How long will he continue to suck Putin's cock?

The traitorous bromance has to stop. Trump mocks US intel by saying he has inside information (he just turned the intel report upside down.).

Other urls found in this thread:

he cant stop, Putin owns him 100%. Google Trump Russia connections.

It seems Putin compromised him in 2013 when Trump was in Moscow for Miss Universe. The simplest method would have been to send a few Ukrainian blonde lolis to Trump's suite. But given that Putin is ex KGB I imagine that would have been his first choice among many others.

FBI agents have warned Trump is compromised, but no one cares. FBI's Comey evidently is OK with Putin running Trump.

remember, it's not treason when Republicans do it. Reagan bribed terrorists in Iran to win election.

Google: 'brief history of Republican treason'


Libshits are hilarious

>On our side
Here's your (you)

and Obama armed ISIS, allowed straw purchases that got border patrol agents killed and ended up in the hands of attempted terrorists. fuck off retard.

Hi, CTR. Hope you had a great couple of holidays. Do we need to dox you again? I'd rather not have to do that again but you know what they say about poking the bear.

Shut it down.

Poor babies, you can't get your big Jew Bank world war with Russia now. I know the people paying you to post this want another several million dead and billions in their bank accounts. Go cry about it CTR shill faggots. We don't want to go to war with Russia.

>doxing anonymous posters on Sup Forums