Quitting mechanical engineering in my 2nd year to study psychology at a very good school (Sheffield, same school I'm doing mech e). Going to do an MA and PsyD in clinical or forensic psychology afterwards.


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>very good school

Based Clarkson.

Catch a Nigger by the toe.

like the world needs more fucking psychologists, jesus h christ. what a shit degree. why not do a doctorate in third world women's victimology studies?

what a gimp, come IC in 15 minutes and I'll slap you silly fgt

will all these sjws self-diagnosing themselves with schizophrenia etc. I think it's great move money wise

Please stop bothering the rest of the world with your TV people. We don't really care.

Consistently ranked within top 100 worldwide overall. Ranked 5th best in psychology in the UK in 2010.
Anyway, rankings are a load of bullocks. The reason why I want to study psychology there is because of the research interests of some of the professors there.

I hope you know how to say "That will be ___$, Sir. Should i put it in a bag for you?".
Because you will have to do it a lot after graduating

T.burger that knows nothing about psychology.

Actually, there is a shit load of jobs for clinical and forensic psychologists, especially in prisons. And the pay is actually better than engineering.

Stay pleb, studying psychology instead of patrician-tier psychiatry

Bait. You're stupid OP and opting for a pseudo-degree because you were failing.

How exactly, it's going to move on just fucking fine without you while you struggle compared to the people in it

>was too stupid to finish mech eng
>StEM btfo
Cmnon buddy, stop lying to yourself. We all know you are to low IQ to do engineering. dropout

Psychiatry fills people with pills and hopes their problems go away. Most psychological problems are problems related to identity and no amount of pills will help someone with that.
Not an argument.
I wasn't failing, I was dying of boredom and then I saw what most engineers actually do at work. No thanks, I'd rather throw myself off a bridge.


>Actually, there is a shit load of jobs for clinical and forensic psychologists

Do you know why?

Because it's very difficult to become one and as an occupation it has a very high burnout rate.

You can sit there and say "Going to do an MA and PsyD in clinical or forensic psychology afterwards" but you won't, you'll crap out, like you crapped out on engineering. You're going to get a BA in Psychology, find a job in middle-management and stay there until you retire.

why waste your life studying what amounts to in many cases pseudoscience.

None of it was hard, and I already did 80% of the maths and physics at A-level. Engineering maths is baby tier.

If you cannot complete a BS engineering degree, I can almost guarantee you will not get a PhD.
>I have one.

>Going to
you haven't done shit. you've only failed at doing something, and you'll probably continue to fail. go

How did it feel flushing your future down the toilet?

>you'll crap out, like you crapped out on engineering.

>Taking a huge risk to do something you truly want is crapping out

You've had one too many pints today, Paddy.

If you are in 2nd year you should only have one year of student finance remaining for your new course. What kind of fees deal are you hoping for?

>You should have continued studying engineering for another 1.5 years, taken out more loans, then started to study something you really want.

You better hope you get accepted onto a masters programme because an undergraduate degree in Psychology is worthless.

If psychology is what you TRULY want then how the hell did you end up in engineering in the first place?

I understand you bro because i dropped from law school at my fourth year.
I'm not in debt so it's not really a problem, but you should consider the time investment in a degree and how your age will be important when you go out and seek a place in the job market

>falling for jewish lies and inventions

>waaaaah math is hard
>I'll spend all my money on a meme degree instead of going into a trade school

Let's all meet up at IC. The OP needs some sense slapped into him

I'm thinking about quitting Computer Science to do study psychology or philosophy. Was there any issues with student finance? Also, was it awkward notifying your professors and did they try and encourage you to stay?

my dude, he wants chucking off the dodgy new staircase outside

Also, quitting engineering shows lack of commitment to own decisions. Poor prospects

Because I wasn't thinking about what I truly wanted to do. I based my decision on short term interests like employment, salary, etc.

A lot of breakthroughs concerning identity and self in behaviour was discovered and established by psychiatrists ( Freud, Lacan, Rorschach.. )
All of the psycholgy students I've met were complete garbage regarding human biology, and as you eloquently implied, boiled problems down to feelings and therapy to whining

>SCIENCE, technology, engineering, & mathematics

psychology is a science, especially fucking clinical psychology

isnt every school thats not oxbridge or st andrews basically shit tier?

Answers pls OP

I know that faggot, I just wanted to trigger some autists.

You should stick to science though.

I don't trust these popular brain fields.

Literally jewry-tier

forensic is lots of fun but the 'proper' way would be first psychology, then clinical internship and finally forensic master. Not sure how that goes in englel

Yes, they were psychiatrists by training, but were they really doing psychiatry? Not psychiatry as it is today.
Psychology and psychiatry will both remain part art due to the subjective component of the patients experience and the bond between practioner and patient that is necessary to solve problems.

>jesus h christ

Didn't Jesus had a middle name. Henry?

Sounds more like you got btfo

Yes, let's do this. Meeting up at IC at 6pm - how does this sound?

>Psychology is a science


Do you often make bad decisions?

>If you cannot complete a BS engineering degree, I can almost guarantee you will not get a PhD.

OP is going for a PsyD. People with a PhD laugh at this credential.

There's still a fair deal of psychiatrists who are very skeptic of benzos and anxios. In France, most of the psychoanalysts are trained psychiatrists so you get covered for consulting
The vast majority of psy-wards here are massively underfunded and run by incompetent hacks, and sadly enough big pharma is one of the reasons they keep afloat
Either way, if you looked into it you'd know some mental disorders really do require medication, especially depending on the intensity of the symptoms. Stay pleb

You are confusing psychiatry and psychology. It's like astrology and astronomy.

You think you are better than anybody else?

It works like this.
You do the Bsc, while also doing work experience related to psychology (it's not compulsory, but it is necessary).
Afterwards you can do an MA or go to work for 2 years, regardless of what you do, you need to work for 2 years before applying for a PsyD. The MA isn't necessary, but it can help. The PsyD is a 3 year work doctorate, so you spend a lot of time working in a clinical or forensic setting, rather than doing full time research.

I didn't go to uni until I was 21 and spent several years working. I have enough saved up from that time to pay for my first year out right. I'll take a loan for my second. Third year I'll appeal to student finance. They can make exceptions in special cases.

Not really any issues. My prof basically said "you'll be dead soon, don't waste time doing things you'll regret".

Psychology is more a science than psychiatry, my mate. Psychiatrists don't even know why their drugs work.


No fucking point in an actual psychologist then

How does you studying trash "btfo" decent subjects like the hard sciences and math?

>was an engineer

Don't you have cocks to suck?

>be 100$ prostitute
>do more for mental health in 30 days than a pysch major in their entire lifetime

In what way?

>if you looked into it you'd know some mental disorders really do require medication
I don't disagree with that statement.

Literally 75 % of psychology students never find a job because the standards are too high.

Just because you have a degree in psychology does NOT mean you will get a decent job with it.

All these faggots. What year?

How do you feel about psychiatrists?

Must be hard knowing they are vastly superior to you, and actually real doctors whereas you're just a pseudo-science hack.


>medicine a science
Nice memes, kid.

Reading is hard, huh?

Have fun psychoanalyzing people from behind a desk for the rest of your life
a customer service desk

2 thousand and fucking 17, you dickhead, the current fucking year.

Sometimes, especially when what the person wrote is incoherent.

It's getting more and more like old Sup Forums in here.
Sup Forums is not your personal echo chamber.
No one gives a shit about your career choices.

Who /medicine/ here?

Question is - who isn't?

>No one gives a shit about your career choices.

I do.

>degree in psychology.
>degree to work at starbucks.

Don't go uni Sheffield, too many Somalis bro.... If u don't buy their MD/weed on and around west street broomhall area they will stab you

What are the good UK unis then? Are the best ones the ancient universities (Oxbridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, St. Andrews, etc)?


Psychoanalyses and other forms of psycho-dynamic psychology are a very small part of clinically orientated psychology. They've been pushed to the fringes because of a larger emphasis on methods that are strictly empirical. Interestingly... statistics show that the less empirical methods are just as effective as the more empirical methods.

You juxtapositioned psychiatry and psychology, claiming the latter is a pseudo-science, which implies you consider the former a science due to it being a branch of medicine, does it not? Are you incapable of following the implications of your own arguments? In reality both are a form of applied science, part art and part science, neither is truly a science and cannot be since they both deal with subjective phenomena. And here when I say psychology, I'm assuming you mean clinically orientated psychology.

But which part of psychology do you consider unscientific? Psychology is an enormous field, many of its sub disciplines have nothing to do with a clinical settings.

Medicine is in fact the biggest meme there is.

You'll work like a slave and have little to no progress in your career.

I've also applied to York.

Frenchbro, what do you think of this:

> Quitting in second year
You are an idiot. A true dumbo. Thank god you won't come anywhere close to anything relevant to human civilization.

Studying psychology at Sheffield!!! AHAHAHAHAH!!!
Have fun getting first class honours in order to go on to do a Masters! HAHAHAH!!
>Thinking there are any positions for a clinical psychologist which don't require you to be published
You've made my day OP

>You've made my day OP

And you've made mine. To be a clinical psychologist, you need a PsyD, which is a work doctorate, not a research doctorate. So clearly you don't have a clue.

STEM (especially Computer Science) is the way to go

Very interesting, looks redpilled
Thanks for sharing

The best unis are the ones with academics researching things that interest you.

Well I'm sorry. Either way the Psychology department at Sheffield is underfunded, small and mostly shit. Enjoy doing modules you don't want to in classes that are too big.

I'll take my fries with ketchup and don't burn my burger, thanks, that will be all.

>didn't know the distinction between a work and research doctorate
>tells me his expert opinion on a particular psychology department


snake pass is some pretty good driving road.

How is STEM btfo? Medical shit is science. It is the S in STEM. kys

Hang yourself, but you probably don't know how to tie a knot.

>Ranked 5th best in Spook

Shamanistic studies should be banned

>a very good school (Sheffield)

Top kek, retard.

you know , there is A LOT to psychology, but i agree its a borderline (((science)))

Seriously, kid, nobody gives a fuck if you're in the top 100 worldwide. Top 5 worldwide or nobody in your adult life is ever going to be impressed.

And get ye te fuck with the individual subject rankings. If you'd been alive longer than 5 minutes you'd realise they vary wildly from year to year and also that there isn't a single employer or non-autistic child who will ever be impressed by that shit.

The h stands for hallowed you cuckold.