Are Russian's Nordic?
Are Russian's Nordic?
No, asian
They're Slav, Slavs are friends.
the northwestern ones are for the most part
Part Nordic, if you consider Finno-Ugrics nordic
this and so are australians
The reason modern Russians (and slavs in general) can have hair colors other than "jet black" and "shit brown" is because a shitload of Viking faggots invaded eastern Europe between about 800-1000 AD and raped everything with a hole, permanently integrating norse heredity into the gene pool of the Baltic tribes, Kievan Rus', Poles, etc, So yes they're Nordic in the same way Anglos are "Germanic," with a bunch of other stuff in there too like celtic and roman. But what they really are is a new race which is now best called "slav," distinct from the proto-Slavic ethnicities and Turkic nomads.
"Slav = white nigger" is a meme
From the mediterranean point of view all far north of Milan is nordic-barbarian