Is Churchill the biggest race traitor in existence? He offered the biggest empire in human history to his zionist masters.
Is Churchill the biggest race traitor in existence...
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It's the switch from mercantilism to capitalism that killed our empire, same for the other colonial powers like the french, etc.
Simply put capitalism is much cheaper than colonialism.
Errr no.. Churchill was against mass migration and built his post war campaign of reelection to try and stop mass immigration.
He also had Jews executed in Egypt. You want to know who the biggest race traitor is? Pic related.
My digits do not lie. Praise Kek and Churchill!
>Simply put capitalism is much cheaper than colonialism.
Colonialism was BUILT on capitalism. The main incentive for Europeans to colonise the world was economic in nature.
>Muslim members
Don't ever go full retard britbong
Do you think it's a fake? Oh I love shattering the delusions of Hitlercucks. You poor sweet little baby.
""""winnner"""" of WW2
SS Handschar
But you did win Germany, you've got your Muslims, you run the EU, you mint the currency and you have all the ficki ficki you could dream of.
Why are you complaining?
I never said it was fake, cuckchill. I am well aware that non-Germans fought for Germany.
Colonialism can't be compared to a "free market economy" because the efforts to colonize other nations and exploit the resources there was planned by a central government and funded by tax payers. Hardly capitalistic.
The closest thing to colonization in capitalism is economic migration.
Why are you calling Churchill cucked or even implying it when he was against Muslims and described how disgusting they are and you support sHitler who licked Muslim toes like Pope Francis does?
Priorities you flabby fat tub McBacon head. Get them in order!
Yes, he's a complete cunt when you look into it.
Indeed. "If you want a nigger for a neighbour, vote labour".
He triggers leftwingers and Muslims/pro rapefugee people so much it's glorious.
>muh white aryan army
Look at German East African troops that rallied with the Germans or the Cameroonian niggers that worshiped the Nazi's.
Our Sikh and Indian divisions were all castrated before they were handed a gun.
He's up there.
It looks like Third Reich army was the most racial diversity army, they had Safe Space-division for each nation
>most racial diversity army
only after they were running out of men
His country was broke by the time WW2 ended
They literally could not afford to manage all those colonies
That's a fucking lie, you pulled the same shit in WWI so don't try it.
No Patton was right, we're the biggest race traitors of all time. And the worst part is we had no idea what was even happening during ww2 besides us wanting to kill the eternal Nip
>we're the biggest race traitors of all time
If you r nazi retard, then yes
Nobody ever said that.
Nobody ever said we wanted to erase all other cultures.
Stop eating up pre and post war bolshevick propaganda Ivan.
It doesnt suit you.
>Stop eating up pre and post war bolshevick propaganda
>20 millions civic casualties
Your point being?
Bolshevicks killed plenty more civillians and christians especially.
History is written by the winners, and those were, undoubtedly the bolshevick sentiment in both russia and the US.
We couldve been brothers at arms just like we couldve with Britain or the US. The puppeteers in the shadows sadly made sure that wont happen.
>killed plenty more civillians and christians especially.
less than 1 million, your argument is invalid
He had no choice. He was forced to sign "end of the british empire" document "under the barrel of the gun".
It was time for grown son to beat his father and send him to cuckshed.
Move along Vladislaw. No point in talking to you.
I think the empire died at the right time to be honest.
I mean, think about what it would be like nowadays. Freedom of movement between Britain and India no doubt yeah fuck off.
The Russian tried to protect and undo the damage your little shit hole has done to Europe. And you know what's funny they were going to ally with you but you fucked that up didn't you?
The cabinet Hitler appointed should have listened instead of acting like retards. Well now you pay the price. Stop complaining you got what you wanted in the end, the EU is all yours, you control Europe. That means taking the good with the bad and not just hoarding all the goodies and blaming everyone else for the fuck ups when you are the ones that have fucked up.
Mama Merkel is the mother of Europe now... You have to go back, to Berlin and suck her tits.
Based Russia most of us here will never forget the help you provided. You don't deserve the shit the media throws at you a lot of the time.
kek'd hard
>siding with muslims
What is war effort?
Churchill was a jewish plant
>No, it was a great move. If Britain had tried to hold on to those colonies it would have failed. Instead, all those places are friendly with Britain now. The empire had run its course, it was time for the commonwealth. As for zionist masters... try reading stuff outside of Sup Forums and neo-nazi sources.
>Churchill was a jewish plant
Yet it was Hitler that was so desperate for the state of Israel to be created and it was Churchill that resisted it for as long as possible, Churchill being the one that executed militant zionist group leaders for the false flag attacks they carried out not only on British peace keepers but refugee ships. So really you think the man (Churchill) who told Zionists to go fuck themselves was a Zionist plant?
Is that what you honestly think? Even Benjamin Netanyahou said that Hitler didn't want to exterminate all Jews, he just wanted them out. But you're Germany's cuck slave so I don't expect much objectivity from you.
Fuck anglos
T. Wallace
Yup. Germany wanted to play with the big boys, Jews bought out Churchill, and the Jews won.
it would make sense that a dumb Australian would think that, see >mercantilism
>a penal colony
Oh shit I am an Anglo.
t. Wallace
Churchill loved commies and threatened war with Finland for resisting the USSR. You faggots did this. Oh and the Brits killed our Patton for wanting to kill Stalin.
>could have ruled the world
>decided to fight against the most powerful warmachine the world had known until now
>be Germany
>don't understand selfsacrifice because the existence of your nation has never been put in peril
>continue to be a plague upon every european country
fuck off