My dog is dying Sup Forums

My dog is dying Sup Forums
when is it acceptable for a man to cry

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Break his/her neck, save your dog from going through more pain

when on drugs

I cant do it man
Hes only 3 years old, sausage dog
His back is proper fucked due to genetics.
I love the little guy so much, hes on drugs

Only in private

> A

when his dog is dying

A man is supposed to make his own path.
You should fucking decide when it's acceptable to cry.

You can cry when you want because a man doesn't excuse what he does.

Just be glad your old weiner didn't break his back taking a fat shit

if he's suffering take him to the vet and put him down, it's instant and they don't suffer

Or take him to the supervet or some other tv show faggot

now get a real child or gf

Omfg you have a 3 yr old dachsund who is dying from back problems? That's the saddest thing I've heard all week, stay strong buddy. Don't let him suffer too long if there's no cure or surgery available.

cry when you need to, aslong as noone see it

Cry all you want breh, sry about your dog.

rip doggo

Hes got a rare medical annomaly,
He was born with only 2 discs instead of the regular 10-12
Now he has 1
Hes basically fucked and hes such a good dog man, he loves to play and hates niggers/sandniggers(not even kidding) he goes ape shit on minorities when I walk him

Post cute doggo


> when is it acceptable for a man to cry

When you have to part way with your best friend. I feel you, man. I'm sorry.

When your dog dies, or out of happiness.

Only times I've cried since childhood.

What did he meme by this


Is it a teckel? Go to the right vet they can fix his back..

To elaborate, I didn't even cry when my dad died, and I got on ok with him. My dog dying really fucked me though, you'll be ok though, give it time.

>My dog is dying Sup Forums
>when is it acceptable for a man to cry

For a dogger dying, in private yes.

Much sympathy user.

Kiss him on the nose ._.

I have paid thousands man
Even the best doctors in Australia cant do shit
There is no surgery that would help him, hes like one of a million type of back fucked

Im 19 and my dog is 2 and I got him from the pound and sometimes when he looks me in the eyes I get afraid of the day he dies. Is it as bad as I'm anticipating, user?

>He was born with only 2 discs instead of the regular 10-12
>Now he has 1
sorry but you may have to put him down very soon, he must be in pain 24/7

There are surgeries to replace discs and fuse the vertebrae but it's usually done in 1 or 2 discs, not all of them. This is a very extreme case


My dad broke down when our first dog died.

Manliest man I know. It was weird. He didn't even cry when his mom died. I guess that was expected. The dog dying was not. I think the vet fucked up and gave him a wrong dose.

That looks like a good pupper

Sorry to hear user. I've had my weiner for 10 years and dread for when the time comes. Great dogs. I keep her very thin to avoid back probs. But yeah, I'll shed a tear.

I'm sorry man, I really am...

On a side note
Weiners really are /our dog/
> Lived with the german man for thousands of years
> Used to kill pests
> Considered a symbol of germany in WW1
> Not sure for all but mine HATES all non whites,
Ill put him down soon :*(

In your case it is mate. Be strong and pass as much time as you can with your doggo.


Do as I did and put him (his ashes) in a box and put it in your home, you'll never forget him. F(x2)

There is no greater honor to give a dog than to serve it on a plate

Mine hates non whites as well. Barks at everyone but me but wants to tear up nignogs. It's almost embarrassing really. My racist af dog. I know when she passes I'll get another just like her.


Don't worry he'll be at peace in doggo heaven

It's ok to cry when losing a dog. They're the only loyal animals in this world

My dog was put to sleep in my arms as i bawled shamelessly in front of the vet for five minutes

Stomp his skull in then cry like a bitch, faggot

Sorry straya. He looks like a good boy

Truly like losing a best friend. I have had 2 dogs and boy do I miss them. Enjoy every moment with your dog.

Feels bad man. Don't worry about crying it's not even close to the worst thing.

Shoot him. Drink your bourbon and never again buy such inferior breeds

Sorry to here that user. I too have a dachshund. Put him down as soon as possible if he truly in pain.

How did he fug his back up if he is so young?

Another creation of the white man in the pursuit of perfection.

Now. Now is ok user

Dog fags are worse than ISIS

wtf 3 years old and youre crying?
try having a cat from being a baby till its 15 years old and then dies to organ failure and you cant do shit

Cry when you need to, don't be the kind of faggot to let a Mongolian cave painting auction website dictate your life.

>when is it acceptable for a man to cry
when his dog is dying

Men only cry when they're born

If you need to cry, do it in private. I love my dog too, but when it's time for them to go, you have to put a bullet in them. It's your responsibility as a man when you have dominion over the earth.

He looks like a good guy. I'm sure he won't be scared as long as you're with him.

After his death.

You want him to spend the little time he has left with you being happy and reassurant.

I had to see my little kitty die of genetic malformation. She was 9 month old. Just do it, you can mourn him when he's dead.

Be strong, son.

>ur doggo is dying
>lets shitpost on Sup Forums about it
Maybe you're a bad owner, let him go.

>when is it acceptable for a man to cry
>My dog is dying

listen, it has been debated many times, man can cry on 3 occasions without becoming a faggot
>when his dog dies
>when his father dies
>when his first child is born

you are excused from faggotry, stop shitposting, spend time with your dog

Good maybe faggots like you will stop buying sissy dogs.

You can cry now my good man, have a good cry, no shame in it.

I'm sure he is a good pupper.

>when is it acceptable for a man to cry
Whenever you want, you cuck.

Hey what's a good haircut to get if I want a promotion? Not gonna happen with dreadlocks so I'm chopping them off, but I don't think skinhead would go over well either.

Whenever you want.

>caring about a cat ever
Anzu thread now

kek speaks

Very touching



Cry whenever you want, but make sure that the wrong people don't see you being weak.

The dogs experience is not good
Put it down,cry after if need be.

This is Sup Forums not your fucking emotional support circle.
Get your tears and fuck OFF FROM HERE.

next time get yourself a fucking kangaroo they are tough fuckers and if one gets sick you can just shoot it in the head and get another one you have plenty of them there you cry baby

It's the only acceptable time, friend. He'll be in doggo heaven soon and will be much happier.

Shit. Sorry about that mate hope your pulled comes out good. Sadness is an emotion like any other, anger when you shout. Aggression when you fight. Lust, when you have sex.

Let's the tears out man. It's natural.

I've known my wife for 7 years. The only time she's ever seen me cry is when my childhood dog died. She was pissed when I didn't cry when our son was born.

Perfectly acceptable to cry when our doggos pass on. Just make sure youre not selfish and don't allow him to suffer anymore than he has to. It sucks man, trust me, but don't let that doggo suffer.

Yes. Just do it in private of course.


Mine was put down Christmas eve, stay strong user

All dogs are individuals however they are like water drops in a waterfall in that they come from and return to the great dog soul that is timeless and eternal and manifests as each dog that is called into existence by the love of their friend. Your dog will be waiting for you with all his dog friends you send him by loving them as you loved this dog. Straight frolicking at the entry to the eternal realm beyond life in the flesh. There's no suffering there. And time is like time to the dr and the TARDIS, just moment after moment in the order you choose and no time between going to sleep and you arriving. Your dogs spirit is all dogs spirit. They are always with you when you are with them.

Crying over a dead animal companion is fine, just don't cry because somebody hurts your feefees or because another melanin-rich gentleman got killed by rayciss police or something, you fucking sperg

Whenever you need to. Better out than in. May your doggo rest in peace.

>when is it acceptable for a man to cry

when you're a homo.

don't put him down user. You don't want the last thing him to see is his best friend hurting him. That would be worse than death. Just be with him

when your father dies, mother and dog. no other exceptions.
children are dengenrate
drugs are degenerate

don't do it man. Let him be. I'm sure he would want the same

What does being in doggo heaven feel like?


A man must not cry, but when we do we must cry for the things we love and the fall of our people.

But only between us and God.

t. insecure faggot

OP you're being a faggot.
> be me 24 (4 years ago)
> dog gets attacked by bigger nigger dog
> go to vet tosee whats up
> dog all fucked says she needs to be put down
> 100s of $$
> tell vet to fuck off.
> tell them in taking my dog out hunting to die
> go out to desert
> dog knows she's going to die
>12 gauge 3 in slug to the face
> instant death
> BURRY dog.

good dogs are little faggots

protip if you say the words 'doggo' or 'pupper' you are a faggot cuck

Good for you

what is Sup Forums becoming now fucking emotional support board
fuck off to /x/ or some other board with your whining.


Sweet dreams in the pupper sky ;_; may he be blessed with munchies and scratchies

When it dies, and only for a brief minute as you reflect on your memories with doggo when you're lying in bed

Sorry to hear it. Dogs are our most loyal, and best friends.

Just got myself a shorty of my own. It's even dachshund sized. A Corgi. When I imagine him dying in a decade or so, I sometimes come close to crying.

I feel you, Australia. Cry all you need ffs, and get a new one as soon as it doesn't feel like a betrayal anymore.


I'm proud user. Why can't any of these effeminate chicken neck ninnys man up and take responsibility for their animal? The fastest death is a 12 gauge slug to the dome. They never even know unlike when you're stickin needles in them. Fuck now I'm thinkin bout my dog I had to put down not long ago. It was sad man god damn I'm not ok

You are a man

You cry when you damn well please

Yeah I think most normal people would rather pay the money and have a vet put it to sleep than shooting their own dog in the fucking face

>dog isn't even close to death
>already crying
of course it's a fucking Swede