Why are you 'people' so fucking retarded, racist, xenophobic and illiterate?
Why can't you be a good, humanist, intelligent board like ?
Fucking Nazis, I hope you all get curb stomped.
Why are you 'people' so fucking retarded, racist, xenophobic and illiterate?
Why can't you be a good, humanist, intelligent board like ?
Fucking Nazis, I hope you all get curb stomped.
Other urls found in this thread:
I really wish that I could read what you wrote.
I notice of all the things you accuse Sup Forums of 'factually incorrect' is not one of them
Is /lit/ leftist? Do we need to swarm it?
Yes, you fucking alt-retard loser. Just like the rest of this website, aside from your concentrated pocket of cancer.
Remember that time a Spenglerian reactionary single-handedly BTFO all of /lit/? I remember:
How is being THE best board on 4chin (even in its post-Sup Forums Harbour state) cancer? We make more memes than Sup Forums and we are influencing the real world.
Keep crying
Dumbfuck pissbaby, everyone on this site loathes this 'board'.
I feel soiled just from posting on here.
We make money for Hiro
Without us your shitty irrelevant boards like /lit/ would cease to exist
Sup Forums is what brings the MSM and clicks to this website not the gay ass psuedo intellectuals on /lit/ that have just read Kant for the first time.
/bb is right
/r9k/ is right
i know from exprerience, there was even a hitler was right thread on Sup Forums not to long ago
Is there any argument you can make for niggers NOT being subhumans? Just curious
>why can't you be a good, humanist, intelligent board like...
Because of der Juden.
These aren't really Aussie-tier level bants. Maybe you need to go drink some petrol with "yah mates..oi" to loosen up a bit.
All humans are equal, retard.
Australian shitposting never ceases to amuse me
no, no they're not
>All humans are equal
Except the piles of objective evidence that say otherwise of course. Niggers score consistently lower on IQ tests, commit many times more crime than any other demographic per capita in every single country they reside, have the highest rates of welfare usage, and of course the smoking gun, there isn't a SINGLE majority nigger country in the entire world that is successful.
So no, we're not all equal, and I have the proof on my side to show it. Now slink off like all good leftists do once they get BTFO
Pssh /lit/ most of those plebs haven't even read Malazan more than 1 time.
Every time
your just a left wing nazi you idiotic fuck
This board is everything this site's known for, do you think that a bunch of wannabe intellectuals who think they are intelligent just because they read a book is what attracts visitors to Sup Forums?
Without Sup Forums this site would have 10 regular visitors max.
t. 14 year old permavirgins.
Sup Forums is what Sup Forums once was, what /k/ tries its hardest to be and what /fit/ arent even trying to achive.
it is my nigga
Nice b8
Being good doesn't work when everyone else plays dirty.
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>He was probably hungry.
Top tier journalism.
Christmas is over tater tot.
fuck off back to a whole where you can spout your racist rhetoric!
Statement without proof, we do not welcome such posts in here
Deducing from your OP, you are pretty butthurt to an extent it may be already leaking. Your IQ must be sending shockwaves across this board, shuttering every thread with your wisdom
"intelligent". No, they aren't actually intelligent they are "intellectuals". There is a big difference. Intellectuals are castrated losers who just sit around idly for their entire lives.
I bet they all smell like ass and have giant hemorrhoids.
Why cant you just be tolerant and accept that Sup Forums is a diverse place with different opinions you bigot
omg i literally cant even right now
Sup Forums is a board of peace why can't you just accept that
Antifa is too white. You guys need some more diversity. People with light skin don't count either. You also need some empowered womyn and more trans people too.
Seriously all I see in Antifa groups are FUCKING WHITE MALES!
not an argument
He's not hungry anymore
>Antifa brought knives only to get stabbed themselves
This never gets old
We are humanists. Niggers and shitskins are animals.
Not an argument
lit is not leftist, lit is literature.
>Why are you 'people' so fucking retarded, racist, xenophobic and illiterate?
they can't help being liberals
You are racist because you are genetically inferior.
Obama literally did everything he could to try to take our guns
Reading books and spouting what they say isn't intelligence at all. Those that know that they are intellectually inferior will find refuge in books to give them the ideas that will make them appear to be intelligent to some, but once they need to actually discuss ideas further than what is said, they can't as they're unable to formulate unique ideas.
Pick one. Committing suicide is not intelligent.
Hey YOU reading this
What's your favorite moonman song
Mine is right wing death squad
not an argument
me the one featuring sunman
Ow look it's our "moral superior" calling for all out violence...
We didn't invite you, you are free to leave
Not according to your previous posts
Also nice bait.
>Why are you 'people'
The black lives (don't) matter trilogy is the best sounding but mostly because the original beats are so good
Eugenics is lyrically the best
welp, pack your bags boys. guess we're finished
>What's your favorite moonman song
The one about the pulse nightclub
Sunman has a chicken wing solo
Its pretty funny
That's probably one of the best ones
Here's a good one many people miss out on
is this bait? how are you a real person? you're like a cartoon.
gr8 b8 m8 8/8 i really do apreci8
also sage
>49 Faggots and 1 Dune Coon
Is the only right answer
Thanks you can leave now
One of these days we will be slaughtering you Antifa faggots.
>antifuck commies
>celebrating Christmas
>checks flag
Never change, Australia.
Lol. Go back to burning the imperialist trash cans with your underage friends, kiddo. Antifa is autism.
>Fucking Nazis, I hope you all get curb stomped.
How good, humanist and intelligent of you.
Because, living in NYC if you're not racist it'll get you killed, now go fuck yourself with this bait.
Trips of truth check'd.
This day cannot come fast enough.