How the fuck did Dubai go from virtually nothing to this in 30 years?


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80% foreigners population

Wahhabism > Secularism
Secular Muslims end up killing each other and end up with dictators and warlords.
A few big tyrants is far better than many little assholes

Oil money

money, how surprising

why only 3rd post mentions oil


My father was college roommates with the mastermind behind Dubai at temple.

He's still a great family friend.

His idea was to turn Dubai into a tax free trading port. It worked out pretty gud

Dubai hasn't any.

Slave labor.

Dubai is built entirely on slave labor and oil money.

Foreign countries paying their taxes to get oil

>virtually nothing
>one of most disputed cities by colonizers

It's proof of god's favour

when shitskins win the lottery they will spend the money on shiny objects

The correct answer

The Middle East should make Homosexual Executions into a Tourist attraction. Fly there and drop a fag of a rooftop!

cant wait till the west can move on without oil, arabs will go extinct, and dubai will be nothing more than a madmax country


this country is smaller than Moscow.. that's the answer

The real reason Dubai keeps building shit is because Iranians, Indians, Egyptians and the like use their real estate market to launder dirty money.

I hope anglo''''canada'''''''' won't exist


More like Spec Ops: The Line.

White people

Oil, and because of it (or their lack of it) the place will likely be back to nothing in 30years

It doesn't work like that. What they built wont disappear and Dubai isn't even dependant on OIl. That's Abu Dhabi.

Why is the rest of the Emirates poor?

Have you played sim city with the money cheat ?

I mean an organic city is build with agracultural industrial and transport hubs connecting them.

The cheated cities are just high rise spam and landmarks spam.

Dubai is just that.


Slavery works.

slave labour and oil money. poo in loos got WAHHABI'D by saudi bulls and tricked into slave labour

Western money and Asian slave labor.


I lived in Dubai for two years. All of the ungrateful jobs are given to Pakistanese and Phillipine guys that get their passport confiscated legally by their boss. They earn around 1.500 dirhams a month (280$), which is nothing and they get to live in small rooms with other neo-slaves just like them

fucking canal

Dubai is a city of the UAE which is aiming to fill the role as the model for a fossil-fuel-independent economy for the Arab Persian Gulf countries when all the oil dries up.

Dubai used to contain stores of oil, but since drilling it all out has become barren. To compensate, funds are being heavily invested into infrastructure, tourism, finances, and (to a lesser extent, as it is more an economic focus in other countries of the gulf like Bahrain) transportion, such as air travel. The culture that is promoted is more tailored to less Islamic control, which also helps draw rich Middle Easterners to take a break off their conservative values and get some alcohol and chicks. Permanent infrastructure is greatly important, since artificial attractions such as the Burj Khalifa, Ferrari World, and assorted installations are the primary drawing points to bringing in attention and visitors, and is currently one of the most popular destinations in the Middle East.

Though not entirely the reason for the city's wealth, this cannot be ignored. A shocking thing for anyone studying the demographics of the Arab states around the Persian Gulf is the absolutely lopsided ratios of native Arabs to the imported, cheap, abused, and heavily exploited labor population, primarily drawn from India, Pakistan, etc.

Dubai is actually the answer, and reaction, to this very fear. It is hoped that when oil is no longer demanded, the Persian Guld will be able to move into a more permanent and sustainable economy based around tourism, finances, and transportation, like air travel, in order to retain relevancy. However, attempts at transitioning are impeded by native ruling classes resisting such policies for fear of a rising merchant class competing for power, and the region as a whole still relies HEAVILY on oil. Even Dubai isn't immune, and every now and then receives funds from the UAE government. Bahrain, a country which, as a whole, is almost completely depleted of natural fossil fuels and has made big efforts to transition its economy, STILL possess an economy in which petroleum takes up over 80% of its total industry and commerce.

The coming decades will certainly decide if the region can manage to make the jump and adapt, or fall flat.

Maybe Low skilled workers but trades men are bought in from all over the planet to work on builds in dubai. Money is good but health and safety is something that needs to be worked on.

Also that city is like that because of NEPALESE slave 'workers'

t. Oil shieks grandchild

I got something special here for you sand nigger.

UAE is not poor

Oil money and Slave Labor.

Like this is some ideal for a society. A bunch of ugly soulless badly designed buildings designed by chink architects,pollution,some arab nigger fantasy of an arab future build by slave labor from India and oil extortion. God i cannot wait for you motherfuckers to get whats coming to you. God damn arab scum.

oil and kafir money


>> Israel control the world.

>>while dubai expands way faster, and have some far more impressive cities.

>>while Saudi Arabia funds (along side with soros) immigration of Africans to Europe.


Every other post is redundant or retarded so /thread

Money laundering and because they share in the oil of their partners in the U.A.E, but mostly providing safe harbor for criminals, and laundering ill gotten money.

i think they have a small government which is relatable to the people it governs, so things can move quickly.

Oil and ONLY oil, dumbass.

money is the most important thing in the world, nothing else

Oil money and slave labor.

Lived there too, your math is wrong. They earn about 200$ which is 730 DHS a month, that's emaar, others even less.