Is there any greater taboo out there than the fact that white people are the most attractive of all races...

Is there any greater taboo out there than the fact that white people are the most attractive of all races? Is this the real root of all that resentment against white folks? Jews and some Asians are pretty wealthy and succesful too but noone wants to be them and really feels inferior to them.

People don't feel inferior to Poles either, don't worry.

Its looks, brains, creativity, and history, just to name a few things. Whites are objectively better than every other race, but admitting this means agreeing with Hitler (pbuh) so therefore its taboo.


Indeed you're correct. There's a reason 8/10 black women in this country use wigs/weaves to give themselves European hair. It's an self-inferiority complex.

*a self-inferiority

what if you are a white jew

Black Men are ripped, muscular SEX GODS who sweat pheromones like waterfalls and make white women ovulate within a 1000 miles radius of them. They possess the ultimate weapon of conquest, which can claim even entire races without a single bullet having to be fired - the BBC!

When white bois see a Black Man coming, they naturaly lower their gaze to the ground in submission, knowing full-well how completely and utterly powerless, pathetic, meek, mentaly ill wrecks they are in comparison to a Black GOD.

No matter how much you autistic cuckolds here on Sup Forums bitch and moan, natural selection already dictates that whites get weeded out of existence by more evolutionary fit Africans!

Go run to mommy and daddy and cry how your sister was blacked, I guess that is typical for Americans though.

Horrible example, faggot

Nice pasta... except that whites race mix the least. What's happening is we're simply having less children, while the mexicans are having 3-7. The black population is not expanding or contracting. The meme is just a meme.


who actually cares about history and intelligence? Historians and scientists maybe. I'm talking about regular people.
For example Asians and Jews are intelligent races too but noone feels inferior to them. Jews have their history which they can be proud of(surviving for 2000 years without physical state), same as Asians - scientific discoveries, philosophy, conquers, culture.

But still. Noone gives a fuck about it. It's all about looks. You can be STEM graduate who earns a lot of money but you will feel like subhuman in the presence of 6'2 Chad with pretty face, even if he is dumb.



actually, this problem solves itself as the black population would murder each other without the rule of law imposed by white people.

Check out the murder stats for whatever country you're in, filter it by race and you'll see where I'm coming from with this.

>who actually cares about history and intelligence? Historians and scientists maybe. I'm talking about regular people.
Normies care about it too, on a subconscious level. Why do you think dindus do that WE WUZ shit?




I don't even know how fucked in the head you have to be to actually write that shit out or save that copy pasta. It degrades you more than anyone you try to target with it.

White Men on the Whole? Definitely
OP and Poles? Fuck no.

You don't need to say self inferiority complex, it's just inferiority complex.

kek, true. Been drinking a lot tonight.

I dont look slavic boyo. I look kind of like young Johnny Depp.

Did they shave his body hair to make it look like he had abs?

There are hordes of white attractive jews. Pic related, Natalie Portman, and so on. Not every jew looks like HappyMerchant.jpg
>noone wants to be them
Asians have no problem with being Asians. Unless you are talking about r/asianmasculinity retards.

But yeah, whites are the most attractive, that's obvious.

>Natalie Portman
>this guy
they count as white because they look white

This. Jews are not white, they are semites. If kikes are white then being racist toward them is not antisemitic.

I ment this in the contest of looks.

Seeing my pasta from time to time fills me with joy

>tfw i'm a Ashkenasim and look like the average European

on average jews are less attractive, finding one or two examples means nothing

take 100 whites, 100 niggers, 100 jews, 100 asians, 100 arabs and the whites will have the most good looking people

This is an anonymous board, your fraud means nothing here leaf.

only if we don't take 100 brits

That pasta is mine

>greeing with Hitler (pbuh) so therefore its taboo.
How do we erode/destroy the Hitler meme?

if it were a measure of humor we probably couldn't find 100 german comedians

>In today's Germany

Well, Chaim, there has probably never been a more dangerous time for you to live in Germany thanks to Mama Merkel, just be glad she doesn't require you to wear a yellow star, don't let your tanned German neighbors find out.

At the root of all competition among men is the desire for pussy. Really all civilization is, is one man trying to one-up another for the social status, thus securing pussy for himself and securing a future for his offspring.

If the man/woman ratio gets high, that particular city will be especially violent, all other variables equal. Because there will be a lot of testosterone, a lot of competition.

In the end it always boils down to attractiveness, whether that's via looks (lover genes) or social status/money (provider genes) and the competition among males for the most valuable commodity on the planet: pussy.

The white race, due to evolutionary reasons, have been the main propagators of civilization - for example due to harsh European winters, there was evolutionary pressure to develop rational, long-term thinking, warmth, shelter, agriculture, etc. This attracted the best women.

This is not the whole story but the rest is easy to figure out.

It would be very difficult, short of a mass redpilling. The Hitler meme is one of the most powerful ones in the world. See Godwins law.

I rarely have contact with Achmeds. There are practically no non-Whites (just a few Vietnamese) in my University. It seems that Arabs can't into Engineering.

>studies engineering, not something hedgefund related
>looks European
>Sup Forumsack
Looks like you got lucky.