Your right to have a gun is bullshit, and not for the reasons you normally hear.
a typical liberal argumant will be something along the lines of "you dont need guns its premitive in today's society" and i like you think this is wrong. But for some reason no one talks about the much better argument. That is your lame ass pathetic $3,000 AR-15 is no match for a AC-130 gunship. I dont care how "prepared" you think you are when the shit hits the fan and this thing comes to your town you will run hide or die. You wont fight because youll just find that you die quicker that way
If the right to bear arms was made so citizens could protect themselves from tyrannical governments then the 2nd amendment has usless for ~100 years. How on earth do you think your going to defend against APCs, tanks, drones, jet-fighters, bombers steath and otherwise, nukes, cruse missiles, heavy artillery, and battle ships. WITH A FUCKING LONG GUN AND 1000 ROUNDS OF 5.56???
Your right to bear arms is only keeping you safe from other people with guns NOT any government.
>If the right to bear arms was made so citizens could protect themselves from tyrannical governments then the 2nd amendment has usless for ~100 years. How on earth do you think your going to defend against APCs, tanks, drones, jet-fighters, bombers steath and otherwise, nukes, cruse missiles, heavy artillery, and battle ships. WITH A FUCKING LONG GUN AND 1000 ROUNDS OF 5.56???
maybe you should ask isis? they've been kicking obama's ass
Jace Robinson
this argument has been beaten to death already, think, you aren't supposed to defend against all those with small arms
oh and
Ryan Lewis
also on this point it's unlikely a totalitarian state will happen anyway, but the point is those civilian small arms are not meant to combat heavy equipment
Lincoln Jones
Our military cannot fight it's own population, the very people supporting it, and win. Planes and trains all run on gas and energy that WE make.
Xavier Sanchez
literally no reason to say anything else
Nolan Parker
Jose Clark
The persons motivation and conviction on either side of those weapons plays an important role in this scenario.
You know the full might of the US army got BTFO by some chink rice paddy farmers in the 70s and are currently getting BTFO by some goatfucking muslims with black market horseshit as weapons, right?
Adam Powell
explain isis and vietnam
Isaiah Harris
Honestly that's more because we're holding back very hard so as not to build a worse reputation with the rest of the world