I went to Amsterdam for new year's eve, and let me tell you something: I visited Belgium, France, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, England, Germany, Luxembourg and Austria, and i have NEVER seen a cucked country like the Netherlands.

I felt sick to my stomach to see this much sandniggers. Worse than fucking Brussels, and i thought it was the worst city. 10 times worse at least. It literally ruined my fucking new year's eve. Every single hot girl was with a nigger or a sandnigger either from Pakistan, either from North Africa. I heard sandniggers screaming "allahu akbar" while using fireworks, i saw sandniggers throwing fireworks at dutch people, they obviously were too cucked to fucking react.

Fucking disgusting. Absolutely fucking disgusting. You should be fucking ashamed if you are dutch. Amsterdam is 100% cucked, sandniggers are taking over your own capital and you don't do anything about it.

I will never come back in this country, fuck you. And fuck Sup Forums for not telling the truth about this shithole. Instead, everybody is memeing about Paris and Brussels, and even though these are now islamic shitholes, it's still better than Amsterdam.

Anyway, thanks God i only have 3 days left and i'm gone. And of course, i will never come back here, you stupid western europeans.

Other urls found in this thread:


This board is getting boring. It's just a place for morons to scream one or two of their favorite shit words now.


No fuck you, Dutch are easily the third or forth most powerful intelligent people on the planet.

where u from



The Dutch are very very tolerant. But it's true, tolerance isn't a virtue. It's a vice.

Greetings from the most un-cucked country in the EU.

>Real Country

Stupid delusional americans. The US is not even a white country at this point, so shut the fuck up.

We're pretty cucked, but nowhere near as cucked as Brussels or Paris. Don't be ridiculous. When was the last terrorist attack in Amsterdam?

Oh, so now you don't like the Netherlands nor the USA, what a grumpy piece of shit, sounds like you don't like anything!

Belgium is a shitty country, but England isn't better, there are pakis everywhere as well, i went there one month ago. You even elected a fucking paki as the mayor of London, you fucking ape. I bet you're not even white.

He is right tho.

Who will save us if all our countrymen are ubercucks that want moar pc and moar dindus and gibmees?

Vote Wilders?

Wait for Trump to annex Europe and save us?


This hasn't changed in like 2 years

You need to settle the fuck down m8. Seriously, what the fuck are you gonna do besides scream out buzzwords? Other user is right. Posts like this are fucking 2/10 tier bullshit

What makes Amsterdam so special compared to other European capitals other than DUDE WEED LMAO shit?

Be honest Yves: Did you just open this thread to take your mind off of what's happening in Mokenbeek, Schaarbeek, Verviers and fuck knows how many other enclaves?

You're wrong. We seem tolerant on the outside, but deep down everyone is very nationalistic.


It keeps the mudslimes here docile, we haven't had any terror attacks


You are the one being ridiculous, be honest with everybody here, tell the truth about Amsterdam. Who cares about terrorist attacks, that's what a delusional leftist would say. "Oh there are no terrorist attacks so arabs don't cause any problems". That's not how it works, Amsterdam is full of filthy muslims fucking your women, terrorists or not you need to do something asap.

That's how you define being cucked?
Then I guess Sweden is a national socialist utopia then.

Your country isn't a priority for ISIS. If it was you would have been BTFO multiple times.

Then why is fucking Amsterdam full of filthy muslims ? Why the fuck did i see ugly looking pakis with dutch women ? It's not even happening in Brussels, it's not even happening in London, yet it was everywhere in Amsterdam. These sluts didn't seem very nationalist to me.

They all come here for the drugs and prostitutes. Its a shit magnet unfortunately. The left in this country is also contagious. The Dutch are waaaay to tolerant and that's the problem.


Might as well call your country Great Pakistan Sadiq jr.

>We seem tolerant on the outside, but deep down everyone is very nationalistic.
>let's in another 30k arabs and africans into the country every year

>According to a separate statement by Saarland police, the Syrian suspect asked for the ISIS money to finance an “unspecified terrorist attack” in “Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands.”

Yeah, we're totally save

youtube knows whats up in Amsterdam at new years



This. They talk about terrorist attacks like it means shit, but who cares ? Everybody knows France is the country they're aiming. They attacked Brussels because they couldn't move, the police were looking for them so they attacked what they could. Same thing in Koln, because it was lone wolf.

People need to focus on how much filthy sandniggers they see in the streets, not on how many terrorist attacks happened. Because that's when it will be too late.


Pass through it weekly. Most active radicals therr were arested a decade ago when Brussels mayors were still saying THERE ARE NO RADICALS AMONG OUR MUSLIMS.. Srsly, schilderswijk is picturesque compared to Brussels at large, never mind the enclaves.

Same in town such as Almere, all those fucking Dutch women have black and Arab partners. Those savages can do whatever they like and people are robbed daily while not being able to do anything.

Pass there at 1am with an attractive girl wearing a short dress. We'll talk again.


I suggest trying to troll with something else, we right wingers in Belgium have been trying to split from the commie walloons into a Greater Flanders. This belgium is not a country stuff is nothing.

>Then why is fucking Amsterdam full of filthy muslims
Coming from a belgian, this is quite a lame and retarded question.

>that guy that got his hand blow to shit
Serves him right, fucking moron.

How come they never had an terrorist attack?
Also, I saw in 2015 a video of some dutch people invading a meeting that was going to result in more refugees coming to the netherlands and destroying everything there.
I have a friend that visited both Amsterdan and Brussels last year and he said that Brussels is way worse when it comes to that.

This is what i'm talking about. This place was FULL of stupid muslims as you can tell in this video. That's where they yelled "allahu wakbar" and everything. Unfortunately filthy muslims were everywhere, i even saw filthy muslims throwing bikes in the water near the red light district.

that grill looks stoned

I hate what my country has become. You are 100% correct. Belgium is much better.

It's mostly people from suburbia who are most (((tolerant))). The more regional folk / farmers here are vigilant as fuck and don't like any shitskins near their homes.


Why should we react to sandniggers when we have all this white guilt that we need to take care of first? Don't you know about the slavery period? Poor little negroes.


No but seriously I live in Amsterdam and it's a total shithole.

I have about 2 dozen of Dutch relatives, all super liberal. None of my cousins miscegenated with some African or Muzzie. 3 settled for punk looking weirdos in leather jackets and studs who are 30 years behind in fashion, but they're all white. Are all the women dating these Africans and Muzzies fat and ugly? If so that's a universal trend, they take our leftovers

Maybe the Netherlands are a staging base, where they can hide out when it gets too hot in the other countries?

Perhaps they fear if they do something NOW, Wilders and the PVV will gain a stronger foothold in politics.

Meaning the 'death' of Islam in this country :)

Dit is niet waar, shillneger. Hou op met shillen. Nationalisme is dood hier want muh hitler

Netherlands has more of a climate for assassinating their right wing politicians, directors. i.e. Fortuyn/Van Gogh.. Wilders next?

Nothing happens. It's a total shit neighbourhood like Transvaal and Molenwijk, but it's not been taken over by radical muslims. In fact, a huge part of the Hindustani population of the Hague lives there.

The end result of demi-Jewry: prostitution and sexual licence, drug culture, third world immigrants.

Ayyy I was there that new year

You need to be a brave man to fck a dutch girl

Why didn't you take any picture you insufferable faggot?
You'd be gold and btfo any colgatecuck right away but no...
Kys pls

Transvaal has radicals

We either fix it politically, or by violence, or not at all, so yes, vote Wilders.

At 1am my weed shop is closed, so I have no business there then.. But something tells me it would be worse than doing the same in Brussels. Have you ever visited the Schilderswijk, let alone at night?
And? It's been like that for 30 years.. Plebs tend to live in big cities, and Muslims tend to be plebs. 1+1.. Not saying I'm happy with it, I'm just not sure why you'd be surpised, being from Belgium yourself.

>Wilders 40% in de peilingen

Nationalisme groeit harder dan je denkt idioot

Looool filthy sandnigger.

As a Dutch-American, this picture makes me so sad.

We probably have more purebred Dutch people in West Michigan and Northwest Iowa than there are in the Netherlands.

TFW indian in netherlands and no blonde gf. Feels bad man. I feel like I have been lied to.


>Perhaps they fear if they do something NOW, Wilders and the PVV will gain a stronger foothold in politics.
You overestimate their intelligence.

No doubt, but it isn't Molenbeek yet. I know an Iranian girl that married a polytheist (Surinam Hindu) and doesnt wear a headscarf in Transvaal. So there isn't sharia yet, it seems.

10+ years ago, yes. When Belgium was still in denial, we ramped up intelligence services, so that we had 5x the amount of data and people on these problems by the time Muslims started exploding in Belgium. Just think what could have been done if Belgian authorities hadn't kept their heads up their asses for the last 10 years.

>go out with your friends , looking like untermensch
>stage a chimpout
>s-surely th-this time they'll listen to us!


Praat jij wel eens met mensen in het echt of geloof je alles wat Sup Forums zegt?

The randstad is beyond saving, break the dykes and drown it please.

t. randstadder.

Our politicians haven't listened to the people for a long, long time now. What else can you do if they're placing 1500 child molesters near your home and the politicians don't listen and just push through their own agenda so they can get their promotion within their party?

IIRC this picture is in Sweden. Buildings don't look dutch anyway. Also, Americans don't even know Dutch from Deutsch, so forgive me for not trusting the rate of "purebred dutch" Americans..

Your nationalism is just shaming other Dutch people in showing the same regressive blue pill behavior. Dutch are good at hiding their sick nature but when you get to know them their cuckery is on the level of Sweden.

>dutch women race mix insanely much, way more than even sweden
>we're only tolerant on the outside
You're delusional Henk.
So many white women in the crowd of only brown men.
RIP Netherlands

if quints Geert will win and deal with this

Pakis are not everywhere you lying little cunt. Ive never even seen one in the flesh you fucking mug
Did you go somewhere that wasnt london you ponce?

> death to whitey, death to Europe as we know it.

We already know Geert will rule the world.

In university now; I'll be moving to Denmark or something when I've got over 500k in the bank. But only if I've learned the language desu

It changes nothing, go to places like Amsterdam, Almere, Rotterdam and you will find a coalburner within 5 minutes guaranteed.

70% of women are fcking ugly that's why

How about you shut the fuck up bitch ass lesbian.

Why doesn't this fuck just say "fewer whites" instead of "diversity"? GODVERDOMME!

Posting from ultra-comfy Drenthe.

We used to be laughed at

How come dutch women race mix so much?

>m-my capital doesn't represent my country

Fucking delusional piece of shit.

>Was the hero of our country during and after the MH17 crash
>Picks up a job within the EU and instantly gets dropped.

That's what you get for selling out.

t. Belgian beta who couldnt get with a 10/10 beauty from our country.

Stay mad, belgiumbro. And if it was truly that bad you just went tot the wrong place man.

Not really, as much as I hate Dutch people I got to admit that their women are some of the best looking. The problems is is that the best women are taken by arabs/blacks.


Well there's your problem. Rotterdam too though

holy fuck nuke the swamp german countries

I used to like Timmermans, untill his latest action.

I now find him as we call here: "ielig kneedbaar mannetje"

Maybe in some places, but here in Michigan people know they are Dutch. Some names from our city government:

>De Boer
>Den Herder
>Van Loo

What? Amsterdam? Dude you're fucking retarded. Why would you ever go there? The entire West portion of this country is no longer a part of my country. Drenthe represent!

>on the level of Sweden
>of Sweden
Shit, get it together Wouter.
Nobody is on the level of Sweden. Not even the Germans. Not even you guys. They're in another world.

pls don't defile our women

>as much as I hate Dutch people

Start with suicide then.

He, mede-provinciaal. 0524 rapporteert

A self-hating Dutchman? You sure your last name isn't Cohen?

This is fairly true, but Amsterdam doesn't represent what the rest of the country is like.

At least you have geert to slow the tide

gtfo my land then tuig. Go back to the desert and let us live in our reclaimed swamp.

Come to Australia, as long as you avoid emu and abo hangouts you will have a great time

I'm from the country as well, but do you really think this issue will be contained to the Randstad?

We are segregated so our immigrants are in ghettos, would never see these massive groups of interracial couples like you do in netherlands or germany.

Our fucking capital doesnt look like a middle eastern country too.

> a fucking wafflefucker talking shit bout the netherlands.

all lefty cunts shitskins and traitors need to gtfo.
btw those cucks who cry nationalism is dead go talk to some farmers ffs.