Why are Oldfags so retarded?

Pic related
I always here about oldfags this and oldfags that and this board looks down on Newfags.
However if you look at history (pic related) oldfags spent their time doing fuck all on this board for a decade besides troll and raid children online games with nazi symbols.

Newfags are far superior and came on here barely a year ago and used their superiority to control the oldfags community into actually achieving substantial results and spreading our idiology to the outside world.

Sup Forums is a Newfags board now.. oldfags are irrelevant and now we are done with them need to migrate to plebbit where their shit tier posts belong.

if you have been here for more then a year you need to leave and stop shitting up this board , when ud newfags need to use you again we will make a post on plebbit asking you to return.

Other urls found in this thread:


When did you start going to four chins?

As a newfag, kys.

But don't you understand? Oldfags had a much better plan. By exposing children to Nazi symbols at a young age, they become tolerant to them. And now, we have redpilled a lot of people from gen z.

oldfags already migrated to whatever chans and Reddit.

oldfags are better because they're not melodramatic fucks like you

>looks at flag
checks out

> I always here about oldfags this and oldfags that
> here
> Aussie flag

Stopped reading. Sage


nah I really think that all of these shitshows are intended just for the lulz. This community supposed to be doing whatever chaos they can unleash just for their amusement. And that's where the beauty in it. Redditfags should not take this seriously

>just wanted to close pools due to aids
>still here a decade later

Where did the time go?
I made a mistake coming here.


There is no leaving leaf.

>trolling reddit liberals
> get told "go back to Sup Forums"
> what is Sup Forums

been here ever since fuck

Worst thing is most of this board has only been here for last year and a bit .. but everyone LARPing about being an oldfag.
There is a bunch of newfags jerking off to this post thinking their time has come.


so true...

Pic related gen Z ready to take previous gens out

>those who insult Sup Forums

OZ do you realize how few people were on the net then compared to now?

There's only so much you can do without an outlet for mass exposure.

Retards waxing nostalgic about how they thought Sup Forums WUZ ORGANIZED AND SHIEEET

>everyone LARRping to be oldfags

you're talking about Sup Forums

Newfag kangaroo humper cant even triforce.

>shitting on oldfags

Decent attempt m8 have a (you)

>Why are Mom and Dad so DUMB? They won't even let me do heroin! For fuck's sake it's THE CURRENT YEAR

This is who you sound like right now.

Also, nice job pretending that all the things we did are somehow the result of your effort. You really are a newfag.

kiss my Sup Forumsss and suck the Sup Forumsalls fag im an oldfag :^)

yea take the shit on your ancestors young jew

Everyone who joined after 2004 is a newfag. This has not changed.

Holy fuck it's been 10 years.

Wow was that really a decade ago?

Remember doing it for Steve Irwins death?

I think ironically pretending to be a newfag is a new oldfag meme.

It's like they want to pretend that they haven't wasted almost a third of their life on this website.

>tfw you've seen the Guy Fawkes mask be a mildly cool thing, then turning to pure cancer when normies got a hold on it
>tfw you've known Sup Forums before it was all noods and cuck porn
You really can never leave

>tfw you've known Sup Forums before it was all noods and cuck porn

So noods and futa? or noods and hentai. or noods and gore? What era we talking here?

>2001 was 20 years ago

Oldfags were more fun tho

I miss the lulz

And no, Trump brought the lulz this election cycle, not (you).

I like where this is going...

New fags don't know the joy that brings out in you when something old gets posted and you and only a couple of other guys in a thread.

A silent smile and a nod follows truly a warm feeling.

niggers tongue my anus

You're comparing Sup Forums to Sup Forums, instead of Sup Forums to /new/. /new/ was the nucleus of the racist happeningmonger culture that grew up in this place. Think more Syria general and Holohoax refutation, and less black cock, concern shilling, and overall shitposting.

Alas, I was on /new/ only briefly 'ere the end.

Old Sup Forums was a true force of chaos. As long as it was funny and didn't fuck with cats, anything was fair game.

Current Sup Forums is the degenerate normie cancer that this site was designed as a shelter from.

tl;dr: Sup Forums was never good, gtfo normies REEEEEEEEE

>tfw you've seen "epic" being used unironically

Oldfags like us are not dead nor retarded. We just moved on because the newfags killed the memes. A lot of us moved back for newer shitposting because this is the age where the newfags who pissed us off have grown into oldfags like us and we can shitpost in harmony.

there was way more gore than nudes about a decade ago

who died and made you boss? stfu you abo cunt

There was more CP than gore.

also we're talking about back when legit CP used to be posted

beat me to it, kek

Post back when I care

Report and move on.

Don't upset the oldfags
If you want a war then go to Sup Forums

>1 post by this ID

>1 post by this ID

>2 posts by this ID

Oldfags will always be better because it was just for the lulz.

No rhyme or reason. No ideology. Just senseless online chaos.

>2 posts by this ID

"Pool's closed."

>However if you look at history (pic related) oldfags spent their time doing fuck all on this board for a decade besides troll and raid children online games with nazi symbols.
Sup Forums's potential hadn't been fully realized yet.

Don't forget, for the first few years Sup Forums was around, it basically existed in a vacuum online. Shit like Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Youtube, etc either weren't around or were still VERY new. Social media wasn't a thing. Online news wasn't a thing. Memes didn't have the kind of power to penetrate into mainstream consciousness that they do today. And Sup Forums's pranks and shenanigans were, accordingly, much smaller scale than they are today.

We didn't become what we are overnight. It took the better part of a decade.

Checks out

>6 posts by this ID

All I want is a time machine so I can go back in time to 2006 and show my former self what would happen if I browsed Sup Forums.

I dunno, the chans needed to happen or else the entire fucking internet would have become Something Awful/tumblr/reddit and those famous Sup Forums green text stories would be our actual lives right now.

>yfw the entire resistance to batshit SJW Jewry used to be dudes laughing at nigger threads on Sup Forums a decade ago and these people will one day be in control of society.

As an oldfag I set the tone more than you understand. I know all the right people and places and how to manipulate. I use you as a repeater and you laugh at the ridiculous notion.

>I use you as a repeater

I hope you didn't start the fedora crap.

america was pretty fucking dope from the late 80's to about 2008. get the fuck back to Sup Forums

Been here since 2006. It's weird seeing the massive change over the years meme wise and overall general poster atittudes. It's become a lot more cynical

Trump election wasn't entirely dependent on Sup Forums, newfags really did nothing aside of bringing a bunch of redditor to pol, most of the oldfags are the creators of the viral content that was hallmark of the election era.

Use the better version

>tfw you bought a fawkes mask back during oldfag times and now you hate the stupid thing

You're here forever.

This. It might come back. It might be great again.

But probably not.

Also, I know some of you niggers out there are from &TotSE. Huff raid.

Haven't seen that one, happen to have the rake/leaf version?



I helped closed the pool

Good times. Sup Forums is a shadow of it's former self. It's not even comparable anymore

Get a load of this newfag. Newfaghing is a state of mind not a period of time.

>3 posts by this ID

Sounds like something a newfag would say

I think it really started to get cynical in 2007. It got almost unbearable when people kept spamming NEWFAG/GAIAFAG over and over.

It's equivalent to people spamming reddit nowadays.

It was a different time. I have one too, but it was from before the Chanology stuff.

>3 posts by this ID

We had to evolve bruh. Give us a break, we were all squirrely high schoolers back in 2006.

>4 posts by this ID

O ryly?

Wars and riots and much more O my.

Newfags will learn.

More global change has come from this site and other chans for the lulz than normies will ever know, or newfags. Murder and jails and chaos and presidents. See those trump post debate polls. For the lulz little one. Still for the lulz.


>4 posts by this ID


I miss the good ole days of Sup Forums. I looked there earlier and now it needs to be purged


s-shoe on head

where else would we go ?

Sup Forums is the crest of a cultural wave.
Sup Forums is basically replacing traditional right wing politics. it's absurd and amazing.


Biggest shill post I've seen in my life, also not Sup Forums related.

Report and sage.

>OZ do you realize how few people were on the net then compared to now?
>There's only so much you can do without an outlet for mass exposure.

How little you know.

hes talking about you faggot

>Time Magazine Person of the Year
>Trolling Police to Raid rando on live TV, While being called Hacker known as Sup Forums
>Rick Rolling
>Literally trolling Tumblr to Death in the first great war of Sup Forums vs the Internet

>You believing we had shit to do with the Election when it was all Wikileaks, Twitter Conservative Normies, and Fox News.

We possible contributed 5 - 10% to the Election of Trump... Come again Newfag

Nah nigga, you don't get it. It was never about making change or redpilling normies, it was about the lulz. It's when fuckin' retards came and tried to make the lulz about doing good that this site turned to fucking cancer.

Chanology and Boxxy fuckin killed Sup Forums for awhile. Shit I only participated in the Trump memes because it's fucking hilarious, who gives a shit about muh race, muh immigrants. It's all about the funnies. Always has been, always will.

>5 posts by this ID

oldfags were the fucking vanguard in what happened in 2016, if the oldfags had left you niggers would still be raiding habbo hotel - but we stayed and evolved.

that was not the first post on Sup Forums

Don't mention that cunt face whore. Don't


Did not start here. Did not. Not while it was funny anyhow. 711 from newsgroups.

all started when i saw the boxxy video...
sucked me right into this shit tank, once i realized there was no way out and got used to the smell, i realized there were more people in this shithole, and they were alot like me.

Go back to bed Hal!

>all started when i saw the boxxy video...


The epilepsy raid.


I actually bursted into laughter. Thank you.

>thinks Sup Forums ever accomplished anything

Get your head out of your arse kiddo



"oldfags" have been on the chon for possibly 14 years now.

I game here in 06. I'm 23. I'm probably the youngest oldfag. And if you think about this type of communication Sup Forums itself is relatively new. Usenet/BBSs/IRCs. There are older, older fags then me.


As if Sup Forums still has any oldfags.