We will never go back to a time like this

We will never go back to a time like this.

How do you guys not hang yourself with depression? Im so close.

That's what my family looks like.

Get gud.

My waifu would miss me

Your waifu looks like she's been punched in the face m8? Maybe lay off the enrichment tours of Malmo for a few weeks?

Why do white women all look like potatoes?

>implying small cities/towns in the midwest (idaho/montana/utah) are not full of families which are basically a modern version of this

u need to get out of le house and go visit some small places in USA mang.

dont you ever feel tricked by the jews when you are idolizng a fucking cartoon girl instead of looking to mate with a real person?

>expecting to get a real answer and engage in discourse with a cuckold weeb swede

thats just the way she looks


you can make that time real again if you work for it.

>Average American family today

Talk about a boring time. I bet that white woman hasn't even fucked any niggers. How lame. And don't even get me started on those gender stereotypes.

Go to church, I have found it to be a great comfort in the lows of my life.

>How do you guys not hang yourself with depression?

I have a happy marriage with a woman that follows my lead and a healthy son.

I work with 2 Mennonites, and this pretty much IS how their life is. The one guy was complaining a few weeks ago because his daughter went on a school trip and now keeps asking for a TV.

He was like "the day there is a TV in my house will be the day Satan walks the earth again"

Like most things in modern society, when you lack an over riding religion, things go down hill very quickly.

how does that man live with himself?

does he know that his daughter can get jewed with internet and not just TV?

he doesn't

He's also your standard Amerifat, just less fat than his family.

They dont own a computer either.

It much more about putting energy into things that matter instead of "entertainment". If you have time to watch a TV show, or go on Sup Forums, that means you have time to read the Bible and do house work.

not really, modern women are dirt and there is nothing I can do to change it, so why not accept it?

She's gonna suck so many dicks in college.

>Eisenhower will never be your president
Is Kennedy not dying and Johnson being cucked as VP the ultimate American timeline?