What happens here?
What happens here?
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Nothing, please stay out.
It's where the Doomsday Device is hidden.
Amerifat on holiday here
can confirm nothing happens in wyoming (more like why?-oming lol)
There is nothing in Wyoming. The Apocalypse Engine is something. Check Colorado. There might be something in Colorado.
What are you trying to hide?
Whoops, I think I might have leaked a little bit
Delete this
Delete this
Nuclear holocaust in a 500 warhead scenario
Category 1 Hurricane force winds.
Snow fall on the 4th of July
1 week of partying in the capital per year
Nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons everywhere
More cows than people
No nigger or spic problem.
Not a bad place minus the fuckin snow
t. born and raised
Indians and casino gambling. That's what Ive learned from Longmire
Super volcanos
>tfw in safe zone
feels good man
Cody's Buffalo Bill Museum is pretty cool.
I stayed there and Jackson during a trip to Yellowstone and the Tetons.
Feels good until the United States runs out of food grown in the midwest.
>explodes and takes out flyover states
wow it's fucking nothing
Less people want to live in rectangle land than alaska
>explodes and takes out trump voters
better than your Clinton voting shithole
Alaska represent, we're getting a liberal flood up here because we're so fucking great
>tfw in safe zone
>tfw Indiana still farms
I'd love to live there if I could stand the weather. The scenery is absolutely beautiful though.
I live in Washington and the winter is a bit too chilly sometimes for me.
I was born and raised here and I sweat buckets anywhere south of 60 latitude. Otherwise, frankly, I'd move to Wyoming
rural and suburban retards
>country starves
that would solve the lard ass issues in the south and on the coasts
kek where is that
Fuck off, we're full.
t. rural/suburban retard
no state income tax