How do I become a Catholic?

I was baptized Catholic when I was a baby, but my family became protestant by the time I started school. I basically attended protestant school until I started high school and transferred to a Catholic high school. At that point in my life I didn't really care about religion and was your typical fedorabro. Now im a few years out of high school, and have seen the light. How does one go about becoming a catholic?

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u circumcise your penis

Fuera judío sucio.

You already are, my negro. You can be baptised once, for life. Even if you leave the church to become a buddhist, you are still baptised, and still are (catholic) christian.

Go to any old parish and ask the priest about RCIA and explain your situation. Then you will be a normal Catholic.

Or go to a traditional parish and ask the priest about confirmation classes and explain your situation. This will take longer but you get to be an autistic Latin mass Catholic like me. (Spoiler: they're the exact same and you should just do RCIA and study on your own.)

become a member of the knights templar

sounds a bit too much like "once saved always saved" the way your saying it but yes they would not baptize you again, just start going to a church.

U already are get a communion and confirmation and then you're good

He's not wrong, but yeah, baptism isn't a get into heaven free card, and nothing beats being in full communion with the Church.

Go to mass on Sunday.

Have you received first communion or been confirmed?

read he catechism here

Bible here

Roman Catholic Encyclopedia here

You are not wrong. But I was not implying that you are saved just by being baptised. Faith, hope, charity and all the work that is asociated with them, the practice of virtues, and then, going to church and participating in the mysteries (confession and Eucharist frequently, especially the second) ... All very important.

Pray daily

If you don't know the words learn the Our Father and Hail Mary as a start.

Talk to a priest about preparation to receive first communion and confirmation

Also OP, do not receive communion until you've gone to confession!

>Go to any old parish and ask the priest about RCIA and explain your situation. Then you will be a normal Catholic.

This is the answer to your question, friendo.

>>Go to any old parish and ask the priest about RCIA and explain your situation. Then you will be a normal Catholic.
>This is the answer to your question, friendo.

yes do talk with a Priest but this answer is not correct, preparation for confirmation and first communion is strongly advised.

>something bad happens to me
>I made a bad decision
>pray to god a lot for help in that I saw the error of my ways and want redemption to correct them
>stop fapping for a week and a half because its sinful
>tell him I want to be a better person and follow his teachings
>keep praying and having hope
>found out something today that destroyed me about what problem

I dont fucking care anymore

That's exactly what RCIA is.

If you were baptized catholic, you go to your local parish and go to confession. You'll be absolved and back in a state of grace.

You'll need to attend confirmation classes probably.

Just start going to a Catholic church, get a rosary, and start doing the Sign of the Cross

Baptism is not a ticket to heaven, it's getting dropped off at the airport. You have to go get the ticket yourself though faithfulness to the way of Christ.

>I dont fucking care anymore

Either way it is up to you.

Your choice.

The Roman Catholic church is not some cult.

It's been a vital part of my life.

Your choice.

And don't forget to talk to the priest and tell him that you are only baptized, doing the other sacraments shouldn't be too hard

>The Roman Catholic church is not some cult.

I wasnt saying it was.
I just asked for help and I did not receive any.

Catholics are niggers. Become a Protestant or KYS

>protestant charity

Not enough faith lmao.

If the Crusaders had the same mindset as you, Europe would have become New Arabia millennia ago.

>Catholics are niggers. Become a Protestant or KYS

Protestants are like that. It one o the main reasons I have never considered low church Protestantism.

Each parish has RCIA classes, which are basically Intro to Catholicism classes that are once a week and you can ask as much as you like. They can work you through everything.

Beyond that, people on Catholic Generals and Christian Generals can assist you.
God bless

Protestants are like the lefties of Christianity. Literal cancer.

>>The Roman Catholic church is not some cult.
>I wasnt saying it was.
>I just asked for help and I did not receive any.

Maybe if you were closer to God you would get it and he gave you the answer, which was to complete what started when you were baptized.

Anyway user best wishes and I hope whatever is troubling you sorts out.

>The spread of these anti-virus threads online
Hope things go better for you and for Sup Forums

Rare flag!

You need to go through Confirmation.

Only then can you be officially part of the Dankest Church in human history.

First, don't fall for "le Orthodox meme". It's a Judaic national sect.

Second. Seek a Traditional Catholic Fraternity. I'd recommend The Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI).

You're already baptized. Now you need a general Confession of all your sins.

why is there a hairy old granddad paddy browsing Sup Forums?

Any Christian church is fine... I can already see Shlomo is in here trying to start shit between protestants and catholics...

dont let yourself be jewed.

>How does one go about becoming a [evangelic religion]?
You ask a catholic. It is their duty con help convert you.

Read about sedevacantism and do not fall for the Second Vatican Council.

i think you just need to molest a few children and stifle scientific progress for a few hundred years
good luck, user

Did you got your First Communion yet? I think you can do that and the confirmation in one ceremony. Walk in a Curch, talk to a priest and explain your situation.

But as others anons said, if you were baptized you ARE a Catholic already.

This. But don't convert to Orthomemeism.

You have taken a step towards God. Life has thrown an obstacle towards you, and you are about to take half a step back. Just keep going. I'm in the same shoes as you, but my worldview and attitude is changing slowly and steadily.

Question, I was baptized and raised catholic, but went through a fedora phase and never got confirmed. Do I need to get confirmed or is it just a formality?

You're already baptized.

You're fine.

You need to confess if you want to receive Communion. But you don't NEED to Confirm, although it is highly recommended. For instance you CAN'T get married in the Church unless you are Confirmed.

>calls someone else a nigger

>then threatens them with violence

Who is the nigger again, nigger?

Welcome home to the faith, friend! If you haven't received the sacraments of First Communion or Confirmation, find a Priest to talk with about completing these. I would recommend going to a Church with the Tridentine Latin Mass, where you'll most easily find authentic Catholicism. Know that I and other Catholic Sup Forumsacks will be keeping you in our prayers.