The net result may be a loss of jobs, not more jobs. This is just another example of the jolt awaiting Trump: the world is a more complicated place than his rhetoric allows."

Wow, that sure is detailed and addresses all the points the articles raised. It's a miracle.

(You didn't refute them because you can't)

>arguing with leftards
nah I'll just wait until reality shits on your "arguments" as usual so I can laugh at your butthurt.

Shut up you dumb retards

Drumpf is a con man

Explain to me the mechanics of the Weimar Republic controlling their own production after hyperinflation, developing into the worlds strongest economy, and why you have no clue what you are talking about.


The CIA has been a corrupt institution since its inception, look up what Ron Paul has to say about the CIA
