Move to the Cape

>a lot safer here
>weather is amazing
>coloureds might act like thugs in the Cape flats but they're pretty based everywhere else
>If all whites moved here we can end up being 40% of the population, a plurality since coloureds would be 35% and blacks only a quarter.

There is actually a party for this. We don't have gold or other minerals that invite (((them))) and it's away from black homelands so blacks won't desperately try to hold onto us if we make a concentrated effort to get a referendum in place.

The SA constitution allows this. Heck, we should ally with the IFP (based Zulu monarchists who hate the ANC) and shill for independence.

Other urls found in this thread:,withlessthan5ofthelabourforcepayingmorethan50.aspx

yes please

Why don't you annex the Germans in Namibia, wouldn't that work?

We should approach it with a different angle, make the ANC want to separate the land as a way for blacks to thrive.

If we can just make them believe they'll be better off, I can see this happening

There are some things you do not know

Africa needs to hurry up and BLACKED all your women.

No more whites, lost to history :D

What are the bushmen like?

Isn't the cape more Liberal compared to Transvaal?

You can hardly spin it that much, the message will be that they'll have a white neighbouring nation for generations. Forged out of land they "own" (that'll be the story). They won't have that.

Seems like all you guys would do is mix

Don't be such a pussy.

No .South africans rarely racemix

What you can spin it as is the rival of Xhosa and Zulu's. The fact that the Zulu's would like their empire back, their land.

It's far fetched but hey...they believe in sending lighting to kill someone.

If you think niggers will give up their tax livestock you're dreaming. Less than 5% of the SA labor force pays more than 50% of the taxes.,withlessthan5ofthelabourforcepayingmorethan50.aspx

Even those blacks who do pay taxes almost invariably have make-work government jobs. When they don't, they're incompetent BEE hires. I think I read somewhere that there are fewer than 100 black chartered accountants in the whole of South Africa (why? because there's a standard for becoming an accountant and being black doesn't give you bonus points).

Any attempt at secession would be blocked by changing the constitution, if necessary.

You Boers should move back to the Netherlands where based Wilders is set to take first in the next election in a few months.


Living with the reality of niggers in charge has redpilled 90% of whites in SA.

damn bruh. a cape republic would be based.


As I said, groom the next leader of the IFP to support an independent Cape. (the other old fucker will die soon enough)

It existed before 1910 technically.

I've never seen so much mudblood in my life as during my visit of the cape province.
The rest of the country was fairly pure, but usually of the black kind, with the occasional rabid white redneck that they were letting wither away in peace in his own spot.
Except johannesburg, that shit was even more muddy save for the restaurants we went to.
(it had michelin stars and shit but honestly it was disappointing as fuck)

Know a guy who was a south African police officer

Told me he used to follow blacks home right as their curfew came and laughed as they tried to make it home in time

can i come

and like you said before, it was uninhabited before the dutch showed up. so the darkies wouldnt be able to play the colonialism card.

it would be a prosperious state no doubt but i would be more curious to see the remaining zulu kingdom crash and burn.

Well you would know better than me I guess.
But to be a downer once again: blacks don't really care much about eachother either.

does wilders even give a shit?

or just move to anywhere in the netherlands but the randstad.

I'd rather have this, imagine the vacation possiblities.
It'll be like Spain, but whiter.

Don't go for the entire Cape. Go for the whitest bits exclusively. De facto precedes de jure.
Gently remind any Zulus you may know that they will be an even larger percentage of the South African population after a hypothetical Cape secession.
Also IFP has been doing fairly poorly. Desperate parties are more likely to coalesce. Two parties with similarly secessionist ideas acting as a coalition would be interesting. You could run it as a straight anti-Union party, which will become more appealing as SA decays.

ALSO slit Malema's throat, quickly, before he slits yours.