How can pedophilia be justified without involving religions and/or emotions like pic related ?
Pro tup: You can't
How can pedophilia be justified without involving religions and/or emotions like pic related ?
Pro tup: You can't
You're right, it can't.
So why are you a pedo, Ahmed?
you hurt an abuse children
Consent. Thankfuck for jewrisprudence
>this post
>that flag
But pedophiles argue that it's rape that Harms them and that they are only raped because of pedophilia being illegal.
It can. A child loves his mother even before he can reason. A child might love another adult, but since a child doesn't grasp the concept of consent, so demanding him something he doesn't understand is cruel and deprives him from the person he loves.
>Please rate my mental gymnastic
because children can be easily taken advantage of by older folk. A 10 year old might not know sex is yet can easily be manipulated and coerced into forced relationship because they are told it is the proper thing to do. Though they might not be """"""""harmed"""""""" they still get manipulated and abused in one way or another
What about the positive aspects of pedophilia? Nobody takes those into consideration.
Stop with the pedo threads its like the 10th one today.
16 no lower and only if you marry them
Now fuck off
Because there are none.
Why is Islam not included in that image?
tell that to japan which stands at 13
kys you mudslime faggot. I hope ISIS beheads your family.
There is none, nigger.
Are you sure?
Maybe entering into a affective relationship with an adult helps the child's development and self-esteem.
Well their country their rules
well in that case what if hypothetically the us or canada drops the age to 9 years old
Dog years.
Not at all. It is always a shocking experience for a kid the act of pedophilia. It is unambiguous bad and wrong.
Pedos should an hero.
>2 Corinthians 6:14
Get your filth off my Lord.
1) Having sex with a person who has a certain degree of physical (not to be hurt by the act) and mental (understanding what they are doing) maturity should be legal.
And age does correlate with it, but setting the bar at 18 is an overkill in most cases. And not high enough for some.
There is no moral wrong therefore no moral right.
I do what I want.
Its justified because it is not "wrong"
Define kid. Current definition "person under X years" is BS.
If you look up to ancient Greece you can see that a fuckbuddy takes some burden (gifts, entertainment, education) off child's parent's shoulders. Given that child, parent's and law don't forbid it.
>11 21
whew. sign me up senpai
Older than a baby, younger than a teenager.
For teenagers there's a term, ephebofilia. And in most cases a teenager can be manipulated and used by an adult.
I hate this idea of because someone has this kind of soficticated set of mind his act of pedophilia should be justified.
Good that we agree here. Most so-called "pedo justifiers" are just guys who wouldn't want to go to prison for consensually fucking a 17 yo.
When it comes to actual children, most active pedos convince themselves that "that 5 yo boy is seducing me". At least that's what they say.
what the fuck are the symbols in the third pair?
I wouldnt jump on that myself but if my society's going down the tube that fast ill protect my family with muh guns and live my life away from that
Elementary schoolers are the best.