How long until Sup Forums is a 100% anti-Trump board?

How long until Sup Forums is a 100% anti-Trump board?

I already see a lot of people turning against him due to his extreme pro-Israel views, not to mention his backwards stance on First Amendment rights.


back to canada, snowniggers

Not gonna happen /leftypol/, keep concern trolling faggot.

>backwards stance on first amendment rights

Slander has already been illegal. Yellow journalism isn't a positive thing.


Libtards tears is so delushious.

Cry harder


> ~10 blacks questionably killed the past four years.
> All cops must be racist.
> If you question this, you are a racist.

>Don't become the hate

>Stop labeling people !
>Racist, bigot, xenophobic, misognystic sexual predator

>Every viewpoint and culture should be accepted. #love

>We can't stereotype Muslims! That's wrong!
>Now lets get back to blaming white men for everything.

> Muslims alone kill thousands in the name of Allah past couple of years.
> Just a few bad apples soil Islam's name.
> If you question this, you are a 'racist.'

>Muslims say Allah created Earth
>thunderous applause by Muslims, liberals not seen anyway
>Christian says God created Earth
>thunderous applause by Christians, Booed by degenerate liberals

> Liberals fight for equality.
> Shit on Christians.

>Homosexuality is natural in the animal kingdom! we're just like them!
>You eat meat? we're not animals! we're better than that!

>Everybody has the right to a chance at a good life
>Supports abortion

>Race is a social construct
>Racism and white privilege is real

>There is only one race: the human race
>You racist

>Fuck you white people
>Fuck racism
choose one

>Free Tibet
>Diversity for Europe

This is what happens when you leave neo-Marxists in charge of educating the young.

They don't even know they are using it, they are just parroting what marxist professors have indoctrinated the youth with.

This. Fuck off shill.

Sup Forums was always pro-Israel and always will be. It's going to be hilarious watching liberals melt down for the next 8 years as Trump Makes America Great Again and as Israel grows stronger and more influential

We are shutting down your rat nest. Stay mad, Libtard



Honestly where I'm at is I like the idea of Trump, but I really hate some of the stuff he's been doing. I see a lot people defending what he dies no matter what, but we can't give him a pass on things like his cabinet picks. We need to make our voices heard and let the administration know that if his actual presidency is like this, we're not going to vote for him again.


Sup Forums was always an Anti-Trump board.
Anyone that says otherwise is a troll.


Fucking kek

These safety squad memes are pretty dank.


Malik Obama. Barack Obama brother

100% Trump supporter

Maybe in seven years maybe never, now literally it's up to what results will show of the political strugle that's about to come.
As in a very long time the reusrgence of old problems in the world are comming, call it extreme liberalism and communism, the time for balance has come and some people are guaranteed to suffer.

The jews that we don't like are the ones that are anti-israel who live here. Pro-Israel jews are good people, and a lot of them live in israel. They left the liberal anti israel "jews" like Soros behind.


>Implying Trump didn't kick those niggers off of his golf course.

Excuse me sir, but Sup Forums is a NatSoc board.

Putin should send you to Siberia. Communist Rat

probably a week into his presidency.

Which cabinet picks don't you like? Most of them are excellent. Only a few are sketchy, and even then, we don't know the dynamics of the administration yet, because it's not yet in place, so we don't know how much influence they will have over big policy matters.

Which is part of the reason I can't take any of these Trump criticisms seriously. You're criticizing a chess player who has merely made his opening move, before waiting to see how the board develops.

>hi im totally not an ANTIFA faggot who posts on NeoGAF daily

Fuck off you nigger.

This, the triggering will be unprecedented over the next 8 years. Stay mad shitlibs. Stand with Trump and stand with Israel

Sup Forums is and always will be pro-Israel because we aren't demented stormcucks who refuse to act in their own self interest just because of some fanatical hatred of jews. You do realize that the globalists want you to hate Israel right?

shocked it hasnt happened already. Pol has turned into establishment bootlickers all of a sudden. Sad really

I see them be anti Trump and pro establishment in a year. Just let Trump rollout his liberal policies and Sup Forums will turn on him.


>Globalist hate us
>Isreal is the hub of the globalist
>We're your friends, goy!

The shills are trying a new tatic to steal our board. It's not happening. Sup Forums is a power beyond the ken of mortal plots.

We share a common enemy with Israel.
Deal with mudslimes first.
then da jews


Honestly the only reason not to rag on him on a board dedicated to bitching about politicians is because you're a fanboy still high off of the win.

>I already see a lot of people turning against him due to his extreme pro-Israel views

Those are leftists. The nationalists on Sup Forums have always supported Israel and Zionism.

>1 post by this ID

Learn to shill you filth.

>The shills are trying a new tatic to steal our board.

Don't you mean subreddit?

Never. Sup Forums is too cucked

Do you have any idea how badly Trump would have to fuck up to reach Hillary presedincy level?

The afterglow won't last very much. When delly-Sup Forums wakes up from their pipe dream they will realize that shartlandia is once again laughing stock for the rest of the world and then they'll probably return to ron paul and crying about jews or something.

>badly Trump would have to fuck up

Do you forget what happened under the last Republican president? Or where you even born at the time?


Thanks for being honest.

That's your arguement? Look what another guy from one of two potential political parties did a decade ago.

FUCK SAUDI ARABIA! FUCK ISLAM! MOHAMMID FUCKS 9 year old girls and so does Nigger King Obama! Fuck Marxism and fuck Globalism.

I'm not even GOP you fucking faggot


Nice try shill.

>I'm not even GOP you fucking faggot

you vote solid republican. don't bullshit.

>I already see a lot of people turning against him due to his extreme pro-Israel views,
Muslims aren't people

>That's your arguement? Look what another guy from one of two potential political parties did a decade ago.

Well Trump voted for GWB twice so how is he not Bush's third term?

>voting Republican makes you a GOP supporter

Learn the difference between the two, kike.

Those are shills using divide and conquer tactics.

>voting bush makes you bush

This is the single dumbest post I've read today. Congratulations.

Just the shills. Pay no mind

Underage b& pls

This is Trump's tax policy compared to Jeb Bush.

>Underage b& pls

Look who's talking you were probably shitting your diapers under Bush

I'm 24.