1960s counter-culture: The result

Can white countries be fixed if we remove this trash?

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It's too late.

Gen Z.


born after 2001? They are not as bad as the ones born from 1980 to 1995.

>1960s counter-culture
That became the mainstream culture, giving birth to SJWism and other shit.

So whoever's against that technically becomes the new counter-culture


The 60's marked the rise of Jewish culture over WASP culture in America. Where institutions like Harvard, Yale, and Princetons were the epicenter of white Anglo-thought, they are now nearly half Jewish hives of degeneracy and cultural Marxism.

Hippies were not the mainstream in the 60s. Just like SJWs aren't the mainstream today. There were plenty of normal people back then and plenty of other subcultures that hated hippies. Media just likes to romanticize hippie culture.

>tfw you will never be a 70s gear head

>Just like SJWs aren't the mainstream today
Liberalism, cultural marxism and anti-white is mainstream today.

born between 1996 and 2011

No it isn't. It is still a vocal minority. Get the fuck off the internet and tumblr for five minutes. Most people are moderate normies.

It is the mainstream narrative. All those things are what's being pushed in institutions, business and the military.

True. And unless us whites realize it, we are fucking cucks.

And how are those things received? Are they well received?


It doesnt matter how well we 'recieve' it.

What matters is that we are allowing it to happen

>Get the fuck off the internet

This is a direct consequence of the hatred of liberals for white and western culture.

No. The latest generation is even worse.

I couldn't tell you what the consensus is in all areas to be honest. In the military it is not well received by many, but it is being pushed anyway despite how many do not like it and it is making our military suffer and lose cohesion.

> imblying
it is definitely mainstream, it is always okay to talk about racist SJW shit, say anything remotely conservative and its get letters sent to your job about how you are a neo-nazi

If by remove you mean eliminate then no, white people are not breeding at a competitive rate vs Hispanics or muslims so preserving their genetic heritage is key, the proper thing to do would be to not allow these people to raise children and hand them over to a sort of law abiding foster family that teaches them good traditional western values, too far fetched but better than your alternative

The truth is the majority of normies tolerate SJWs and anti-white culture but don't tolerate conservatism and traditional values.


literaly nothing wrong with nudism
get you're shit together


Blame this hook nosed trash on pic related. He's the that start this mess with his "New Left" ideals.
His friend got killed by a Black Panther nigger, a group that he HELPED GROW.
HE introduced her to be their treasurer, and they fucking killed her dumped her in the SanFan Bay as soon as she said she would make publich their tax problems with the Black Panther Party.
Only then he realized how dangerous communist ideologies are. Retarded piece of shit, he ruined entire generations for nothing.

>He's the one that started this mess with his "New Left" ideals.

Sorry, I was LITERALLY SHAKING writing this.

>killed and dumped her

I'm not ok.

Not his fault. He was raised like that. His parents were communists. After his friend was killed he spent his whole life trying to make up for it. He basically become Sup Forums before there was /pol. He's a pretty good guy now. I mean he shills for Israel a lot (he's close to being a mainstream conservative), but he's BTFOing SJW's for decades. If more diaspora were like him I don't think Sup Forums would have a problem with Jews.

c mata

picture confirmed what my sheikh said

european women are created by Allah(cc) for the pleasure of muslim men. we should fullfil their wombs because european men turned into faggots.


fuck off roach. Muslim men are as bad (if not worse) than feminist whores. You are a bunch of degenerate cult.

The youth of today are misinformed they are fighting on the wrong side, we need to convert them

wew lad. what a way to twist it.

like I was talking about trump at all. even on the context of the thread that doesn't make sense.

who knew a vicious memester couldn't string together coherent thoughts.

É só um macaco paneleiro querendo atenção.

can monkeys talk nowadays?

I think I know that booty.


>t. Wescley dos Santos, 16 anos, mora com a mamãe.

shoo shoo turkshit

>blaming the poorest, dumbest people in the country for the countries problems instead of the reams of suit wearing, lying, parasitic business men that make every single decision

>tfw you will never be a 70s gear head

That's my uncle. He's a mechanic and hates his job now but said there was nothing more fun than getting together and building cars with his friends. Then they could go drinking and fucking around in the cars without getting in trouble.


The Gen Z is redpilled meme is gonna be hilarious to watch play out. These faggots will put the nail in the coffin.

We need more red pilled music or "sensible" music

Supposedly a very conservative generation according to predictions that said millenials were lazy entitled pieces of virtue signalling shit.

I hate the generation born from 1980 to 1996. Gen Z conservative meme however is laughable. They are just as bad as the baby boomers. The difference is that they seem even more stupid than them.

>tfw listen to 1940s jazz all the time
>occasionally throw in Bowling for soup and some weezer and some fountains of wayne for a mix up

This is why we redpill now. It's taking generations to fix the boomer damage.

I was born in '98, can confirm its just a meme. This generation is the worst yet.

Your generation is the luckiest one. You didn't experience the grunge, hip hop and MTV shit from the 90s and early 2000s
Also the emo and goth culture only got worse after 9/11.

Around 2012 I was watching some American docummentary on the rise of rock 'n' roll in 60's USA and realized how poisoning this music genre actually was and still is for teenagers and people in their 20's.
We often laugh at our grandparents telling young people about it being the Devil's music but they're not so wrong after all once you realize (((who))) the Devil is.

Jesus, you have the most boring music taste in the entire world

The anti authoritarian nature of rock seems outwardly good as it fosters independence. But it became the vessel for the blue pill. Music programmed generations into shallow political "thought".

>anything that isn't niggerbabble or screaming about hating your dad is boring

I mean I guess.

They will become super reactionary

what does this mean?

Rock music was always a blue pill and a source of degeneracy.

Jazz and rock is music for prostitutes and junkies.

Your prophet is a mentally ill faggot.

Koran is toilet paper.

Is it too early to tell?

In this case, it means half of them will be nationalists

If somebody would ask me to pose like this id simply refuse. Beatles are fucking cucks. I hope they burn in hell

When you are on a diet of acids and marijuana you do whatever the elite tells you to do.

>huurr racemixing

>>huuur fucking juice did this

It's just the producer being nice and making sure POC feel at home, instead of the native society thinking bad things about then

if you separate races, or make the POC race look bad, then what do you except, they feel discriminated

you don't need this ''racemixing'' propaganda anyway.

thanks to natural selection, white women have been preferring POC anyway.

ever since black males first made eye contact with white women, it's been driving the white women wild

if white males are getting butthurt about it, then tough luck pal

people are having fun, get over it. no one care about skin colour, nor do they care about your divide and conquer ''evidence''

you Sup Forumstard are just authoritarian fucks who care too much about what other people do

Smelly brown manlets pleasuring anyone, now that is funny one. I thought you insecure little failures cut off the clits of your women, because you are too scared that they run away to someone who knows what to do with them.

Truly the epitome of beta, exactly in the image of your prophet, who got killed by jewish woman, like a bitch he is, and now he burns in hell for that.

This trash is now your senators and billionaires. It is them who will remove (you).

>The Andrews Sisters' music for prostitutes
and junkies
>glen miller is for prostitues and junkies
it's like you don't listen to music at all

I understand your line of thought but the ones who were being anti-authoritarian were just being anti-authoritarian for hell of it. Rebellion without any logical basis is arguably worse (as in counter-productive) than being a useful sheep.

>make the POC race look bad,

They are more than capable of looking bad by their own actions.
And your racemixing is a fucking meme pushed by a bunch wankers in media, nothing else.

Runaround Sue and the Wanderer were great songs. The rest were sentimental crap.

American talking about music is just as bad as indian talking about hygiene.

Jazz and rock is degenerate and is music to be played in cabarets you fucking stupid.


>1960s counter-culture
>50 years ago
okay your mom was a slut
get over it fgt pls

suck a dick huemonkey
musicals are for gays

I just saw a reason to post the picture :P

I don't thinks there's anything wrong with music that isn't directly telling people to be degenerate (See: Miley Cyrus in concert)

It would be awesome to see people dressed in 1950's garb at an EDM or rock festival instead of dressed like whores

20 year old here. I'm already seeing it. It's glorious.


You answered your own question roach

This, unless some sort of fascist dictator comes to power (and no, good goy trump is not anywhere close to what we need) we are doomed.


The nation is not your tribe. The west is not your tribe.
Your tribe is your family and friends. Try to fix everywhere and you'll fix nowhere. Start with yourself. Then your friends. Then your family. If only 5% of people did so, the west would be saved.

I'm currently talking to a native girl from czech republic :) she is planning to visit turkey for next summer :)

I did this kind of thing in the early 80s by going to a lot of Grateful Dead shows

these are people I knew at a show at Stanford at the Frost Amphitheater in 1985

we weren't too terribly degenerate

Albainia is a total qt. Too much makeup tho

germoney is my favorite.

>we weren't too terribly degenerate
it really looks like you were you fucking degenerate dead head

You dont like to see naked women? Are u gay?

>lol u don lik hedosind ur proly a hedinoist

grow up

your Brillant

She looks like she'd be a real cutie.

I wouldn't mind seeing her in a teddy and a pout.

It is indeed.

>Your generation is the luckiest one. You didn't experience the grunge, hip hop and MTV shit from the 90s and early 2000s

Literally wtf are you talking about?
Nirvana was a great band, 90s hiphop was EASILY the best decade for that music genre.

Mtv actually played music back then.
Nowadays they only play degenerate "reality shows"

>Nirvana was a great band, 90s hiphop was EASILY the best decade for that music genre.

A fucking leaf :(

>It's too late.

or is it...

what... in the fuck... degenerate weeb

triggered petista.


Our last chance is a culture revolution spurred by the anti-globalist Trump wave and embracing traditionalism and rejecting degeneracy

There's a better chance of the pendulum swinging now than ever before. We must lead the charge Sup Forumsacks