Why are liberals so goddam intelligent compared to right wingers?

Why are liberals so goddam intelligent compared to right wingers?

Right wingers are stupid, short-sighted losers who blame other people for their shortcomings.

Meanwhile liberals are welcoming, open, tolerant people who get along with anyone as long as they respect their opinion.

Colleges/Universities are full of liberals in all departments (STEM, art, philosophy, etc.).

Meanwhile conservatives work in trades or are unemployed or work for minimum wage.


>Why are liberals so goddam intelligent compared to right wingers?
>Right wingers are stupid, short-sighted losers who blame other people for their shortcomings.

Is this bait? Liberals blame everything on white people, they're just as racist as us. They blame everything on the patriarchy.

>as long as they respect their opinion
This should go both ways for them to be tolerant. They RIOTED over a democratic election, how the fuck is that tolerant? Calling everyone Nazis which used to be one of the worst thing a human could be.

Gas yourself, germcuck

Hello Achmed.

>blame other's for their shortcomings

The right-wing is also accepting of those who respect their opinions. The problem is that minorities are forced into accepting the left-wing narrative or be labelled race traitors.

This is just more left-wing projecting, they will never accept that the reason they can't get ahead in life is because of themselves, not systematic oppression.


Germany should've died after the war.

Or maybe instead we should have handed them over to Austria, this time Österreich makes the Anschluss happen and calls the shots. Are you not the more cultured and refined of the two main German speaking nations?

>Why are liberals so goddam intelligent compared to right wingers?

they're not, nobody is intelligent, everyone is equally stupid

>Meanwhile liberals are welcoming, open, tolerant people who get along with anyone as long as they respect their opinion.
You owe me new sides

I wouldn't mind having the Bavarians but everything further north is too risky

This but swabia going to swiss, bavaria to austria

Under fucking rated.

Also this thread is bait. Just sage and continue with your lives.

Joschke, guck! Gasenwagen!

Haha, stem full of liberals.
Meanwhile at my stem-only dorm, nazi marching music plays in the halls, and there is only one socialist.
He isn't excluded, but know as the sos.
Fascism is alive and well in stem my friend.

>Meanwhile liberals are welcoming, open, tolerant people who get along with anyone as long as they respect their opinion.
That doesn't make them smart. It makes them close minded.

If leftists are so intelligent how come they only move to white countries? Why don´t they use their brain to go to black countries and help them improve?

>tfw too smart to be a wingcuck

Liberals are (((intelligent))) after getting (((educated)))

If liberals are so smart how come liberal colleges are rape-fests where 25% of the liberal girls get raped?

And why do liberal families keep sending their liberal girls to liberal colleges to get raped?

>Right wingers have good jobs and pay taxes
>Meanwhile liberals are welcoming, open, tolerant people who get along with anyone as long as they share the EXACT SAME opinion
>Meanwhile LIBERALS work in BARS or RESTAURANTS OR OTHERWISE work for minimum wage.

Because leftists are inherently racist.

They believe that the black and brown man is always too stupid and need their help.

They treat black and brown people like poor pets they found wandering around.

I know that, in Spain case is even more hyphocritical as TV Media don´t hire muslims or blacks despite being 24h defending them kek


This line of thinking is why Hillary Clinton lost the election.

>BAIT bait bait bait bait bait bait /bait

wait a second i thought liberals were for the working class aka "stupid class" and "conservashits" were rich racist fucks who dont care what happens to their country, which one is it?