I thought skin color determined race, kek

I thought skin color determined race, kek

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Genes do OP, GENES

Turks are the only """non-whites""" (according to Sup Forums) that are actually white. I had 3 children with my Turkish wife and they all have light brown hair and green/blue eyes. Only divide and conquer Jews say Turkish people aren't white.

>putting roaches with us proud Afghanis and Iranians

Some are completely white and others aren't.
They're superior to both...
Only north Indians are Caucasian.

>Pakistan, India being that white.

Holy shit kill yourself

I don't think its that far off.

so pretty

>I thought skin color determined race, kek
If skin color determined race then I'm white only during the winter and become nonwhite in the summer when I get tanned.

>>Pakistan, India being that white.

In some Regions, high percentage of R1A Haplogroup.

North India Especially.

it's the whole that does
"caucasoids" are basically just west Eurasians which by geographical proximity and ancient racemixing ended up being closer
but there's lots of variance, especially when you have """caucasoids""" like Horners who in fact are just about 50% west Eurasian and 50% nigger-like

Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man's genetic lineage the notion that a man's intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry. Which means, in practice, that a man is to be judged, not by his own character and actions, but by the characters and actions of a collective of ancestors.

Racism claims that the content of a man's mind (not his cognitive apparatus, but its content) is inherited; that a man's convictions, values and character are determined before he is born, by physical factors beyond his control. This is the caveman's version of the doctrine of innate ideas or of inherited knowledge which has been thoroughly refuted by philosophy and science. Racism is a doctrine of, by and for brutes. Niggers. It is a barnyard or stock-farm version of collectivism, appropriate to a mentality that differentiates between various breeds of animals, but not between animals and men.

Like every form of determinism, racism invalidates the specific attribute which distinguishes man from all other living species: his rational faculty. Racism negates two aspects of man's life: reason and choice, or mind and morality, replacing them with chemical predestination.

tfw primitive collectivist mentality grants an individual a higher likelihood of passing on their genes than a humanistic mentality

cucks gonna cuck

Horners are 100% ayy lmao

biological racism is just the first basic step
there should absolutely be a higher level of racism based on shared mental and spiritual character, it shouldn't stop to biology
a racially pure degenerate is to be purged just as any biologically unrelated foreigner

Which genes? Point them out for me.

Third one from right and the one behind it.

Turkey is a mongrel state, many "turks" are actually greeks, wheras many others are actually central asian tartars or turkmen, and yet more are persian, or kurdish

There are different definitions,

I tend to agree with your pic, Caucasoids vs Negroids, vs Mongoloids.

The skin color and hair color are shorter adaptations to climate more than race.

The issue with Arabs and Paki's isnt racial like with the blacks, its because of Islam.

Actually it would be more appropriate to talk about colorism rather than racism.
With horse/dogs we discriminate by body proportions with sport horses having longer and slender legs than draft horses for example.


>me to lazy to spend an hour to collect all the data and post it in an manner that you and could undertsand.

more like alleles do
we share genes but some alleles are more frequent among a group rather than another

for instance, a mutation in the SLC24A5 gene is one of the main ones associated with depigmentation in Europeans, along other ones

with computers we can look for all the single mutations in two or more whole genomes and by collecting many see if they form groups, and they certainly do

Ok... but less than 1% of alleles are restricted by geographic region, and there is no clustering of allele frequencies between human populations.

Shaun King is 100% sub saharan African

>there is no clustering of allele frequencies between human populations
there is when you consider multiple loci, don't go Lewontin on me

There are many different definitions of race. Skin color or skull structure or linguistical groups, etc.

Are you dumb? We can sequence entire genomes and measure all mutations on all genes. We've been doing it for decades.

>only North Indians are Caucasian


>be Argentinan
>"can I be white"
>"I didn't want to be white anyway, fucking racists"

yes, and? many people still don't get the message
structure clearly forms when you don't stop at few locations

No, it doesn't. But you can believe whatever you want. If you care so much about this topic I suggest you educate yourself on it before you go around trying to make claims. The moment you said lewontin's fallacy I knew you were retarded.

not an argument

That Polish proxy isn't fooling anyone Hans.

Get back to work or I'll tell the managers at the refugee shelter you've been slacking. Just remember 'Arbeit macht Frei.'

Science is not about arguing on Sup Forums.. it's about data.


>the notion that a man's intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry


Oh? random picture with no labels or source?

I'll just give you these












If you're going to try to post the 2007 Witherspoon paper again without reading, because I know you wouldn't have the mental capacity to understand it, at least read the last few paragraphs of the conclusion.

Because racial terms are social constructed. What is white actually? Irishmen or Greek weren't even called white 200 years ago. Are Spaniard white while many Asians are actually paler than them?

>New genetic data has enabled scientists to re-examine the relationship between human genetic variation and 'race'. We review the results of genetic analyses that show that human genetic variation is geographically structured, in accord with historical patterns of gene flow and genetic drift. Analysis of many loci now yields reasonably accurate estimates of genetic similarity among individuals, rather than populations. Clustering of individuals is correlated with geographic origin or ancestry. These clusters are also correlated with some traditional concepts of race, but the correlations are imperfect because genetic variation tends to be distributed in a continuous, overlapping fashion among populations. Therefore, ancestry, or even race, may in some cases prove useful in the biomedical setting, but direct assessment of disease-related genetic variation will ultimately yield more accurate and beneficial information.
nothing contradictory here
nice to see you are unable to argue your points yourself

source is in the filename but you are clearly too dumb and butthurt for a quick google

desu thats how i imagine every murkan poster who says something about ancestry

What about north africa, morocco algeria and such?

'correlation with ancestry' does not imply genetic differences. You can aggrigate lots of small differences in frequencies to form correlations between groups (which is why you need tons of loci in this method), but those small differences in frequencies does not equal a large difference or clustering. That's how the Witherspoon data works.

Some Turks are actually white because they took sex slaves back in the day from white countries.

Ironically, it probably helped improve the average IQ of the ruling class in Turkey.

I know there is some hope in Sup Forums and very proud that this comes form my compatriot.

>You can aggrigate lots of small differences in frequencies to form correlations between groups
>but those small differences in frequencies does not equal a clustering
except they do, as my pic shows

"large" is a very relative term, I doubt those differences are much larger for dogs or any other species for which we freely talk of races

The term Caucasian was actually terms because the person that made up the racial categories though people in the lower Caucus mountains (what is not Georgia, Armenia, and Turkey) were the embodiment of "whiteness"

What's up with Argentinians trying to strike serious discussions on pol today?

They push white because they are all mutts of various Caucasian ethnicity's.

Also Ayy lmao are white stock

Strange i thought niggers were the original people but everybody is having caucasian skulls.

Thousands of small differences of less than 1% does not mean two things are more than 1% different. That's the easiest way I can explain it your simple mind.

1% can be huge or small depending on the context
in this biological context, it can be huge and enough to talk about races
that's how I can explain it to a butthurt ""mind""

>educate yourself
He is pretty clearly educated, he correctly identified a known allele grouping and didn't resort to condescension

You are clearly in the wrong place, nigger/jew

Stop being autistic and changing the topic. We already had a context. There is virtually no clustering of allele frequencies between races. That is the reality. You can measure that. If you don't believe it, learn to do the experiments yourself and do them yourself.

>There is virtually no clustering of allele frequencies between races. That is the reality.
nope, see pretty sure even your first article you posted contradicts you

I'm pretty sure you can't read or just refuse to because it will hurt your feelings.

how ironic, amazing

Aren't we always been? Quality post is our priority.

Yep I guess I was wrong! Your picture and your misquoting of scientific research really proved me wrong. You should try to submit all your dumb misinterpreted stormfront infographs to Nature and claim your nobel prize for disproving everything we know about human genetics.


your irony won't save you from having 0 counterarguments and getting BTFO

my source is also from nature

well done.

I got my eyes on you.

Preach brother. Death to racists.

Except that it is true considering we today are a product of yearhundreds of natural selection in which those who were smarter outbreed those who weren't and their knowlegde is therefore inheritable. If this didn't occur we wouldn't be smarter than a Neanderthal.
Turks are Scythians, who were Iranians that settled Central Asia and later assimilated by Mongoloid Turkic peoples similar to Yakuts. That's why Azeris, Turks and Usbeks look so Iranian.

>Racism claims that the content of a man's mind (not his cognitive apparatus, but its content) is inherited

Intelligence is mostly genetic.

This isn't some lofty, blustering moral prose but a statement of scientific fact.

Indian isn't a single country. India is two countries: a 450 million, rich, educated, and fairly functioning one, and a shithole where people literally shit in the street, can barely count with their hands, and are just out right terrible composed of 800 million poor soul which would be better off dead.

This isn't like the Chinese, who just have more or less wealthy Chinese and are all rotten to their pragmatic core. These two India's are whole incompatible and it takes little time to notice they rarely, if ever, interact with each other other than the former having to farm votes from the latter despite the afformentioned complete retardedness of it.

India would become a superpower overnight if it just mobilized those 800 million and send them to March up the himalayas and down until they hit Beijing, hopefully all of them dying in the process.

You guys realize race won't matter in fifty years right

Yes right now it is extremely important to maintain borders/language/culture but with this rapid advancement of technology it will soon become irrelevant and culture will be what people identify more with

It's already happening

Read this

>massive essays

If you're getting at technology (like gene coding or designer babies and the like) I can say you're on the money, but we wont get there at this rate.

We'll turn into planet of the apes shortly before the finish line and it'll all go to shit.


>and a shithole where people literally shit in the street, can barely count with their hands, and are just out right terrible composed of 800 million poor soul which would be better off dead.

And by that you mean the north right?


>I'm a river nigger

You don't have to read all of it just the preface is what I was referring to

>that nose



I LOVE the "Is race real?" question, it's ASSHOLE retarded....Really....even a blind man knows when he hears a nigger


master race

No. Turks are Anatolian peoples - basically Neolithic Farmer with Arabic and a tiny bit of East Asian admixture. Don't make my autism explode.

You're confusing racism with racial hatred.

southern yuro should be tanner imo

>horn of africa
>that pic
Yeah, no.

Master race


Nah, the man isn't judged because of his ancestors accomplishments, he is held to their standard. That's why the accomplishments of Newton fuel even more achievement in Europe, for people to build upon his greatness. His legacy is the legacy of his people.

It's basically asking everybody to cheer for all soccer teams equally, and not to be proud of having Maradona or Pele because we should all just be selfish and never admire success/seek to emulate it to make a name for our people, just as the forefathers had done.

I agree, you basically broke down the concept of racism.

Racism is slowly dying, I think. What sucks is that there are other ideologies that are just as bad as racism. Discrimination over arbitrary factors of a person are bad in general, it's just a lazy way to think.
What needs to happen is different groups of people meet in person and discuss things, ask questions. But in a serious manner. Races and Nationalities are different in their own way, and we should seek understanding among each other. That way, society, technology and the like can advance.


Racism isn't only about socially constructed negative "images" assigned to certain race (with is also a product of social construction, temporal one). Racial hatred yes is part of racism.

Nah the actual way for it to become a superpower is to privatize everything, no more gibs or pensions or anything, government can only fund education, military, roads and infrastructure(anything that welcomes businesses to set up shop) while having very low taxes for companies that have their headquarters in India.

Then also having a ban on dropping out of school until a minimum level of education is ensured.

Those 800 million people can become a super workforce if they're properly mobilized, but the Indian government is pretty shit because muh democracy and subsidies.

Sieg Heil my brother, death to the false diversity and multiculturalism. And the Racist and pro Israel Sup Forums we sadly have today.