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Stay safe the Jews have come
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Stay safe the Jews have come
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Nice slide thread JIDF
What's so bad about the JIDF? They fight for Israel.
Israel is our oldest ally and friend. They can do no wrong.
> oy vey jews are not white semites and we are fighting antisemitism on diverse board > also killing genuinely semitic palestinians > jpg
So when would they be fighting palestinophobia on Sup Forums? Or that`s a nonissue?
BTW is the acknowledgement of the fact, that jews are cult [not a nation] with majority of members from shores of northen sea, where it originated - an act of antisemitism or something?
I have seen palestinophobia, it's even common.
Don't understimate us, we hate everybody.
> jew cult is anglo puppet and zionist state of israel is it`s colony
--Just for information purposes
Fuck off jidf
Fuck off
They've always been here, dumbass. Your Jew-rage sustains them. Your autistic screeching quenches their thirst. I, just like you, and every other user, have a profile made up based on our individual and collected posts.
>our enemy
The jews are fighting agaisnt cultural Marxism and the Islamization of the west. If you think that the Jews are your enemy, you are (probably unwittingly) working for the globalist leftist elites. A true nationalist supports a strong America, and a strong Israel.
This board used to be full of information on juden now it's rare you see any Jew redpills, the amount of Jew toleration here is extreme compared to a year ago
>we have the numbers
How delusional are they?
They are creating it you fucking retard
You are going to Create another Shoah making posts like this. You realize it too don't you. And you can't even help it because you're jewish. This one will succeed.
gtfo kike
The mods are deleting all the threads with Jew red pills.
Incorrect, the problems the west faces are created by "cultural" Jews who have no connection to Judaism or the state of Israel. They are nothing more than white leftists who stole the cultural identity of the Jewish people to present themselves as a minority. Jews are the solution, not the problem.
The Jews created it.
You're either a kike or have a nigger level IQ.
>david goldstein
NOBODY WILL EVER BUY THIS NARRATIVE and its FUCKING ANNOYING. Try something new you filthy kikes.
Give me a link so I can read this for myself, otherwise I and anyone else reading this post should assume this is fake.
Giev me liberty before they sink it!
And Canada is their main base
You obviously haven't read mein kamph, even the religious conservative Jews believe they have a right over us they just don't expeesss it right now because the enemy of my enemy is my friend
wtf I love Palestine now
I hope someone finishes the job that never started
Fuck Isreal
Fuck all jews
>Poortugal out of fucking nowhere
Every single time
You have all been blinded by leftist propaganda. Hitler did not wish to destroy the Jewish people, the communists did. When you blindly lash out at your greatest ally because Geroge Soros told you to, the globalists win.
This was leaked a weak ago is a private members community I can't just provide a link idiot
Fuck you too mudslime
Hang yourself faggot
Yah I do believe that the global/atheist Jews are not semitic at all, but Asiatic, Khazars or whoever. Artists, musicians, that pasty skin, their love for all things "dark" or "mysterious". Who knows how many worshipping Jews are proper semites, but I think the bulk of Jews especially the globalists ones, are not the Jews the Bible speaks of, but a gang of thieves, cons, and liars who have hijacked the religion and subverts whole countries
I'm white. Are you implying only brown muslims hate jews and support Palestine?
jidf detected
and a leaf doing a good deed calling a shill a fag?
>we are transitioning into dark times
Might as well drop some redpills. JIDF get out.
JIDF pls.
Dirtbags will take issue with this. Even you, you don't feel this way. This might be bait but it's a hundred percent true. Hamas fires ROCKETS into population centers. Over four THOUSAND. That's a war crime. That calls for punishment. Israel, truly a shining beacon of freedom in an ass-backwards backwater of the world. Israel is constantly held to a higher standard while the shit-huffing surrounding countries live in the dark ages & end people's lives for petty offenses. Have some goddamn perspective. Fucken clown
Wtf I love Hamas now
Whats up with Sup Forums again. This week has shilling on pre-election levels.
Is something big getting slid or are they still freaking out cause we discovered pizzagate?
whom ever leaked it should've provided an archive of the page. your pic is highly questionable tbqh
You would be retarded to support any form of Islam no matter what race you are wake up and look at Europe Islam is not a good thing
Why would anyone support fucking Palestine? I'd rather have Israel than some psychotic dumbasses as allies to America. For one, they don't want to butcher all Christians.
God rebuke thee , kike !
Sharing the information is all, they used to raid here often a long time ago and it would not surprise me to see that (((they))) are back
I'm not saying to support Palestine or any Muslim nation but what I am saying is the Jew is the root cause of all the issues we see today
OP is right, Dumphf has turned on us all.
George Soros was the good guy after all.
Dumphf didn't say "Gas the kikes!" on live tv, he said support the Jew containment zone! He is a traitor and we should all be concerned and accept communism now! We should all be divided and fight among ourselves.