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Nice job choosing russia as your proxy server, fag

Public education has got to go. You would know that if you werent pidorashka.

>Invested 200 million in Christian schools and organizations
>a bad thing


Our public schools are trash. "American Education" is not a meme. I hope she straightens it out.

>Supports for-profit education
Defend this.

No Sup Forums is into Christian extremists pushing their agenda and fallating the rich at the expense of the poor because they think SJWs oppose those things. They have no real beliefs, personalities or convictions of their own. Their entire identities are just reactions to a small minority of retards they like to fixate on.

You get what you pay for

Pretty much.
Your current education system is only good for the trash can : putting in charge someone that has no idea what is "the right thing to do" can actually be a massive improvement.

So liberals are pissed off because... no, I genuinely have no idea why. Who gives a shit if she never went to public school?

All of that sounds great except for maybe the last one. Public education here is absolutely fucked. The DE should be abolished. Useless waste of resources.

>Projecting this hard

lol your country is about to be dumb as fuck. you're gonna need a shit ton of dirty brown migrants for your tech industry if you continue down this path. seriously cannot wait to watch america fall deeper and deeper into the shit-can.

>except for maybe the last one.
That line is spin for the fact she support vouchers. Most people that love their children do, but the public education sector considers it the blackest sin.

I know you're a fucking sparkly credit card, therefore I shouldn't take you seriously at all, but I'll be honest with you: With every single public school I went to, it was pure, pure degeneracy as far as the eye could see. Especially the middle schools. You can use the "muh puberty" excuse and shit all you want, but it as well as the high schools have gotten significantly worse, after the Obaboon took control. It's just degeneracy central which is why our kids grow up to be the monsters they are now. Our public schools are fucked in the worst way.

I would much rather someone with lack of experience than dirty mooslimes being secretary of fucking everything. Hillary would have killed us all by installing Sharia Law into everything.



desu homeschooling is probably the best way to educate children, its really just a shame the system is not utilizing schools for their potential. people can do the majority of their education in home, use schools as learning centers.

I agree with her on everything

t. former Catholic school student

She also got a lot of her money from daddy, cofounder of Amway (the cultlike pyramid scheme).

Is it too hard to do a quick search for these things?

>no education degree
She seems a lot smarter than most "educated" people it seems

Also funny how it's always non-americans making these threads

>chairperson of the Foundation of Education Excellence

>lead contributor for Alliance for School Choice

>Bachelors degree in Business Administration


Public schools are awful, I can always tell which peons I interact with went to public school.

>Literally anyone including SJWs can edit articles there
I bet you used Wikipedia in all your high school essays too.

Awesome way to make your children socially retarded and eventually shitpost all day on a Pakistani jewelry making website.

There are plenty of ways for kids to be socially interactive if homeschooled. Sports, Church functions, charity work or even something like summer camp. The problem is that too many of the parents of home schooled kids have a screw loose themselves or don't understand that kids do need to be with other kids.

>relying on the current public school system to properly educate your child

I love the fact that every single person Trump has appointed hates the department that they are running.

Because of the Teacher's Union, which votes liberal almost unanimously.

Yeah. Because the voucher system totally isn't a better way to publicly fund good schools, while starve bad ones.

Look like a great choice to me. The education system IS shit, and it DOES need to be dismantled and remade from the ground up; someone with the system's current interests in heart would never do that.
not an argument
>no education degree
I have a master's degree in Information Technology and am jobless after nearly a decade of searching before finally giving up, degrees are worthless in today's society unless you go for mathematics or political/business
>no teaching experience or experience in school environment, never attended public school or put kids through public school
all very good things
>does not believe in or support public education
are there actual proponents of public schools? seriously, they are the shit of the shit
>public school teachers are overpaid
this is the only thing I disagree with, for having to put up with minorities and niggers all day and keeping them from taking to the streets and forming preteen gangs they should be given medals for their service; not for educating them, but simply for keeping them busy
>muh for profits are bad
fuck off
>invested in christian stuff
wow what a degenerate

>Oh boy dem SJW's editing articles.
>I bet her father was actually a rice farmer from zimbabwe.
>They won't fool me!

This is you.

On the bright side: she's a gilf.

Some teachers literally make it a point to edit wikipedia articles relevant to what they are currently assigning, if you think people don't knowingly deface wikipedia you are living in a fool's paradise.

So so much this. This is exactly what I wanted and what we need.

Who cares? We meme'd him into office and we can easily meme him out of office if he steps out of line.

I just want the US to have stronger ties to Israel and Donald Trump seems to be the best way to do that.

>tfw everything on the list makes me like her

>not an argument

Yet you can't really deny it stands in stark contrast when a bunch of big business moguls & others that got their money from pops getting their positions after generous donations stands in stark contrast to his messages that he would drain the swamp, crack down on lobbying, etc.

You got conned but the cognitive dissonance runs deep I see.

>I have a master's degree in Information Technology and am jobless after nearly a decade of searching before finally giving up, degrees are worthless in today's society unless you go for mathematics or political/business

It might have something to do with your autism.

And how is that relevant here you retard?
Are you honestly doubting who her father & father in law are?

Sounds good to me.

"Drain" "the" "Swamp".

>Sup Forums suddenly supports public education

Yes, good goy. State-funded gender studies degrees are the only way we can truly educate our people.

For profits are mostly scams.

Inheriting a ton of money, even in the cases where it actually happened, is not what you are thinking it is; if a nigger inherited a billion dollars, he would be broke again inside a decade and probably actually worse off than before because his new spending habit would be ingrained into his monkey brain, he would likely kill himself after running out of the money.
Holding on to money, even inherited money, is not as easy for most people as you make it seem, it seems like common sense to not buy 10 mansions that you will never use, but common sense is no longer all that common. Inherited money does not magically make you a smart investor, in fact, since you didn't actually earn it, it's more likely to be squandered than money you earned for yourself.

[source]? What % is "mostly"?

your links to sources don't seem to work

They have tests you know. There's ways of measuring the quality of education at private schools and they also score higher than public school students.

Public school needs to be abolished.
It's an indoctrination camp.

If you are such a shitty parent that you don't raise your kids right, and can't be fucked to spend $100 a week on a tutor, then fuck you.

Abolishing public schools will keep women at home raising kids where they belong. If you despise sluts, faggots and coal burners, support the ban on public schools.

Homeschooling is best.

Don't let the (((democrats))) tell you otherwise.

I was homeschooled for my last two years of high school. Aside from the crippling loneliness I was #LivingTheDream.

I hate this meme word. They are federal schools.

well, there is one problem with it that you can't get around; while with a decent parent the education is far superior to any school, without the exposure to other kids they will never be exposed to bacteria or viruses, when they get out into the real world they will constantly be under the weather because they didn't build up their immunities early in life when their body is much more able to heal itself.

He means with education. But yeah fuck that. And if we make schooling into only abusiness that won't really change much except we won't be charged taxes and schools won't be federal government indoctrination camps.

Sounds like if you were lonely after going to school for two years and still had no friends that the problem wasn't with the school but your autistic ass.

>the problem wasn't with the school but your autistic ass
It totally was but I need someone else to blame by default. Like Democraps and Russia.

>federal schools
>state funded
Public school education, detected.

>States and localities are the primary sources of K-12 education funding and always have been.

>In the 2004-05 school year, 83 cents out of every dollar spent on education is estimated to come from the state and local levels (45.6 percent from state funds and 37.1 percent from local governments). The federal government's share is 8.3 percent. The remaining 8.9 percent is from private sources, primarily for private schools. [ * * ] This division of support remains consistent with our nation's historic reliance on local control of schools.

>Christianity will be taught in school once again
I don't see the downside