How do we solve the NEET problem, Sup Forums?
Just look at Japan, Greece, and Italy. Things are looking bad!
How do we solve the NEET problem, Sup Forums?
Just look at Japan, Greece, and Italy. Things are looking bad!
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She's terrible at sucking banana
No you suck.
I have a couple cousins who are neet. They are really starting to piss of the family because they both have fucking kids but they refuse to work.
import more niggers
Why so angry? Is that your banana?
>Just look at Japan, Greece, and Italy. Things are looking bad!
Why wouldn't you mention Spain? We are #1
import more niggers
Also, banana is a very bad source of potassium.
Eat beans, sweet potato, lentils... instead.
I had a buddy who went to Europe this last summer for a month. He said it's really easy to pick up European girls as an American because a lot of the local guys are "losers who don't work."
Gave me a good chuckle.
probably a war. I can't think of a better solution but we need to get these people outside
it's easy simply because most of them are easy
also, you're friend didn't get laid at all he was just pretending
All I want is an easy to do well paid and fun job that offers travel opportunities not travel obligations. Full perks. Pension, company car and credit card.
Nah, I believe him. He's always been a humble guy who's never needed to lie about stuff. That's why I was very surprised when he told me that.
He also said when he would be out early in the day for walks, and what not, there would be a lot of young men just sitting around outside doing absolutely nothing.
start NatSoc
what part of spain did he visit?
hahah, monkey stole his banana
Have a world worth partaking in.
>being a wagecuck for the benefit of women and jews
good cis goy
HAHAHAH nice to see you drones are too busy getting fucked in the rat race to see how things truly are. Have a nice day wagecuck.
NEETS are modern day philosophers
All of it pretty much. He had family in Spain and in Prague. So he was in Spain and Czech Republic a lot.
He did have nothing but good things to say about Germany though.
>make it incredibly hard or expensive for young males to enter gainful employment or university
>companies wanting years of experience for entry level jobs
>unions and guilds keeping young new workers out of trades
>universities are getting more expensive and less valuable at the same time
>women are maximizing their hookup culture and male-wallet objectification which makes loving relationships difficult
>many young men have no clear path to gainful employment and no chance at a getting a serious love interest.
>when trying to straighten their life out companies ignore resumes with gaps unless they have a vagina
>socially neets trying to reenter society are treated with doubt and suspicion
Gee I wonder where neets are coming from, and why they aren't going away
Basically this. Work for everybody and let starve those who don't work or study by choice and not by phisical or mentall disabilities. This sure will put them to work.
ahh yes keep the retards and the cripples in the gene pool, nice
if you wanna be edgy at least try a tad harder m8
Do whatever you want with them mate. I think as long as they are not allowed to reproduce feeding them is not that bad.
>there would be a lot of young men just sitting around outside doing absolutely nothing
pretty sad that being spanish i cant tell if this is true or not since i havnt left home before sunset for almost a year
It's even a way to employ people to take care of them.
That's not how you eat banana. You would think she would know her shit.
Forced androgen injections/pills + forced conscription into national service until they can prove they're not NEETs.
im a NEET but if i had kids no way i oculd be NEET they are fuck heads what the fuck man
those lips would make you cum in 5 min or less
I date black girls, and lips like that, with a bit of pressure, is almost as good as tight black pussy.
And no, im white.
this is an excellent solution
It would work actually. But it's not like the govs need strong headed men, do they?
Fuck, I just want atleast one of those things.
>implying I would sign up to fight a war for some dirty kike
I would continue sitting at home watching it all burn.
NEET 4 lyfe
You should see the rest of the video. It's so fucking good!
neet life best life
Disgusting shit, stop posting this ugly monkey
Stop sending jobs overseas so there's more work available here.
Get rid of no-fault divorce and bring marital laws to parity so young men can actually trust marriage.
Make it much more difficult to abuse welfare so healthy people can no longer leech from the government.
Stop coddling children to the point where they believe they are entitled to being taken care of their whole lives.
Do you really mean that Gretchen? I'll stop if you're legitimately triggered.
I'm going to be needing sauce on this buds.
Implying it's a problem. I don't give enough fucks to do anything but basic work and then proceed to do jack shit all day. I live a comfy life, not much stress, free time, if the world's going to burn i'll just watch it burn.
I can't give you sauce, the German guy won't let me post her anymore.
fuck him. post it anyway
Niggerlipping a banana.. What a monkey.
Fritz can fuck off. It's probably his sister anyway. Post it famiglia.
Video got removed from YouTube I'd have to upload it. If you really want it that bad I'll upload it later send me an email [email protected]
Abolish Obamacare
Eliminate 90% of federal and state welfare
Lower taxes to increase jobs and career positions.
i don't need too. Tonight a new black girl, 21 is coming over to eat MY banana
I will probably blow load in her mouth after i bang her pussy good
nice thin, bubbly assed 21 year old. And im 46. Life don't get better in the caribbean.
black girls love dating white guys. No matter what your age
And i pay nothing for that black pussy
Living the dream.
I can't point out exactly what, but there is something in this post screaming "creepy dude".
What the fuck is it? Why can't I point it out?
something in your post screams "lonely jelly guy"
but i can't quite put my finger on it. Something about your post.
fuck ya bro.
Living the dream.......
>Greece and Italy
Hard not to be a NEET when there's no jobs
This is why I like NatSoc. There's jobs for everyone who wants to work so in order to be unemployed you have to bring it upon yourself and be a lazy ass
People shouldn't be given welfare they should be given work
throw sinclairasmr on youtube my poor creepy dude
What's your business on caynmann island other than banging chikcs?
picking up some dirty cash before he visits Epstein island
How about generate some entry level jobs that aren't fast food, retail, or telemarketing. You know, like shit that actually produces value.
Basically, blue collar jobs and industry is the answer.
Pick one. Living out your dream is not a problem. Life comes with no rulebook, it's not your place then to say what is right or wrong.