Remember this Hillary song?

Remember this Hillary song?

What other attempts to help Clinton win are funny in retrospect?

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god no
all the women look unhinged af



Goddamn I thank kek everyday she didn't win.


how can drumpfers compete

I'm so glad all these shills lost, imagine if they had won

>That random nigger rap in the middle

Top kek, even in their political propaganda they can't help but shoehorn their coon tune section in. I nominate this video:

Guess they weren't famous enough :^)

Don't have to m8, they're in the White House now

I hate the way they repeat every phrase. Every phrase. Every phrase. to make sure you vote the way these millionaires want you to.

fucking kek

they use celebs in everything because libs are sheep that only know how to follow.

>being this delusional


i didnt understand this video
was it supposed to be ironic or not? was it anti trump or pro? i dont understand

It's supposed to be disarmingly funny and to make it go viral. If it was purely serious, it wouldn't get shared as much.

And it's clearly anti-Trump. Warmachine even calls Trump an "abusive, racist coward".

Just think of the fucking weakness encapsulated in this one video. Disregarding all the other faggotry, they just seem so pathetic.

Pic related is how propaganda should be done.

>Warmachine even calls Trump an "abusive, racist coward".
one of sides has left earth's orbit

I heard this shit on the radio multiple times, the Americanisation of our society has really gone too far

>listening to radio


You realise this is a cover, right?

I'm talking about the DNC version

why are liberals so gay?

How the hell does this video have 150k up-thumbs? Iirc, this shit was like 1:10 good:bad before they disabled comments and thumbs

They actually played that version on radio? That's fucked.

Yeah, something is unsettling about it.

That white background, repetition of phrases, the use of "famous" people that we are "all know and love", the """""humor""""" mixed in to try and make you feel comfortable while you're ordered to do something.

It's fucking creepy.

This may have been a reupload.

It is creepy. It's sort of cult-ish.

All of it. The whole apparatus.

They are the absolute worst people on the planet and it fills me with fucking glee to have seen them so resolutely blown the fuck out.

Their memes were fucking weak

remember how fucking pissed they were after and they made another video in this obnoxios - obnoxious / obnoxious , in this obnoxious tone and way of cutting things?

You are all like little babies

Watch this

I was happier when i forgot about that video

It's only ironically mind-control behaviour, not sincerely. Didn't you hear the penis joke near the end? Lol, vote for Hilldawg, you will see benis in movie :DD

charlamagne is a disgusting sell out that really influences a lot of the youth with his shitty opinions

This is awful.

The marketing team that decided that this is a good idea needs to be fired.

Joss Whedon.

What the fuck is this thing?

worked so well the first time

It's sad, really. They have been acting for so long that they have lost touch with what sincerity even is.

It's shit like this that makes me think that maybe, just maybe, leftists aren't actually human.

Everyone who tries to appeal to emotions when it comes to politics needs to be gassed. You can run a fucking family with emotions but not a country.

>a couple thousand random anons coordinate and launch a meme campaign with zero financial backing that outperforms massively funded promotional campaigns from hollywood and the political media establishment

It will never stop being funny.

0:43 brown beard man is like: trump is antisemitic

i just cant anymore

If Elizabeth Banks wasn't such a raging pinko she would sexier than a mug.

Anyone else love how even pro Hillary smut cannot help themselves to mentioning Trump?

They cannot just make a pure Hillary love song. They are too obsessed with Trump to not talk about him.

Just your average British woman m8

Statistically speaking, the more people that end up voting in an election cycle usually indicates good omens for Democrats. What's more telling is the videos they put out after the election where they were trying to convince electoral college voters to not vote for Trump.

These people are delusional in their thinking and still believe they have a powerful sway of opinion. They star in movies but think they're intellectual superiors. People are tired of their narcissism.

>offspring converted to judaism
>openly supportive of Israel

Never 4get.

if there was a cringe hall of fame, this would be a first ballot inductee -


Why? Really?

Forgot to post image

A leaf

Lol a hobby and the love of bantz brought them down.

here comes dat hillary

but to be fair that was funny from day one.

damnn hillarry

> Mein Kampf > song

>a ragtag group of autistic manchildren band together to defeat a 1 billion dollar compaign that surrounds them at all sides with only pictures of a smug frog that originally liked to pee his pants

FUCK I liked some of these actors now anytime i see them i can only think about how theyre such faggots.


Same but you can be mature and enjoy their stuff, anyway.

It's hard to believe this isn't parody.

it werks

I lsiten to this song everytime i feel down. I can project my fear and hate upon the ratards supporting her, feast on their tears.

Use that hatred as an excuse to pirate their shit instead.

I haven't paid for a Marvel movie since AoU. Feels fucking great.

Sounds like a cheesy 90's SNES game concept.

The first words are dumb dumb dumb.... hahaha.

This is what happens when liberals try to make memes

I always do my friend.

Don't think they're getting a paycheck anymore.

this is always funny to me
Love trumps hate
so is it saying trump is full of love and he will stump hate or does it mean the other way.
THEIR main slogan can be interpreted as being pro trump

This is really embarrassing to watch.... fuck man. Really? Even had the retarded rap part thrown in for no reason.

Not to mention that they kept giving his name popularity. It was just constantly trump trump trump trump trump. That's all that was on their minds.

>in retrospect

Nigga dis shit was funny at the time

>I don't really care if nobody else believes!

You can also interpret it has Trump's hate for the enemy(ISIS), Corruption(HRC, CF) and crime(Illegals) is something to love.

>no reason

umm, racist much?

>youre are like baby,media
>wacth this
What did keke mean by this

This is what happens to a lot of women who don't have children. They eventually lose their minds.

With videos like this how could Hillary get beaten?

Fucking Sally Field played in "Not without my daughter" and she still believes in this crap! Sad!

It's a bad slogan because it doesn't use Hillary's name, but the name of her opponent. Imagine if Pepsi made an add called "more refined Coca-Cola." Audiences would automatically be drawn to coke. Whoever made that Hillary ad should have been gassed

It was hilarious but it would have been pretty bitter if they'd won despite all of these missteps.

>You fought in the Meme Wars, grandad?

This was just to cover up her uncontrollable shaking.

Who here is looking forward to watching the documentary about this election 20 or more years from now?

>hate crimes are rising
But isn't Obummer still president? Isn't that the current's president's problem?

This is cringey to watch. I wouldn't vote for Hillary just by this vid if I was a burger and didn't go to Sup Forums.

>Delete your account
>gets treated like it's the greatest burn in the history of the world
>in reality it did jack shit for anything
What where they trying to do with that?

>yfw Sup Forums memers get a brief cameo portrayed as a bunch of fat weeb fucks yelling at a computer

who /stillsmug/ here?

everyday I laugh at this thought

that video makes me shit blood

Appeal to edgy, virtue-signalling Twitter users who actually don't vote.

Not even a burger and it still delights me.

>All those videos begging people to go out and vote that have the obvious undertone of "for Hillary, though" to them

>They went out and voted alright

>Hillary or her team even mentioning deletion

So when this fails are they going to do "Please, somebody kill him on January 20th" ad?
And I love how Steve Buscemi had like one sentence and a word. He really needed that paycheck but not that much.

Yeah they did and she got the popular vote, no?

Who is the faggot with the blonde puffy hair and gay floral flat brim hat?

Also I'd still fuck that blonde milf from modern family.

Going to start posting news stuff

That isn't what happened.

What actually happened, a bunch of media whores seriously overestimated their lead in key swing states which caused Trump to win the electoral college.

As much as I love you guys, you were just a side show that distracted from the actual election. No one here was talking about Wisconsin and PA until Trump won them. You guys were more focused on shitposting.

Are all the women in this video purposely trying to look awful?


This one pretty catchy and the animation is bretty gud
