that's correct, it doesn't
it doesnt work faster if your country has a lot of nigggors
True, I don't know why you have Norway's flag in the picture, though
>confusing works of plebe socialism with racial purity in geographically adverse societies
ur a burger
Dont bully him, hes the result of american education, its not his fault
Correction, opposing global finance / international jewry doesn't work. Norway are good goys.
Does anyone here have any decisive arguments against Scandinavian socialism? This shit reminds me of Covenant in fallout 4.
Socialism today is failing hard in all 3 Scandinavian countries and we all know why.
We need a new era.
Interest per Year
Interest per Second
Debt per Citizen
Debt as % of GDP
They are doing well compared to the rest, but how exactly does socialism work if every single country borrows money to fund it?
>America foots the bill of your defense because you are part of NATO
>Rather than spending for your military, you can now spend money for welfare
This is what I hate when leftists bring up "muh Nordic countries" when talking about Socialism. Unlike other states, they are mostly composed of a single race (but Sweden is becoming more "diverse") and they don't have to spend much on their military, because they have a guarantor, which spends for their defense.
It's nothing but capitalism where you tax the people to fund your (("socialist")) politics. What a great system you have, completely depend on the thing you hate.
They don't even consider themselves socialist.
Also this. We are seeing cut backs across the board. Atleast we can afford somalis
> What is a capitalist state with social spending measures
Ah yes, the socialist paradise that actually allows and encourages private property and enterprise and has a freer economy than America. Jesus Christ fucking learn what the definition of fucking socialism is.
The only argument against it is that it attracts bad/parasitic actors and doesn't always encourage societally productive behaviors with its incentives. At the same time that isn't really an argument against it because you're really only arguing that National Socialism is a better system since it does away with those, so it's really an argument for NatSoc and not one against Scandinavian type Socialism, which is just a less redpilled version of NatSoc.
OP is a faggot that cannot differentiate between cultural socialism and economic socialism
henger meg nĂ¥
Their problem is a lack of nationalism.
>Norway will drown in pension obligations in your lifetime
>1 post by this ID
You fucking morons took the bait
Simple, if you actually look at the economics of the Nordic model countries you'll see something different than what the left pushes.
It's fascist economics-lite.
Add a shot of nationalism and they'll double in efficiency.
Then you have to compare the Nordic model countries to Switzerland, which ALSO uses collective bargaining but distributes the power between employer organizations and labour groups, allowing for true tripartite negotiations.
The difference between the countries (and also why Switzerland is far superior) is this, most people will ask to be taxed less, most people want less government intrusion.
They'll take government assistance when it's pragmatic but for the most part no one wants to stay on the low level of government welfare.
Singapore is a good example actually.
Simple: Norway is almost totally white, only reason that it works. Just ask Hitler.
Norway isn't a socialist country. It's a free market democracy where the means of production are privately owned.
They also have a shit ton of money
They have issues but it's nowhere near collapse point.
Nice meme. Many of those countries aren't in NATO or have virtually no military threats.
That's the thing burger, its changing. Norway is becoming more non white by the minute. It's starting to crack to the system just like what happend here and in Denmark. The benefit society is slowly dying thanks to all these.
In the end it has to be with the countries idiosyncrasy, they will adapt economic models to their own reality, in countries with low population some systems work better than others, including a more even distribution of income.
There's no completely free market. Except maybe in Somalia.
You're trying to move the goal posts by vomiting up talking points you've picked up from other sources. Norway is, by any objective definition, a free market economy because individuals can freely sell, trade and exchange goods and because the means of production and sale are privately-owned. QED.
>get rich off capitalism
>implement some socialist institutions
fugg socialism works ;D
>5.1 million people total population
>this could TOTALLY work on a scale of 350 million
Norway only works because it has a shit ton of oil.
We're not socialist, though.
Norway is a semi capitalist/socialist country because we are a filthy rich oil nation and we are 90% white.
Do not get me wrong, I agree that every country has its own ideal economy depending on practical purposes, but there's a couple things that are just too hard to deny.
1: when left unmolested, businesses run better.
There's no debate with this one,
2: an economy cannot work properly if any class is specifically worked against, be this the lowest or the highest class.
It should be universally agreed that those who physically labour are a perpetual source of economic growth, mining the bare resources and consuming the bulk of production.
It should also be understood that the intellect needed to properly invest and work with large sums of money is best done by the rich, who by most counts usually have an IQ high enough to match their bank accounts.
3:the majority of people would rather work to attain a higher quality of life than live on welfare.
No one wants to live at the base/basic, everyone wants more.
Understanding these three, you can only have so many options if you want an economy for the people, by the people.
Try saying the same thing in a hundred years when the resources have been bled dry.
Having tons of oil in your backyard and a white population has NOTHING to do with it!
>not oil money
Crafty devil op.
Norway is not socialist
We got some socialism, but yes...we are mostly capitalist.
>country with population of 5 million (mostly) hard-working people and shitload of oil
>H-hey guys, Scandinavian "socialism" surely will work for everyone els-
Socialism works in scandinavia because we have a small homogeneous population and high trust/low corruption.
I'm actually interested in this; can someone explain to me what elements are socialist and what elements are capitalist? Whenever I search for that shit on google it will actually only tell me Norway is socialist and that's that..