>Muslims are chimping out in every corner of the globe with no one to stop them because the Caliph has been abolished
Miss me yet?
>Muslims are chimping out in every corner of the globe with no one to stop them because the Caliph has been abolished
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>Shit empire falls
>others rise
Get in line shit skin you had your turn
The Arabs already chimped out when he was around, the Ottoman Caliphate had long since been disgraced and dicredited
> literally mehmet
Also the ottoman empire had been on its last legs since 1870 and only kept alive artificially by the west to troll the russians
It was gonna collapse no matter what.
>Daily reminder that the first time Wahabi Saudis tried to take over Arabia Ottomans crushed them, took their leaders to Istanbul and beheaded them, after making them listen to the lute, because they believed that music was haram.
The only reason Islamic extremism exists today is thanks to British American and Jew trio. They did the same thing in WW2 and stopped hitler, causing the eventual destruction of Europe.
Eternal Anglo/Amerifat & Jews must be destroyed.
>Implying you're a real Caliph if you're from outside the Quraysh tribe
Fuck off Kike, Ottomans will conquer you where ever you go.
>ottomans literally killed 2 million soldiers
>jews in israel are like 5 million
>>Daily reminder that the first time Wahabi Saudis tried to take over Arabia Ottomans crushed them, took their leaders to Istanbul and beheaded them, after making them listen to the lute, because they believed that music was haram.
>The only reason Islamic extremism exists today is thanks to British American and Jew trio. They did the same thing in WW2 and stopped hitler, causing the eventual destruction of Europe.
>Eternal Anglo/Amerifat & Jews must be destroyed.
There must always be an Ottoman.
Ottomans don't exist and it's been nearly a century since they proved to the world they weren't strong enough to exist. Sorry çomar.
Constantinople has ruled the muslim world for 4,000 years, it can not exist without Turkish rule.