
We start at 5.

claiming roman republic

Claiming thrace

Epirus republic

Claiming Balts

Claiming Carthage



thrace is taken

Alright, you guys are in. Roll.

Attack Egypt

General expansion

kill macedonia spill light green country

take italy
defend if attacked

Forgot map but okay.
Attack light lime Poland WITHIN MY REGION, spills go to purple Poland

Selucids please

Claiming Noricum

Can i pick great army or is it set?
if i can roll kill nabatea

Is op dead?

Gauls (named Jimmy's Land)

Claiming Illyria

pls macedonia

attack pontus

infact op. i'll bee finns

actually lemme be suiones
annex denmark

ill claim Caledonia


sure i just wanna sail n shiet
spill north

mupdate plz?

op is kill

anyone want to take over?