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I fucking hate this literal boy-fucking homo, Soros and his ilk need to die!
The audacity of this nigger obongo
Welp, that's pretty much it, lads. I wonder who's going to drop the nuke on us, my bet's on the Americans from their stockpile in T*rkey.
He won't do shit. It's linked to the The Sun. Don't believe it till it gets picked up by another few. If anything Putin knows not to react quickly like with the Diplomats. Obama is trying to be a man in his last days.
No one is buying it.
King nigger is praying for Russia to do something
rogue government.
why does he want war with Russian before leaving office? why doesnthe left not see how much of a petty and childish chump he is?
They probably leaked it to the press to show "He's not a pussy".
Pro Tip: He's a pussy.
Dude, DEMS are petty and childish at this point.
DNC is so compromised, only total war could erase the record of their misdeeds, and even then it's doubtful.
You can't trust Obama for a second. Is there no way to make his role just ceremonial between an election result and inauguration?
It's fucking nothing. I really bet they leaked this on purpose. If this was some special forces video game black op shit, it wouldn't be in the fucking news. It's propaganda.
Putin is smart enough to realize that Trump won't continue anything that Obama starts, and that in 2 weeks Obama will be out of the picture.
This is exactly why you saw that tweet from Trump praising Putin 'waiting' to respond to the diplomat expulsion thing. It's signalling 'wait until I'm in charge, and you'll be able to deal with someone reasonable instead of the war-mongering Democrats.'
Activate operation FAG SLAP! Lets show these Ruskie.
t. Obamarama.
I'm not entirely convinced the military would go through with it. We're tired of people like Bush and Obama's endless wars.
Are we going to live to see Trump?
I haven't been this nervous since early August.
Obongo wants WWIII soo bad!
Not only that, the audacity of this uppity nigger to stop Trump at any means is pure insanity.
All memes and shit aside... what are the actually chances Obama will actually start a war with Russia?
Either he does, or he doesnt. Pretty high change if you ask me!
He would be a moron to do that. US and Russia would declare peace the first day of Trump's term as a massive black eye to Democrats. They would paint themselves as war mongers.
Relax man. King nigger is going all out, because he knows he has no time left and so does Putin. Obongo already got BTFO when Putin refused to even so much as react to that "kindergarten tier" expulsion of diplomats. Noone's really going to start WW3. It's just a last attempt at dick waving, but as soon as Trump is in the house, everything will go back to non-retardedness again.
Everything's playing out like we were told- they would rather start a war with Russia than have their crimes exposed.
I hope he gets brought up on Treason
Only reason to do this is to make a mess for Trump
Wait and see. No reason to be a pussy about it.
Its like when kids need to be take turns on a bike
Nigger king here is salty since his turn is up,so he does his best to fuck the bike up
Seriously fuck that guy
This nigger belongs in gitmo. That isn't hyperbolic rhetoric.
because he is frantically planting seeds hoping that war will bloom as soon as trumps goes in the office. but obongo knows that trump has no intention to continue the dems lunatic scheme of starting wars.
If Obama were to start WW3 and cancel the inauguration, the anti-war and pro-democracy left would cheer.
Not good enough. There need to be consequences for trying to destroy this country.
>Keith Olbermann
I think it's funny to watch him get more and more insane and mentally ill with every new video
You guys need to depose this nigger before it's too late. He's actually trying to start WW3.
16 days till this animal is out of office, he's just putting on a show to impress his handlers, doing as he's told by $oros and crew. It's too bad Putin for Obama and his handlers Putin didn't take the bait one bit.
The left is a bunch of corrupt pay to play retards, they basically know the whole system they built over time will come crashing down in a few months Trump will be in office. Obama is just lashing out like a wild animal now from the bitter taste in his mouth. He's just showing he was never a leader, and was just doing as he's told by his higher ups.
Yea exactly, he's on his way out, for this wild animal rampage to have been effective, Obama and crew would have had to do stuff like this a year ago. I guess the Trump win took them by surprise and threw the left in turmoil, it's a little too late for the left to do anything about it now, all the better.
What if the US is planning a border incident to make it look like Russians killed US soldiers, sorta like Germany/Poland?
Would anyone believe it?
SAUCE PLEASE!!! if he start a war and russians spill americans blood consequences will never be the same.
I've been saying this for like 5 years now.
yfw this is a Braverman extraction
No. Faggots might maybe, but who cares? They'll just cry about it on twitter
The nigger is going out with a bang by starting WW3.
This is what we call "SOILING THE NEST" before leaving office.
How would we feel if there were Russian troops on our southern border?
>The nigger is going out with a bang by starting WW3.
Obama's past is shrouded in mystery outside a few pictures where you can see he was a textbook drug addict white hating hippie. He was always handpicked to be president. He hated this country since youth and this is the product of his hatred.
Never tell me the odds!
>Obongo already got BTFO when Putin refused to even so much as react to that "kindergarten tier" expulsion of diplomats.
Literally BTFO when Putin went all classy and invited the diplomats and their families to NYE dinner.
Made Obama look so bad...hahahahhahahaha!!
I'd prefer it to drug cartels to be honest, family
I wonder what our PM La Weedman will do
Will he get fully cucked by Obongos black dick or will he get scared and only write a statement?
>You guys need to depose this nigger before it's too late. He's actually trying to start WW3.
Half blacks are typically the biggest racists. They have to overcompensate.
He looks at USA, Europe and even Israel as evil White countries suppressing poor brown and black people. Thus his behaviour as president.
>mfw Obummer actually found the Russian border.
>yfw he is actually not golfing for once
Seems like Dems have been pushing for war or cold war with Russia for a long time now. Ukraine and Syria were not accidents.
Is Obama just trying to sour relations with Russians so Trump cant reset the situation? Or is there a plan for actual war?
He wants to leave a big mess for Trump, if Trump is busy trying to fix a war with Russia he might not get to unfucking our country.
>not white
>not black
Just garbage with no identity
is there any precedent for previous presidents being suck lame duck pieces of shit?
>Seems like Dems have been pushing for war or cold war with Russia for a long time now.
Historically in this country it has been the Dems that have gotten us into wars.
>is there any precedent for previous presidents being suck lame duck pieces of shit?
No, never.
Most niggers have a "look at me!" complex. Some say stupid, attention grabbing shit in rap music, some wear gold teeth, some wear their pants half way down their ass, some post pics with drugs&guns&cash. You get the point. Obama is just being a stupid nigger thinking he'll get some sort of 'street cred' among his peers after he leaves office.
>tfw this line was mandela'd into "Never tell those odds"
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
hes insane like all the other demmies, he wants this country down and hundreds of millions dead so they can control us. Demmies are the niggers of the planet so retarded you can even have a conversation with them same thing with liberaltards
Trump said it best,they have experience, bad experience, and all they do is bad deals. I always thought dems like Obama were sneaky, saying one thing doing another, never in my wildest dreams would I expect Obama, Hillary and the rest of the crew to be straight up stupid, the dumbest of the dumb. Basically, Putin didn't take Obama and his handlers bait and played it off like a gentleman knowing their time in office is limited and someone more serious is taking office in the US.
This traitorous nigger never quits, does he?
Glad that Trump is already planning to hit the undo button on all of his shit.
Well the point is to provoke putin. But putin has to just wait until sane people get into power.
Imagine if Russia put troops in mexico, or nuclear missile bases in cuba. the US would be fucking pissed.
You have Russian people hating mad bitch as secretary of defence tho.
Ruskies are friends of your everday America, but our leaders hate you for some reason.
If you nuke america, just do washington and california. And detroit, and baltimore, and basically every blue area.
why did I have to be born here jeez
The Elites want war.
They need it.
I thought he did this already and Putin ordered the military not to mobilize? Why doesn't Obama see that it's over and just stop?
>Basically, Putin didn't take Obama and his handlers bait and played it off like a gentleman knowing their time in office is limited and someone more serious is taking office in the US.
This is true.
Putin came off as classy.
While Obama came of as a petulant spoiled manchild.
I don't get it. What exactly does he think he's accomplishing?
Anything he tries to stir up in the next two weeks that's not big enough to register as an international incident, Trump can just undo as soon as he gets into office. And if he does something crazy like try to trigger an armed conflict the day before the inauguration or some shit, he'll be torpedoing the country and his own legacy.
Coup d'etat when?
>The Elites want war.
>They need it.
So they can wipe out the debt, and stay in power.
Hillary would have been WWIII for sure, she is a total psychopath.
no, theres alot king kang can do he can get us right in war and say he didnu nuffin and get away with it.
>Why doesn't Obama see that it's over and just stop?
He is a liberal.
They are convinced the world must dance to their tune.
Most rational people are getting very tired of that song.
The increasingly nervous white house nigger is in "all or nothing" mode, I see. The future of the elites must depend on this war.
Oh, so USA is making sure a NATO member state doesn't get little green men? Such warmongering!
The great false flag of our time is coming, boys. And Obama will declare a state of emergency/war and suspend the inauguration.
>H-he can't do that!
That has never stopped him before.
They are demoncrats.
Not Democrats. There is nothing democratic about them.
ITT retards getting baited by media.
This isn't anything new, special forces aren't deployed here they're annually come here since 1993 and train with local special forces. They didn't increase their number or anything.
Only a pussy would have waited and then do this for show
It's more of a retarded spoiled delusional temper tantrum, luckily the Trump win caught them off guard or they would have put this in motion long ago, doesn't have the time, days are numbered.
Got caught off guard with the Trump win, didn't have time to plan and prepare, it's kind of funny realizing just how stupid the left is.
The Trump win wasn't expected, they got caught off guard, you can be sure if they ever imagined Trump winning they would have really started shit long ago. It's a little too late for the retards on the left to do anything damaging.
>expecting amerilards to understand European geopolitics
it's time my friendo, to reclaim back our lands
we are going to war, together like in old good times
Why Obama want start WWIII so much?
>they come here anually
do you realize why they are there right now? They arent leaving they have been there for months thousands and thousands of soliders waiting for retards to say blast muh russia.
He's just hoping to get some americans and russians killed and start a war and get people killed. Maybe his muslim friends can even attack Israel and Syria while no one is paying attention.
Autism the post.
because hes retarded and wants this country in the ground like other demmies do, they believe that they can control us like animals if they kill off hundreds and millions of us. The milltary should throw a coup de at and try taking over this country it would make it alot better then rich old fucks that weaken our dollar to make it spring for a few months and then it falls again. Its a fucking joke how that shit works.
ok be retarded then, stay there for a reason.
>The Trump win wasn't expected, they got caught off guard
This is the key here. Trump is a fail in matrix, there was even a book about President Hillary already.
We know about the rigging against Trump yet he won, I think no one expected the wikileaks emails, the Spirit Cooking shit changed the votes of A LOT of minorities, believe it or not.
Obama thought Hillary would win and now he is desespertly trying to start a war because he has no fucking time.
Hillary´s plan was the same as Obama: bring refugees to america and disarm the burgers.
Also Obama seems dirtied with the pizza thing
Obama is acting like a child at this point.
>Kid has to share a toy with another kid wich he don't like
>rather destroy it then sharing
Not in the age of the internet. The Democratic Party and similars will be banned from every serious country.
>The future of the elites must depend on this war.
this is what i think