Defend Trump's cabinet without memes
Defend Trump's cabinet without memes
Trump's whole existence is a meme, it's not possible to defend him without them.
why does rich = swamp
So you're trying to say people who know how to make money aren't good for what is essentially a massive business?
Because niggas desperate to talk shit after being utterly BTFO across all levels of govt.
you forgot the
>pro tip: you can't.
If Trump does well that is fine but if he does badly that is also fine. As disciples of Kek we live for Chaos
>why does rich = swamp
Why is the sky blue?
>So you're trying to say people who know how to make money aren't good for what is essentially a massive business?
US government isn't a massive business. Public sector is always at war with private interests.
Manages a budget, manages the personnel that work for it, seeks to find ways to earn more to spend on special projects.
>defending the advisors of someone who I have no personal ties to
>a foreign leader at that
Why would I waste what precious time I have on this planet defending his cabinet choices. Why would any of you do that? It's not our job to defend his decision.
I might as well defend the choice of administrative staff hires for the 2016-2017 school year at a random high school in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
The main point is that Trump is ran by the jews
we're not leftist communists you stupid fuck. rich doesn't automatically = corrupt.
drain the (liberal) swamp
guy is a marxist shill from leftypol who spams the same thread every few hours. sage and move on.
From the very beginning he said he will put people from the private sector into his cabinet and use them to bargain with foreign countries instead of some limp-dicked bureaucrat. No, he wasn't going to pick your best friend Cletus the Janitor to be the Secretary of State, he is going to pick rich and powerful people to place into positions of power instead of losers like John Kerry.
These people will obviously have ties to powerful people (a boon when negotiating with foreign powers) and stating that they have a lot of money means absolutely fucking nothing unless you are a retarded Socialist.
>oh but these people will just bend laws to suit their companies
What did you think bureaucrats did for cash? At least they provide services unlike career politicians that get paid tax payer money to solicit brib-donations to get arms deals.
Not 1 spot was bought imo, and his picks are from his peer group
Why? All he is is memes. He was never going to actually do any of the things he said and you're a reddit tier cockbag if you actually thought he would
I was pleasantly surprised by Trumps picks. Was expecting to see a lot of career politicians like Rudy, Christie, and Gingrich but got mostly non-politicians. I have yet to see one of these threads where the person complaining has any suggestions.
haha woah I found a connection between a corporation and wealthy successful people, must mean they're corrupt xD
I'm sorry but anyone who's opinion is worth listening to is going to own some shares or have been on the board of a major company.
>implying a government budget functions anything like a business
Are you 10?
>haha woah I found a connection between a corporation and wealthy successful people, must mean they're corrupt xD
Yes because clearly you would have said the same about Clinton if she was president.
Most of the corporate interests in the OP publicly came out against Trump in one way or another. I mean the idea that Goldman Sachs was for Trump, rather than Hillary, because he appointed a guy who used to work there in 2002 (literally 15 years ago) is just silly.
>Most of the corporate interests in the OP publicly came out against Trump in one way or another.
Oh sure they did. *wink wink
No they didn't, that's why when the fraud/show ended on November 8, they all lined up behind him AND THE FUCKING APPOINTED THOSE RICH KIKES YOU STORMFAGGOTS CLAIMED TO OPPOSE
>US government isn't a massive business.
how fucking retarded can you burgers get holy jesus
usa is the literal embodiment of business
>Calls people stormfaggots while calling jews kikes
You are on too many layers of cognitive dissonance. It's time to stop drinking the socialist koolaid.