Modern art!

Sup Forums redpill me on modern art. What so special about it that libtards go head over heels over it

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I understand now. Thank you.

Modern art is a psychological byproduct of human psychology. It is useful to the extent that it has social utility, but not for any underlying reason. Over time social structures have developed around it, and it mostly just exists as a way for libcucks to signal their status.

Human psychology finds patterns and meaning in stuff. Sometime it overshoots and ascribes meaning to meaningless stuff. That's modern art.

((((modern)))) art, as everything modern, is basically bullshit
Art fallen down drastically when not guy who sees it decided how much is it worth, but artist

for instance, OP image
I see bunch of lines and dude's back before it
and that is everything
Compare it to some ancient roman sculpture and come back when you know what I am talking about

sounds legit. So what does this art means to you?

Speculation bubbles in combination with the evaporated value of mass recreatable art.
Which includes just about any 2D art nowadays, as well as a lot of musical and even some 3D art.
So yeah, what's left then that could be valued as 'art'? Ideas, single objects that represent ideas.

So /pol primarily watches what is available on Amazon Prime at any given moment?

I have some really wealthy relatives and they have tons of this shit in their local home. On one wall they have several of their children's middle school paintings and one $200,000+ painting from a modern """"artist."""" I can hardly tell them apart to be honest.
I'm convinced it's a money laundering scheme

A piece like this only really has value when placed in context. So probably it's a reaction to some previous trend in art, and all the artfags think it's intellectually daring, and the artist gets a bj from hot art chicks and stuff.

Modern art is trash.

Van Gogh is good right? I agree. When Van Gogh was alive, high society considered his art to be so fucking simple and crude that it was like basically crayon drawings of a fucking psychopath who lived under bridges and ate raw potatoes in sheer bitterness of his life.

Even after he was dead and people began to enjoy his art, the high society made up a story about how he shot himself in the stomach because twisted artist bullshit.

>children were shooting birds in the field, they accidentally shot him, who was standing in tall grass in the wrong spot at the wrong time, he didn't want the boys to get in trouble so he made up shooting himself

i'm wondering what the point of art is.
can anyone tell me
>tfw artist
>tfw useless

Start here:

You can thank me later.

It lets talentless retard get rich.

Thank you! Today I had a long argument with a libtard on modern art.
He compared this piece to Michelangelo david claiming artist was still working on it before finishing it.

What do you mean by modern art? If you are asking about abstract painting, it's in my view the purest form of art, it's all about color and composition.

I highly recommend watching this doc to understand better:

What's so pure about it?

There's definitely some value in experimental/abstract artistic expression (although I personally think it works much better in music, literature and film than painting) but the thing is it needs to actually be done well, which most of the time it isn't

i hate liberals

It's degenerate and libtards love degeneracy.
Pic related is a commie office building on Kossuth square (the Parliament building's square). The government purchased it announced that instead of renovation they will send the building to the trash heap and construct a new building with the original, pre-WWII facade plans.
Architects and artist went batshit crazy.
>The government wants to destroy the communist heritage
>Hurr durr, retarded commoners can't see it's value
>It totally fits to the Pre-WWII buildings, why can't you see it? I'm not retarded.
>The government is literally building dictatorship here, Israel plz help
Luckily, no one gave a fuck about them and building is currently under demolition.

>I'm convinced it's a money laundering scheme

It's a scam. Or it was originally. It took on a life of its own when new artists and art critics adopted it unironically without knowing the origins. Rich people listened to the art critics who said it was good, they assumed if the critics say it's good then it must be, buy it.

As for Van Gogh and his contemporaries, that is impressionism and were the last set of skilled artists trying to make something nice. Photography took over. Then commercial illustration and animation boomed. Everybody decent went commercial. This is why the "fine" arts is such a small community of circle jerkers today.

There never used to be this division between "fine" art and "commercial" art anyway. That was an early-mid 1900's thing and should be disregarded.

its not strapped into the communist ideological straitjacket

Modern art = (((communist))) art

You can see the effort and the artist's original style when you look at a Van Gogh painting.
Modern art doesn't have this. It's just meaningless trash, made by degenerates who should work for minimal wage at a construction site, instead of drawing bullshit.

It doesn't mean anything, that's what makes it 2deep4u.

I always said that art is a work of effort that provokes a strong emotion in its viewer. Take this painting by Gogh for example. It's a technical disaster, the perspective is off, shading is shit, the lines are terrible. It's not a good painting but when I look at it I see a man in the throws of pure mental anguish. It's visceral, ugly, painful, and I feel that we can all relate to it at a certain time in our life (I can). So by view it is a work of art as to OP's picture which I feel nothing towards. The greatest failure of an artist is to pour their heart and soul into a piece that leaves no impact on a person and they will never remember.

It's an EXCELLENT wat to launder dirty money.

Let's not make bullshit up. Socialist Realism/Stalinist art was the last base form of art, and used the elements of Classicist European Art and architecture.
But after the mad Georgian's death, degeneracy started to spread like cancer.

Eastern art is infinitely better than (((western art))) I mean money laundering.

art died some time ago bc no one goes to galleries or museums therefore no one really gives a shit.
modern art was cool back in the day because it refused to be merely decorative toy for the rich and wanted to move you, to make you think, to move your emotions, even if it meant breaking all the rules up to that point.

now its just decorative. the end.

A French flag. When enemy forces are nearby, it turns white.

I like J Pollock a lot. Really couldn't care less about the significance or the 'message', if there is one. Just enjoy the balance he created. Interesting color palates and a nice even balance of contrast. Good for him for the money those pieces draw

Are you baiting?

>talking shit about country that whopped your ass in both world wars, and probably the most succesful martial nation in the West

he killed himself because he couldnt deal with commercial success

Yeah, I was thinking about doing metal sculptures and realized this. If I refused to be merely a decorative toy for the rich I'd be back welding widgets for some filthy mining company faster than I could say Hans Ruedi Giger.

Modern art is degenerate art. Its cancer. Only realism can be good art. Ancient greek statues are higher culture than this pop culture degenerate art. This degeneracy ruins our cultural identity.

>France vs Hungary in any war
>France as a martial nation and not a failure
You won't bait me, u cheeky little Rác.

It's the beginning of SJWbullshit so of course it'd be worshipped.
>Look goy, it's beautiful if you like it that makes it art
>nevermind the science around art, colour theory, line theory, etc that can prove it's shitty, just ignore those and think with your FEELINGS

It started with Duchamp, who was trying to make a point that the practice of art had so degraded that you could literally buy a urinal, call it art, and sell it as such. Sometime later the community lost the joke

Most modern art is talentless shit but there are some very talented modern artists

I really enjoy pop art and the works of Andy Warhol for example

I'm going to take advantage of this
I can just make any crappy painting and sell it for millions

well if it makes you happy mang you should still do it, even as a hobby and donete your stuff
if you can afford to do it as a hobby, metal welding sounds expensive.

visual art nowadays eally is just a toy for the rich (and for money laundering), again, i guess it went full circle after about 150 years of crazy shit and passion.

>very talented
>literally uses filtered photos

Modern art is useful for money laundering.

I don't know user, I just like his work

PhD student in the History of Art at a western university (home for the holidays). I can answer questions if you'd like, considering I'm constantly exposed to this degenerates.

I'm gonna tl;dr this for you OP.

>Oy Goy! Stop worshipping God as supreme creator of the universe! We can create too! Look at ancient Greece. Humanity should be placed in the centre of the world. Not God! You're not imperfect, you're perfect! Human ingenuity is our superpower!
...then came Nihilism
>Oy vey goy everything is useless and worthless, you will die alone! Forget trying to build a future for your kids, it's all useless! Humanism doesn't work and God is dead cause we killed him through Humanism, we are useless.
...spawned relativism
>Oy goy! Since there is no God and we are useless it's safe to say that morals don't exist either. And neither do ethics. Oy gevalt they are just buzzwords and everything we see is a product of subjective interpenetration!
...which eventually spawned Aesthetic Relativism
>Who are you to say what is and what is not beautiful? Are you implying there's a universal standard of beauty? Hahaha goy noo... You see: Everything is both beautiful and not beautiful. Stop trying to strife towards perfection, goy. It doesn't exist. Member nihilism? Yeah we are useless, but we can still create beautiful art. And everything is beautiful if you Want It To Be!
...which then of course created Modern Art
>Oy gevalt, baroque statues are so fucking racist and patriarchal! Humans don't even Look Like That!!! Seriously... I'm a realistic Artist and I seek to (((express myself))) through art that speaks to "how things Really are" and not some stupid perfectionist fascist propaganda shit! The only thing that ((($€lls))) is art that is [[[different]]]. Art needs to PROGRESS, Goyim. Stop being stuck in time!

Nihilism + Communist Hatred for the Bourgeoise + Capitalism = Literal human fecies with a price tag on it.

Such a good time to be alive!

Liberals are intellectually inept and artistically bankrupt so it's only natural that they would be interested in art that reflects their own personal shortcomings.

>PhD student in the History of Art at a western university
>wasting your time and money on that degree

They got mad at most Russian musicians for not making music for the average Joe, though.

M8, impressionism was nice, symbolism ok. What went wrong? When did classical become experimental shit? We need to go back.

Could you not find a more useless degree to say you're getting a PHD in?

>not realising that those in charge teaching impressionable minds about one of the most vital parts of western civilisation and the continuation of our heritage is ABSOLUTELY DOMINATED by cultural marxists who hate it

I'm doing my part to make sure anti-western, deconstructionist nonsense is all they hear

see above.

I couldn't believe how we all flock to the renaissance, the gothic periods, etc that are vital to our collective heritage and identity, versus the kind of (((people))) who are now IN CHARGE of all the departments teaching these things.

Also I wanted to work in a museum or a university when I was done. that's changed to something more salient and profitable as I believe academia will change drastically in the next 10 years.

>What went wrong?
As Luther was a reformer and not originally intending on starting a new sect of christianity, Manet wasn't intending on helping destroy the foundations of modern art.

But other artists latched on and eventually (((CRITICS))) began to love it. Academics, bless their hearts, tried to stop it from spreading beyond a Parisian suburb full of bored rich kids but to no avail.

>When did classical become experimental shit?

Long process, can you be more specific?

>We need to go back.


The art itself is nothing special. It's just the path for them to self indulgently bloviate on and on and make up ridiculous concepts about what the art "means". It's all narcissistic mental masturbation. It's a created "elitism", where you have to learn the vocabulary to be part of the club, otherwise, you're just a "commoner". (Say "commoner" sneering as hard as you can.)
"Modern" art is destructive, negative, self-indulgent to the point of mental illness, and most of all - a fraud. A complete and utter fraud, taught by frauds, written about by frauds, and sold to ignorant, petty liberals who like to stand and look at it while loving the smell of their own farts. Liberals have destroyed fine art. It's gone. It's now a playground of children smearing their shit on the wall, and getting gold stars for it. Craftsmanship, talent, it all means nothing now.
There was a chance for the art world to come back from the explorations early on, in the 40's and 50's, and applying it back to subjective art - but it got mired in objectivism, and the 60's was it's death knell, when pampered, spoiled children decided everything before them sucked, and any idea they had, was brilliance. They've spent the time since shitting on and destroying everything, from art, to writing, movies, education, politics, everything the touch, turns to shit, because underneath it all, they're all self loathing mental patients who were indulged too long and too hard. That's how we end up with the con artist Yoko Ono howling into a microphone being lauded as "brilliant", or a statue of christ in piss being "deep" and "meaningful".

It's all degenerate, indulgent, fraudulent, and worthless. Don't feel bad if you don't "get" modern art - very few do - and it's the frauds who create it, and then make up bullshit to defend it, how "brave" it is, how "daring". You're not part of the club, you weren't taught the code words, so you're not allowed to understand the deep, vivid imagery.

Modern art is extremely good desu, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, traditional art mainly tells a story while modern art places emphasis on the effort put into the work (which is quite differnte from the visual quality), the visuals and the emotions it makes you feel

It's not "art", in the sense that it's a finished piece. To me (lifelong artist), abstract is an exploration of color and shape. But that's all. It's stuff that belongs in sketchbooks, it's exploration towards something bigger. Some value can be derived from it, but not nearly as much as the devotees of it insist it does - and it certainly doesn't merit the overwhelming focus it gets - new non-abstract art practically doesn't exist in museums and galleries.

Exploration through abstraction and desconstruction should happen, it's how we learn how all the parts work - but the parts, and only a specific kind of part - is legitimized now, and the rest scorned at as useless.

Art is so politicized now, so tightly controlled by fashionista gatekeepers, it's become a mockery of itself. What was once a joke, is now reality, when you read articles that main pieces in exhibitions were thrown out, because they are literally trash.

That's not art, nor is it abstraction. It's fraud. It's self loathing liberals indulging the worst parts of their minds and hearts. It's bile.

This. I equate what "modern artists" do to palm readers, crystal rubbers, or the idiotic white women selling "Indian Spiritual Awakenings" in parking lots in Sedona, AZ. It's mindless drivel, it's a pose, saying "I'm an artist" means you dress, speak and act like a small select group of insufferably smug liberals. They're the smuggest of the smug.

>I'm convinced it's a money laundering scheme

obligatory reading.

>I believe academia will change drastically in the next 10 years.

What makes you think this? Nothing I saw at art school makes me think otherwise. College today seems like a crucible to leave only the extreme left in charge. Although I did speak to some professors fed up with their students and having to coddle them, they still seemed super liberal.

How do your colleagues feel about title 9 bs?

none of you saw that episode of always sunny huh

I've been an artist my entire life. I can list some of the paintings, or drawings, or sculpture, that changed my life. All of them are pre-1930. I can tell you why they changed me as a person, what insight, or perspective I gained, or what inspiration they gave me.

I don't think I've ever heard of anyone say that about any art created after the 30's, unless it was commercial art.

The most meaningful painting I've seen in 20 years was a watercolor of two fall leaves she bought from a local artist. The painting intrigued me, because of how she handled the paint and the washes, and inspired me to try different things in my own paintings - that little 3x6" painting changed me. Not in a big dramatic way, but in a meaningful way.

I go to the Modern Art museum here, and I walk with nothing. I feel cold, empty, uninspired, even angry at the dreck they've called "art". Once in a long while I'll run across something I like. But it's so rare, it's sad. I try to read the descriptions, and not laugh out loud at the meanings they assign to the scribbles or simple forms.

It's just depressing, that I was born in an era, when 'art" has become a con. A fraud. An empty suit. It's more a fashion, than a craft. It's all depressing, sad, all negative emotions or cold sterile displays of junk, or infantile expressions of liberal rage, or shoving homosexuality in the viewers face. It's ALL agenda. It's all nonsense.

Because it emphasis subjective "experience" over objective reality. Modern art is about perception. The perception of the artist, of the viewer...of the Other. Modern art is relativism.

But is that art, or just textile design? I could design a couch slipcover that does the same thing a Pollock does.

I've read about Pollock, saw the shitty movie. I maintain he knew it was a joke, was shocked people would pay that much, but cashed the checks laughing his ass off. He was just that kind of guy - and he didn't care about the implications of what was going on, with the rise of the "art intelligentsia" and the destruction of the art world.

Warhol was the first successful, intentional fraud. Grats. You chose the worst one.

Eh. Someone has to do the research, cataloging and restoration. You can't make any decent money without a doctorate.

don't you think self destruction is good here? modern art destroyed not only the old, but itself
something meaningful will arise from the ashes

also I like ryan trecartin and Sup Forums likes million dollar extreme and Sup Forums likes death grips so

is on to something here

The 60's is when the wheels came off for good.

The 70's is when the gays and alternative types took over.

The 80's is when rich New Yorkers monetized it.

It's been all downhill since.

I'm personally a fan of early American wilderness paintings of all kinds.

You're so full of shit, you must slosh if you take a corner too fast.

It's literally the Emperor's New Clothes. There's no difference between me spilling a tin of paint on a canvas and Jackson Pollock doing the same (if he was still alive) except about $300m and one of our names echoing.

It's very literally and very unironically a Jewish scam.

Modern art is a fraud. And you've drunk a large barrel of that Koolaid.

Pollack isn't really Modern, Abstract Expressionism is the line between Modernism and Postmodernism.

>Only realism can be good art.
Liberals love to wallow in the filth of the everyday. They call it "gritty", "unfiltered", or simply "sensual". Witness the "Impressionists" whose only concern was the portrayal of absinthe drinkers and whores.

True art is the representation of an ideal; an aspiration towards greatness.

Its an abtract type of judaism

Modern art is a money-laundering scheme - just an easy way to lock up millions of dollars in an asset that other dodgy fucks will agree to pay a similar price for. Nobody buying these things for exorbitant prices actually gives a shit about the "art".

i like absinthe and whores

Is this an FLCL reference?

No, I don't think it's good, when the destination is rubble. They're not allowing anything to rise from it - they are stuck in the rubble, insist that it's where art belongs, and nowhere else. We can't even create subjective, figurative art alongside it, it's only what THEY approve, and nothing else, and these days, sex, political and soicoeconomics are used to judge, and not talent. If you're a gay woman, you can be a star in the art world doing finger paintings. If you're a straight white male doing traditional art, even going into impressionism or surrealism or any other school, you're rejected, without any looks at your work. Your gender is more important than the work.

So no, deconstruction is not good, when there's no intent or effort to rebuild, and the rubble is whitewashed with gender politics.

Most modern art is complete dogshit in terms of creativity, simply created for monetary gain;nothing else. True art is not that, true art comes from the soul, art is what you wish at the end of the day; this includes modern art. Though, point being most is garbage, but some has artistic value. Very hard to come across though, it's like finding a needle in a haystack; the modern art market has been flooded with literal shit. Sift through it, find something beautiful, and don't let the ridiculousness of a few ruin the entire category of modern art, Nigger

You seem to think I'm an advocate of relativism. Perhaps you are a relativist and shirk away from the parallel. Edgy Internet atheists can never see further than two inches in front of their noses and consequently believe they are the measure of all things.

Modern art is relativism.

True art is idealism

Eh, I gave up on the labels the snobs have manufactured. It's all shit. Everything after Picasso is just shit. "Post modern abstract something something", fuck you, it;s juts more liberal pigeonholing.


it won't be like that forever.

i mean fuck, you're here, you've witnessed a change in power structures first hand

you really think the art world is immune?

No, fucktard, Impressionism was not about painting "absinthe drinkers and whores". You've fundamentally misunderstood the entire movement. Bravo. It takes real stupidity to do that.

Impressionism is about light, and color. The subject is less important than the mood, the -wait for it - impression of the scene.

That's why Monet painted hundreds of paintings of the same scene, of a haystack - because the light and color changes every minute of every day.

Now go away, kid. Adults are talking.

For each view, a leaf shall fall. Watch it faggots.

Ah, yes. The neckbeard is here.

Fuck off, neckbeard.

It's not immune, no. I'm sure it will change. It's also possible it could disapear, and revived a hundred years from now. Anything is possible.

It's just depressing that I live in a world where art is negative, ugly, pointless. I'm an artist. It's who I am, and have been since the first time I picked up a crayon. I can't stop being one. I can do other things to make a living, but I'll always paint, or draw. And it kills me that art is about ugly, when I know it can be something much better. Much, much better. But like most things liberals touch, it's now a cesspool of politics, personal self indulgence, and fraud.

It's art. How can you fuck up art? Even cavemen did it. But they managed to fuck it up.

modern art makes people emotionally...erect.

Sort of, if we are going by OP's picture then you have it backwards. jackson pollock wanted the viewer to appreciate the formal qualities of his artwork, so the use of colors and shapes. He even went so far as to stop giving his works unique names and just started numbering them. If anyone ever thinks they know art and starts trying to tell you about feelings and symbolism with a pollock painting, you should ignore everything that comes out of their mouth.

>Human psychology finds patterns and meaning in stuff. Sometime it overshoots and ascribes meaning to meaningless stuff. That's modern art.

This is actually one of the things that later lead to postmodernism.

he's literally agreeing with you you fucking retard

Went to my notational art gallery on a whim during a free admission period. Saw this gem as well as a bunch of others like it. There was a class or something in the room admiring the (((art))) while I couldn't contain my laughter and was taking pics. Got a number of death stares for it

Don't care. he's a neckbeard.

Y'all niggas need Roger Scruton.

>literally makes you think type of art
>rly makes u think

why has nobody pointed out that modern art is the worlds best money laundering scheme?

They have multiple times.