Couldn't agree more!
Couldn't agree more!
No, get a fucking dad instead.
Let me just run right down to the Dad store...
Your mom should've done that.
Ive been saying this for about a decade
High schools here teach the sewing and cooking stuff, as well as first aid
HomeEc and Shop were deemed sexist and obsolete here in New York. Also Cursive handwriting. Plenty of diversity in their SexEd classes though, my Daughter is a vile sack of shit at age 13.
Most of that shit is common sense that 90% of people pick up as they go along.
Diet, cooking, nutrition, exercise. That's the stuff they should be teaching.
I'm not sure if this is bait, but schools really should teach basic skills.
They teach so much useless shit, why not something that you actually need?
>no linear algebra
>no calculus
>no complex analysis
>no ODEs
you can model all the shit in the pic with mathematical models.
Mate, what school did you go to?
I only had Food and tech when I was in school 4 years ago and they only teach you how to cook desserts like apple crumble.
It takes five minutes to learn most of these things. Ask a friend or a relative. Alternatively, just google it
Thas Raciss!!!
schools don't have Home Ec and Industrial Tech anymore?
They pick it up by not preparing for it and fucking it up along the way. Which hurts the rest of us. You slovenly drunk fuckin' mick.
I'm 26 and I've never written a check. Its current year. Seriously, e-checks, direct deposit and paypal.
Knowing absolute basic arithmetic solves 3 things on that list. For the rest, pick up a fucking book, or with today's resources, youtube. Besides, your parents should have taught you these things.
He's a nigger so she can't help him either.
>Do your taxes
>Balance a Checkbook
What do they fucking idiots think Math is for?
are your parents useless bags of crap or smt?
>balance a check book
Literally basic math.
>They teach so much useless shit, why not something that you actually need?
The original goal of education was to increase the pupil's knowledge, not teach him practical things.
I agree that knowledge is useless for most people, only the top 10% of people should attend school beyond elementary school.
I don't get this "learn to balance a checkbook" meme. It's just arithmetic and tracking your spending. What needs to be taught?
why are modern parents so fucking useless?
I think a life skills class would be great.
One that teaches kids about the real worlds while also improving teamwork skills and communication.
I remember being in elementary school and they teaching us what to do should we ever need help if we get lost, or if we're being threatened etc.
The whole lesson was just them telling us how we can seek cops or other adults for help, absolutely no attempt to teach us how to defend ourselves or navigate using our sorroundings.
I knew full well by middle school that the system from the ground up is built to weaken us and make us reliant on the system like a parent, rather than make us self sufficient as soon as possible.
My school basically did this and it didn't matter because 16-18 year olds don't give a shit about this stuff as it is not relevant to them at the time.
Public Education can't fix everything.
>Basic first aid
Naw fuck that shit, it should be more advanced, I'm totally for a first aid class to be taught in highschools, everything else is pretty shit.
It doesn't hurt to have a generation of kids knowing how to help someone choking or how to do CPR.
I am 33 and I have written checks probably 8 times or so in my life. I balance my finances in an excel spreadsheet.
Sewing and hemming pants is a pretty mediocre skill to know.
I can change a car tire and change my own oil.
It's been a decade since I have driven a stick shift but I am sure I could still do it.
I always do my own taxes and know basic first aid
I cook all sorts of thins. I mainly grill my own food.
Learning how to grow my own food is the only thing on this list I lack or care about lacking skill in and I should really learn how. It's funny because I am not sure how to tend a garden but I can slaughter livestock and process it.
>Ask a friend or a relative
You moron, most of them don't know either because they were never taught to. They just go to someone who does and pay them. That is how the system is built, it's much more profitable to have us running around like idiots with money to throw at all our problems.
>amerishits are so lazy that piece of shit "mac n cheese" (too lazy to spel macaroni and cheese) is part of their staple cuisine.
Most of that stuff you can figure out and it's easy to, but I do agree that a basic skills class would benefit everyone.
It doesn't need to replace real classes. I went to a prep school so the course load was rigorous, but friends I had from public schools literally took a max of 5 classes a semester and 3 their senior year.
>Drive stick shift.
You can't call yourself a man and not know how to drive a manual. Only girls drive automatics.
>tfw all I receive from this post is a mental image of aussies driving some manual ricer drifting past kangaroos
I failed a math class in high school which lead to me being put into a class full of retards called 'Business Math'. It actually turned out to be the most useful math class I ever took. It was all practical applications like in that pic and more. I think kids should take a class like that even if they aren't held back. Obviously they could do it before high school because that shit is piss easy.
This fits into our degeneracy
Kids are unable to live on their own and they don't even feel the need/eager to improve
. Useless idiots partying all day and wasting their time watching tv and enjoying the depressions in this nihilism
oh yeah and they definitely give a shit about calculus and cell biology
much better use of their time
The most I learned about first aid or any medical shit in school was in my Anatomy & Physiology class where we were taught how to do breast and testicle exams to check for lumps...
Elementary school should be used primarily to teach basic survival skills. If after elementary school you can't be thrown into a forest and know how to survive, it was a waste of fucking time.
By middle school, our boys would be men, leaving them no worry of other trivial things in life. They would be able to absorb knowledge so much faster and so much more efficiently with the discipline they now have. Instead, we're sissified and kids don't take school seriously until MAYBE high school when it starts to actually matter, and it only matters because it's just before college.
>i like to start fires with a stick on wood instead of using a lighter
Nearly impossible in the US unless you know someone with a stick and ask them to teach you.
It should be mandatory to have CPR, First Aid, and fluid borne pathogens trainings to graduate highschool.
Basic criminal justice would also do wonders. A whole generation that all had even a basic understanding of our legal and tax system, that also could all preform CPR would have a nice head start.
Literally who the fuck balances their checkbook anymore?
Most of those are home economics and drivers education. The rest is shit your parents are supposed to teach you.
This is all already taught in schools. Not my fault you signed up for (((psychology))) instead of cooking and finance.
I agree with everything except "Change car oil", "Change a Tire" and "Drive a Stick". If driver's education isn't a mandatory course, these shouldn't be mandatory subjects for a Life 101 course. Instead, they should be required knowledge to pass a driver's exam, either through a private instructor and/or with the state administered tests.
Business owners.
Yes, schooling is the reason you're a useless piece of shit lacking the most basic life skills. Start teaching this crap and I guarantee people will then complain that the curriculum is too simplistic and doesn't expand the knowledge of pupils when they could be focusing on algebra. I also guarantee that students still won't pay attention in class and will continue to produce retards that can't keep track of their fucking spending.
PROTIP: Schools aren't there to teach you the sum of human knowledge, they're there to give you the tools to work shit out.
And while I'm at it, fuck that shitty Einstein quote about judging fish or whatever that people share to excuse their shitty performance in school. Schools and exams already judge you in a variety of areas, you're not some fucking genius undetected by the education system.
>oh yeah and they definitely give a shit about calculus and cell biology
Most of them don't.
It can't but kids are taught not to ask questions and just memorize everything instead of understanding a subject
They lose the interest to figure out and be curious
Kill yourself faggot that's what your parents are for
They tend to do this with software unless it is a real mickey mouse operation.
>tfw abbos siphon all the petrol from your Toyota Rooeno AE86 for the third time this year
-Keeping your country from being taken by corporatists, mexicans and niggers
-How to start a family before you kys from debt and shit tier job
I actually agree with their request though. You waste a shitton of time on completely irrelevant crap like interpreting worthless poetry and shit like that, they could easily cut that in half and teach those people some basic skills instead.
Because if you don't, and their parents fuck up and don't do it either, you are now left with a bunch of retards hardly capable of living their life you somehow have to take care of.
If you don't wanna do it twice, just make some kind of reverse entrance exam, where if they pass it because their parents did a good job they don't have to show up, but if they flunk it's life lessons for the next couple of afternoons.
We teach kids math and science so that some of them (the non-retards) will go on and contribute meaningfully to society. Yeah if thought it was useless it probably was, but it's not for you.
>friends I had from public schools literally took a max of 5 classes a semester and 3 their senior year.
Shit man, we had 8 regular classes per day when I was in high school. Senior year I took 2 dual credit college courses per semester + 4 AP classes. Not all public schools are equal.
>It can't but kids are taught not to ask questions and just memorize everything instead of understanding a subject
>They lose the interest to figure out and be curious
This a much larger problem of the structure of public education in the US.
Having standards and failing kids is considered part of the "school to prison pipeline", so standards are brought down to the lowest common denominator for most students, while a select few that care and have parents that care actually try to do well.
Education in the US needs a complete overhaul.
>public education
>teaching you anything
Babies first America
>Daughter is a sack of shit
Educate her better
yeah, but think about how hard 10% retards could wreck your nation. so unless we go back to leaving our kids in the woods to see if they make it out alive as initiation ritus to adulthood, teaching the 10% of idiots in school is not a bad alternative.
It's pussy brainwashing. "Don't fight back, run!"
>Not homeschooling children
You are no better than leftist.
>Home Ec
This was my first thought. I got some basic cooking and sewing skills in 6th grade. Thought it was gay as fuck at the time but it definitely came in handy later.
High school had a "personal finance" class that was all stuff I knew from parents but could have been useful.
>Drive a stick shift
>How to grow your own food
Wat. Learning to drive in school would be cool though. The rest is also fine. We had home ec as a mandatory class as well as either sewing or shop class.
this. teaching them "advanced" science (in the sense that it is stuff they don't really need to know to make it through life) is simply done to find those who have an interest in it. for the rest of them it's a waste of time, but it's worth it in the end. because the couple of people that stick with it will be ten times more valuable to society than the whole rest combined.
I learned all of these things by myself, and so did fucking EVERYONE.
These are basic fucking things that you idiotic braindead millenials can't understand because you are so astronomically lazy that despite knowing full well that an activity as simple as SOWING ON A BUTTON being as simple as SOWING ON THE DAMN BUTTON to learn, you won't do it, because you
A) want the "authority" (popular) on how to do it becuase you are a spineless coward
b) refuse to take control of anything because you want to be a baby and have no responsibilities
c) are a huge dumbass faggot without the ability to think abstractly
>implying this exact mindset isn't what's eroding the fabric of society.
The notion of the state teaching you how to wipe your ass doesn't unsettle you?
The most important thing a school needs to teach is how to differentiate fact from fiction. I didn't realize how difficult that is for your typical dipshit until this year.
For everything else, kids can ask their parents or the internet. Knowing how to look up information used to be a unit in school.
Why don't parents do that?
Don't you know state education wants to dumb down kids?
Basic agenda 21 stuff
Because the government has taken their place. Why else do you think, you dolt?
They used to. It was called 'Home Ec. They got rid of it in the early 1980s because it was 'sexist.'
>First Aid
>Fluid Borne Pathogens stressing universal precautions
>Home Fire Safety
>Basic Nutrition
>Basic Home Maintenance
>How taxes work
>How our legal system works
This should be a mandatory 4 year course you take all through highschool called "How to Not Fuck Up and/or Die 101"
Teachers are barely able to do that shit themselves. How could they teach it to kids?
>The notion of the state teaching you how to wipe your ass doesn't unsettle you?
it doesn't teach ME to wipe my ass. I already know how to do it. it teaches all those fucking retards that would otherwise depend on me how to wipe their own asses.
as long as we stick with "every life is precious and even if it's literally a braindead person we still have to artificially keep their body alive" I'd rather school teaches those inbreds how to handle their life than me having to pick up their slack in the end
>Be 10 year old me
>Uncle invites my sister and I to go four wheel driving with our cousins
>Sitting in the back seat with my sister and one of my cousins
>Incredibly fucking bumpy, but fun
>Eldest cousin in the front shout "WATCH THE FUCK OU-"
>Uncle yells out "AW FUCKIN' HELL!"
>Uncle yanks on the handbrake and turns.
>Something smashes against the side of one of the passenger doors
>Dust everywhere, everyone hops out to see what happened
>Passenger door has a huge dent in it and a kangaroo lies on the ground.
>He drifted into a kangaroo
>Uncle goes "Agh gawd..." and puts his hands on the sides of his head
>Kangaroo suddenly springs to life, wobbles for a bit and bounds off.
That's your parents job then not the schools
I can't even imagine how weak and useless the next generation are going to be when their own parents are weak and useless to begin with.
Learning to drive in school is only viable in places with ninety+ percent white populations.
>hem pants
Fuck that.
>balance a checkbook
No one uses checks anymore
Other than that I agree. The should probably add other stuff like how to not be a useless piece of shit millennial, but that's wishful thinking.
>balance a checkbook
They didnt teach you addition and subtraction in the 3rd grade?
>cost of raising a child = $~300,000 from 0 to age 18 PER CHILD
>cost of having an "education" at a 4-year college/uni = ~$35,000
>cost of having a real education not that bullshit indoctrination they teach you at today's 4-year colleges/unis = priceless
I remember that our school offered a licence course for scooters. You could get one at 15 for a quarter of the regular price. Good thing to get around.
literally niggers problems
your father is supposed to teach you this things
I'm pretty sure this is what parents are for...
>They didnt teach you addition and subtraction in the 3rd grade?
It's somehow a whole other level if it's about money and a bank account.
>Public Education can't fix everything.
Public Education can't fix anything
Who the fuck doesn't know how to drive stick!?
What is basic first aid. Knowing how to treat a huge cut?
You would be surprised how many white folks have that special kind of lush handshake, the dead fish.
This is true.
America switched all its hummers to automatic because roasties couldn't figure out how to drive stick.
>No not ME
If you aren't willing to subject yourself or your children to the education, you shouldn't be ok with your neighbor getting it. Its toxic for communities for children with parents to become wards of the state. Ideally, we'd hire tutors for our children in every subject, but that's not viable for most people.
First aid is actually not easy to teach yourself correctly though, that shit should be taught.
Basically everything on your list is math, home ec., shop, and ag.... and all are things your parents should teach you
As far as I know, it's uncommon in the United States. No so far to call it rare, but automated gearing is pretty common, even in older cars.
there's a layer of abstraction between that. and a lot of people are simply too fucking stupid to make that tiny leap on their own
and I mean, that's true for every social class in society. even if you go to one of those leadership seminars for managers it's 90% really basic stuff you could have easily come up with on your own, if you only had thought about it - which most people simply don't.
I think a lot of Sup Forums underestimates how fucking valuable and rare being able to think for yourself is
>Bone Apple Tea
Such Kek.
>balance a checkbook
i dont get why people talk about this like a skill... it literally just means knowing how much money you have in the bank. also you can just check your balance on your phone in 2 seconds and nobody uses a fucking checkbook anymore.
>If you aren't willing to subject yourself or your children to the education, you shouldn't be ok with your neighbor getting it.
And in an actual free society, I wouldn't. The problem is that neither of our countries are free to that degree. In both of them, the ones that can use their brain will eventually have to pay for the ones that don't.
hi mr. first year student!
Most parents in the US are drowning in debt, hire someone else to do their taxes, call AAA roadside assistance if they get a flat tire, are overweight or obese, and only cook frozen or canned food when they even bother to cook at all. They only thing they can teach their children are bad habits.