US sends special forces to RUSSIAN BORDER as Nato is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin’s ‘aggression’

>US sends special forces to RUSSIAN BORDER as Nato is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin’s ‘aggression’

Niggers are useless.

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Russia is a pretty empty country

It actually starts somewhere near Moscow

> the sun

>The Sun

But seriously, if this turns out to be true, King Nigger would get shit on by basically everyone.

It's nothing. If you are hearing about this, it's because they want you too. It's propaganda to a. Make Obama feel like a man and b. To frighten and radicalize people even further against Russio-American relations. There was some stuff happening in Estonia not to long ago. They got everyone rilled up over the "hacking" lies, so they probably have all these countries scared and asking for assistance and doing drills. It's nothing.

Wtf is that thing behind obongo

>Our special forces expect to operate operationally across the border
>It's just trees, snow, and emptiness
>Obama claims Mission Successful

>borders Lithuania

thanks obongo

>invading Russia in Winter

Weird thing is, I can actually envision these democrat asshats sending a small special forces team to the border attempting to intimidate.



Sounds like a good idea in theory doesn't it? :D

>Tomorrows news
>420 US special forces have been detained on Russian soil for disrespecting the border.
>Obama' legacy is running off to Mexico

Wow he must be desperate, it´s so evident that he wants to start a war against Russia to blame on Trump that it hurts.

Putin must be laughing at this childish provocation kek

You feel good about that?

i said hes not leaving

It makes me want to send Vladimir Vladimirovich a Christmas present, since it's still not Orthodox Christmas yet.

Do you think he'd write me a letter?

It's gotta be humiliting to be the worst president the US has had in years even with race, the media, the Jews, and the senate on your side.

Honestly, I hope Obama kills himself. That'd be great.

Special Forces Assault Vehicle.

Onward to Moscow you tards.

>Obama tries to start WW3 so Trump doesn't get in office part 4

Nothing to see here folks just an average nigger chimping out

Nothing will happen as usual, daily mail/sun - is a clickbait.

I'm just waiting for his third term announcement. My guns are cleaned, loaded and ready to roll if so

Sup Forums always said I was out of my mind for telling them the word was like 2.5 years ago if Hillary didn't make it we'd be looking at 3rd term Obama.

Worst part is as things went on I began to believe myself.

Would you guys even care if we occupied you or would you all just kill yourselves in protest?

Obongo is a piece of shit

is the average Russian aware that almost no one supports this horse shit?

Hell is wrong with him.
Yeah we like totaly ruined his presidental legacy but that not the point of throwing this kind of tantrum.

Why is the nigger so keen on starting WW3 all of the sudden?

niggers jews bad news, russia

>invading russia
>with -16ºC weather
Hey senpai how shall I end my shitty presidency term? You should fuck up as much as possible with Russia homie

Even RT picked it up.


Fuck off emu cuck

The frogs and krauts found that out the hard way.

Just a bitter beta chimp banging his chest knowing he'll be gone and powerless, putting on a show for his handlers like Soros. Good show, too bad it's a little too late and the chimp got caught off guard with the Trump win, or else he would have put all this into motion sooner. Dems can't do anything right, they even buy their own bullshit and fall for it. 14 days left chimp.

*Obama and the Kremlin have reached cold war levels
There I fixed it considering a lot more Americans hold positive views towards Russia now and don't think of them as a huge threat. This is obvious propaganda they are so bad at it. Also how can Obama be seen as a progressive when he's set race relations, Russian relations and restored government corruption back 50 years.

don't want to pick sides but ... putin is kida right ... nato (us) has russia surrounded by nukes and missile shields , i mean if you were a swede girl surrounded by sand niggers you should feel a tat unsafe

>considering a lot more Americans hold positive views towards Russia now and don't think of them as a huge threat.
Did you try visiting any relatives over the holidays? All these people who I imagine didn't even know who this Putin guy was are suddenly all full of shouting visceral hate over what a murderer he is.

>well you know about Yuri Andropov and the Lubjlanka prison?
>Remember Yeltzin?
>sit down I'll tell you stories

Please redpill me on Putin

he can recommend a good doctor in Moscow who can cut it off so it will never grow back

Maybe Russia should stop trying to annex its neighbours.

Is obama,
dare I say it,
our guy?

I will repeat my self here once more US SPEC OPS are no news around in lithuania as a soldier of lithuania for the last 4 years i can tell you that US guys are here constantly and they are constantly training with our guys like all the god damn time this is nothing new everybody knows this.

Crimea was an autonomous republic of Ukraine.
Remember when the hunfags wanted autonomy in ro? It's the same thing.

Well maybe if you live in a Democrat stronghold or a city yes but I live in Texas and everyone here I've spoken to do not hate Russia in anyway and see them as a positive force in taking down Isis and don't see any reason not to work with them. And everyone already hates obama here. Even the liberals.


Also it had one of Russia's ports. Russia doesn't have very many of those, and it's easy to guess that they would react in such a way as to retain those ports when (((some people))) are trying to strip them out.

Call me a Russiaboo over it, but I don't think that's entirely reasonable, and if I'm not mistaken that's been the sort of thing that leads to war.

>it's a drive more Topols to Koenigsberg episode again

I'm pretty sure if King Nigger declared war on Russia whole country would go to a civil war specially now that Trump has won

Russia had full legal rights to do everything they did in Crimea. They only really went full black ops in Donetsk/ Lugansk to keep the rebels from getting this done to them:

theyre puffing out their feather

its literally, unironically, fucking nothing

I will, sure

>Meanwhile i NATO countries that actually share borders with Russia.

It's fucking nothing, happens every time there's a NATO training exercise. The Sun is a fucking rag of the worst sort.

Wow a romanian wants to betray his allies, never heard this one before

that's pretty cool car though