Try and explain to me how Libertarians are not the master race Sup Forums
Libertarian Master-race
Other urls found in this thread:
What do you think of polyamory?
How will jews exterminate west without government?
Ivan what are you trying to say, use your words
What the fuck did we Arabs do to you Libercucks anyway?
They hate the government so much they do not vote.
Polyamory is degenerate as fuck but the government can't prevent people from having these intimate relationships (even if they don't recognize polygamous marriages it doesn't stop prevent anything) without either wasting a shitload of taxpayer money to spy on people. Ultimately the government is based on public opinion and doesn't guarantee anything regarding polyamory.
Libertarianism only works with ethno nationalism.
Immigration destroys libertarian societies.
Silly Lebanon, you are not arab
> ^preddy gud
Libertarians are the master race.
stupid fucking desert coons are pawns for jews.
Because extreme individualism is not a viable survival strategy, it always lose to the better organized people that opted for collectivism / ethnocentrism.
Voluntaryists are superior,
It's both a priori and a posteriori depending on which way you argue it
would probably be easier for people to see the cycle if it was sped up
Sup Forums is authoritarian because insecure people want security more than they want freedom.
theyre organized militarily. we're also way past survival. we live in a post scarcity age.
bad for societies but as long as it's consensual between all participating parties it should be legal. why should the government tell you who you can bed?
this is what i think. it's now filled with manchildren who can't take care of theirselves and have no personal responsibility so they need daddy government to tell them what to do and provide a structured life, what they've been deprived of. before Sup Forums, /new/ was largely libertarian.
I like snek threads
Because you have the worst religion on this earth in terms of freedoms. Actually you just have the worst religion full stop.
Kebabs are alright though.
There's an easy argument that reveals that ine can still be wronged even when making a voluntary exchange. The example is as follows: a woman is trapped on an island and a man with a helicopter flies by. This man offers to rescue the woman if she agrees to have sex with him. She finds the man extremely unappealing but makes the voluntary decision to make the exchange. Here the woman has been wronged. Feel free to switch the roles and make the woman an obese nigress if you are having trouble empathizing with this example. This shows that voluntary actions can still be unjust. I rarely see Sup Forums actually debate using philosophy, so I'm posting this to see how you all react.
you cant sell the cookie then eat it you fucking jew
Care to clarify? Not saying I know what makes an exchange just, only saying that this shows oure volunteerism isn't the answer. It could likely be the best pragmatic solution, but it isn't a priori correct by any means as a poster above suggested.
isnt the answer to what? isnt correct for what?
its the logical conclusion to property rights.
the woman hasn't been wronged. as in the case where property rights in a closed system with 2 people positive rights dont exist
Im starting to think this more and more as well. Theres no other way to make sense of it.
Yes and no. Live and let live libertarianism is fine if you're dealing with a somewhat homogeneous lot that tacitly agrees a most things.
It is a shit-tier if political ideology you're facing an invasion by a belligerent people that act according to their own group interest. I have yet to see a Muslim take the side of a white man having troubles with another Muslim.
They're not enlightened anarchists
this and this
wasn't this supposed to be a libertarian thread? Why did you come with this question. It's obvious that it's okay if you're a libertarian.
Check this vid, user
>number of libertarian societies
I rest my case
Not my cup of tea, but why should I or the government have the right to tell them how to live their lives as long as they harm nobody? We shouldn't.
damn if popularity is the deciding factor for correctness then looks like the best ideology is to take a functioning culture and then spew a century of cultural marxism and socialism onto it, then to destroy families, disarm your citizens, bomb foreign countries and then invite the residents of those countries into your own country
Who else /autistic/ here? (INTJ)
I asked that question because it seems a lot of libertarians are actually libertines. They want to be free without any of the responsibilities or consequences. They give libertarianism a bad name.
Not popularity. Success.
Liberal democracy is shit, but it has held up for 60 years and counting.
We may see it end in our lifetime, but libertarianism must be even worse than that, since it has never brought forth a society worth living in.
I'd call myself a conservative before a libertarian, although my ideology is more aligned to ethnic nationalism
Libertarianism is right wing.
idk... I can't tell what is the best form of system. I can't tell what is best for someone, that is what's being a libertarian, isn't it? I'm hedonistic to some extent, but I do not support someone's decision to take herion for example. It's fine by me if he wants to take it, but probably I'll close the person out of my life, since im not interested in such activities and I don't need to see someone getting ruined by their choices.
City people cannot live without rural people.
Rural people can live just fine without city people.
Collectivism dies without individualism.
QED you dumbass.
Well if that decision for Polyamory causes those people displeasure, or if that behavior harms someone else they should obviously suffer the consequences. A society with no consequences for any behavior isn't going to be a society for long, reality seems to have a way of enforcing consequences on people regardless of ideology, drug users for example will suffer the consequences of drug abuse whether or not drugs are legal.
>What the fuck did we Arabs do to you Libercucks anyway?
You exist, that's bad enough....
We dislike authoritarians and collectivists.