How would a libertarian society approach the problem of niqabs and burkas?
How would a libertarian society approach the problem of niqabs and burkas?
Are they being forced to wear this shit?
Yes: arm them and make them kill who is forcing them to do that shit
No: who the fuck cares?
They are obviously being forced upon the children, obvious violation of NAP
>How would a libertarian society approach the problem of niqabs and burkas?
By not letting them into the country in the first papers. It's true, start reading the federalist papers, boy.
Not on my front porch m8
*first place...sorry
Build a mosqe and kill them as they trespass on your private property
dude non aggression rule lmao
but they have Stockholm Syndrome, so they think it's a choice because they have been heavily conditioned.
Throw them out of helicopters
Those are men in those ninja outfits.
>libertarian country
>tight state controlled borders
Not sure what would happen in this case, I guess if they are happy and willing, whatever
But religious indoctrination of children is a violation of the NAP in the first place, so someone ought to sniper shoot the dirty muslims who indoctrinated them in the first place when they were children
libertarian closed borders
you can only pick one
so the libertarian solution is to physically attacked people suspected of bringing their kids up in a radical faith?
overal rule: are they coerced? no, just retarded, kk gud to go
private rules:
banned in most places because hiding face features concerns security
not banned on their own associations/properties
freedom and responsability m8
I said I'm not sure in the beginning of the reply, but if children are being brainwashed I think society should have the choice of sniper shooting the brainwashers, that's my first thought about it but I'm gonna study about it and build a better opinion I hope
there's literally nothing wrong with wearing a niqab or burka, however there would be drastically less muslims in a libertarian society since there'd be no welfare for them to scrounge
Wearing the burla/niqab is completely irrelevant, the matter is if they are being forced to wear it or not
A ramification of the problem is if they have been brainwashed to believe to burka/niwab is a good thing, and what would happen in this case (brainwashing people to believe a particular behavior is good/bad)
t. black brazilian libertarian
the teacher looks like Huerta de Soto
>real ancap proffesor who breaks euros in class to shock normies
mere coincidence? praise kek
Can confirm this, young muslim women don't want to wear it pretty much universally.
How would a late stage aids patient's immune system handle a viral or bacterial infection?
Brainwashing people is different than teaching them something, don't you see the difference?
When you teach something to someone, they have the option to accept it and internalize it or not. Brainwashing is literally the raping of your free will
social pressures are not literal threats nor coercion
trannies face social pressures to chop their dicks off to end their issues, they're not coerced to take bad choices
They would start taxing for wearing it.
it's more like, you can submit to being civiliced or you can gtfo
Nothing, they'll just import more for cheap labor and to keep the working class diverse and divided. There's a reason Libertarianism is nolonger prominent on Sup Forums, it is the ultimate multicult ideology.
No gibs in a libertarian society, so the people wearing niqab wouldn't be around in the first place.
dude weed lmao!
polyamory weed white societies r'badmm'kay
they would leave because no welfare.
People who do not like burkhas can boycott people wearing burkhas. Alternatively, being a libertarian society, people can all walk around in balaclavas. Then they can see how it feels.
Libertarian state doesn't mean there are no rules whatsoever.
>arm them
Start wearing KKK hoods
What's been made clear in this thread is that among all the other weaknesses of libertarianism, there's literally no defence against brainwashing.
>It's illegal to make others think how you do
It's just words, I'm not hurting anyone
>You're rasing your children in a way that will make them hate the society they live in
They're MY children, I can raise them however I want.
LMFAO at that picture.
these 'people' are fucking hilarious
Shoot them.
Libertarians are cucks, the moment the muslims would get to 15% they would rule over them.