From 1500 to 1914:
>cuck the entire world
>become cultural, scientific and commercial center of humankind
>entire planet shakes everytime there is a squabble between neighbors
>rest of the world copies your way of living in just a century without even forcing
>everyone on the continent still have its own identity and thrive
>laugh at the idea that you wouldn't be the big boss in the future before at least two other centuries
>produce 95% of the species achievement in the 5000 years of recorded history
>so bored that you invent archeology and become more knowledgable about history of other people than they are themselves
>let's build first world countries from scratch on the other side of the planet in just decades
Who else /europeanblues/ here ?
Other urls found in this thread:
>your people slowly genocide themselves because women have been convinced that it is ecological, that creating a family is prison and a burden and that it's much better to be a slut
>in the meantime you are flooded by niggers and muslims making 4 children per women and crashing the IQ and the aesthetic of your country while being subsidized by your own treacherous leaders
>the thousand years old culture is slowly eaten away by the invaders
>invasion will just keep growing because niggers do 6 kids per women are too stupid to developp
>your government is feeding them to even accelerate your doom
>right and freedom receding every decade because of leftists and their political correctness
>spend your time disputing with each other about battles fought centuries ago between your ancestors while marxist revisionnist swedish cuck funded by americans make WW1 game with niggers composing half of the troops and erasing country from its own soils
>can't even move to the USA or Canada because they are not even white anymore and are crashing even faster
>see chinese and indians crushing you demographically and slowly but surely doing it economically
>everyone tell you that you should erase your identity and particularity to make an "union" led by self destructive communist germans
>only project in the future is to not end like South Africa and not lag too far behind during the coming space conquest
Don't worry we'll be a good replacement
races and cultures live and die, thats fine
>implying serbs can stop mudslimes
>implying you can even tolerate the smell your own neighbor without wanting a genocide
Balkans are the middle east of Europe, only thing you will do is making STALKER kekbab edition real.
Is it not tragic that the one which rose to heights never before seen in human history should fall to its own decadence?
t. eternal turk/serb
it is sad to think about the great empires that have fallen
the british
the french
the prussian
the austro-hungarian
the german
the belgian
the dutch
the spanish
the portuguese
the italian
tsarist russia
even the romans to name a few
i fear europe will never be great again
Don't be such a faggot, Pierre.