Not being fit in 2017

>not being fit in 2017
Daily reminder that you are not truly redpilled if you don't train your body.

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this year marks my 4 year recovery from pic related.

>muh abs

Eating healthy/being in good shape > being a manlet gymrat

>not doing sports / martial arts and instead autismo'ing away in a gym pumping protein into disfunctional bulky muscles

I just try to stay healthy and eat healthy. My exercise is pretty low energy but it keeps me in good enough shape.

Yes, at the very least you should eat right and do some moderate exercise throughout the week. Usually this is all you need to maintain a good level of health.

Ultimately, diet is the most important part.

Fat, bean bingeing weeb detected.

Lifting actually helps with muscle control and makes you a better fighter (if you also train technique). Not only that, but it raises testerone levels and makes you more of a man.

You should realise that "technique" alone won't help you when a 6'4 200lbs lifter comes along to bodyslam your skinny ass all the way to China.

>helps with muscle control
Wrong, makes you immobile
>raises testosterone and makes you MORE OF A MANEEE
Irrelevant, this is literally a hollywood image sold to you, "IF YOU BE MAN U BE HAPPY N GET FRIENDS ND FEEL LOVED"
>Technique won't help you against pure strength
Also wrong, technique makes a huge difference in exchanging blows but when it comes to grappling or wrestling, it will also help, and anyway you pick up useful strength from practicing it-

It's been 5 months since I started my died, lost 11kg by running 7km once a day every 4 days.
I am able to do 1km in 5mins, not a lot but oh well.
But recently I started gaining weight back because I have no clue what diet to maintain.
wtf should I eat, I already don't eat carbs and avoid sweets.

Anyone got a diet they are doing that is also compatible with cardio? I don't want to pass out on the streets.

Also, what are you even training manual combat for you cuckslut. If you want to be combat ready then train in weaponry, if you want to be just fit you can do literally any sport you like, martial or not.

You just live in an illusion that one day if you lift enough it will change your life and make you happy, and you hold on to that illusion because it gives you hope, and (((Protein Powder Inc))) makes a nice shekel of you because of that.