So yeah guys im sick of being harrassed online by virgin boys when im gaming

So yeah guys im sick of being harrassed online by virgin boys when im gaming...

Yes im a female
Yes im a gamer girl
Yes i workout
Yes im a personal trainer
Yes im a security guars


no i wont date you, i only date fit white men with a good education like lawyers or doctors.
You see girls like me have standards and dont waste time on less intelligent workingclass guys

>image more interesting than post
good luck with that op




is that a pasta?
also sage

Gay and fake...saged

hope nobody falls for this bait

Show us your girl benis or gtfo

Do you need attention or what? You make ME sick and not the other way around.
PD: Your photo is not even good for fapping.

>security guard
>only dates lawyers and doctors


Hope you are a troll.

Fucking assholes

You cant even get a girl like me

Gee bill, I wish I had security guars

Shit b8 m8

that /fit/ girl deserves better than this horrible bait attempt

>the delegirlates, Donna

She's actually pretty muscular. Not sure if OP thinks she's a fatass or something because she's got some extra weight but she clearly is in great shape and packed with muscle.

I'd do her.

>that hair
Roasties need to be cleansed




Looks like a tumblrina that wondered into a gym on her way to a box-munching convention


She's fat and has pretty gross tattoos
