Sup Forums BTFO

A little KID had to put your loud, orange fucking faggot (Drumpf) in his place, that's so fucking sad.

wow trumpets rekt

Were you often a loser OP? Trump is rubbing in the fact that he's a winner and stroking is ego. Pretty funny, honestly. No, there was no grace in his post, and that was the point. I'm interested to see what our orange troll will do on Twitter after his inauguration.

You can't win against a Darkwood, I mean Rothschild I mean uhh never mind

Yeah, no, fuck you and I hope your mother chokes on a penis.

Anyways, he's the fucking president now. You seriously want to tell me that someone with an entire nuclear arsenal under his command, during a period of international unrest, is going to be trusted even though he proves time and time again that he has the mentality of a 4-year old?

I'm glad to know that you voted for a faggot whom you could relate to.

Winners aren't losers, user.

Kid president is gone now too, he's a negro and now he's out of a job but won't get any welfare since trump is cutting that too. Actually I doubt Africa has welfare since that's where he's being deported to.

>lessons on grace
>from a liberal


The only thing better than a happy new year is a happy new year full of buttmad liberals.

>he does it for free

>implying the actual kid runs the twitter
>implying that "burn" was even ok

>during a time of international unrest
Caused by Obama and the Democrats.

Christ, chill out and take your tranny pills OP. We're all gonna kick the bucket one day. A little entertainment in the world is nice. Learn to enjoy yourself. Trump's irrational, but he upsets people, and that's funny.

Also, yeah I don't care that he has nuke codes. The fuck should I care? Trolling on Twitter and doing your job are two different things. You're gonna be okay user, Trump's not gonna nuke anyone. Relax.

That kid also doesn't have the the entire media, except for a view outlets like Fox News, hating him. Nobody ever spent millions on painting him as the next actual Hitler.

Is being a snarky faggot a sign of low T?

Liberals confirmed for being mentally children

God I love Trump. He's so fucking hilarious.

Isn't 13 the required age to be on Twitter?

Trump has every right to be smug as fuck. He fucking won.

>capitalizes Sup Forums

Oh no trump rekt, how will trump ever recover guys?!

Nah he is allowed to gloat. Fuck off to your safe space now!

That's not a kid, you faggot. I like Trump's tweet better. You must always crush your enemies.

That's what your Republican masters want you to believe.

>when a 12-year old has the same argument as a 30-year old gender studies major

Geez you sound like a homophobe, op. What's it like being a hateful, intolerant bigot?


nopem obamas birth cert is an actual forgery






Starting a world War to cover up for Dncs loss, talk about presidential conduct

To be fair, the fucking over is a bipartisan effort.