Daily reminder that Hillary WON the popular vote by almost 3 million.
3 M I L L I O N.
More Americans voted for HER. People wanted HER.
People chose HER.
Drumpf was elected by the 200 year old system established by the slave owners.
Daily reminder that Hillary WON the popular vote by almost 3 million.
3 M I L L I O N.
More Americans voted for HER. People wanted HER.
People chose HER.
Drumpf was elected by the 200 year old system established by the slave owners.
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i know you are a troll, but i will reply anyway.
How many 10s of millions of illegals voted for Clinton illegally?
Without jewish crime corruption and nepotism, this election wouldnt have even been close.
Only countries that actually matter can post ITT from now on
>How many 10s of millions of illegals voted for Clinton illegally?
You dumb fucking uneducated inbred white trash.
There are around 11 million immigrants you dumb cunt and there is NO PROOF that any of them voted, idiot.
all the 3 million votes came from California because Trump didn't campaign there.
He focused his energy on the states that would give him the victory.
>Hillary is stupid
>Trump is smart
Outside of Texas and California what were the margins?
>People chose HER.
Actually, it was robots, illegals, and dead people that """"chose"""" her.
Also known as California.
Daily reminder that China greatly outnumbers the US.
If everything was decided by popular vote, China could own our entire government. But we live in different countries that govern ourselves.
Now extrapolate that same idea to states.
>The margin is all in California, which isn't even American anymore. It's full of shitty brown "people" and millions of illegals that can easily vote. With voting security being so lax in Commifornia, their entire state should be disregarded in the count.
>slave owners
Actual white americans that made a country the entire world wanted to live in
>NO PROOF they voted
State and Obama government that wanted them to vote and weaken Trump's legitimacy hasn't given us evidence of their plan? Shocking.
Daily reminder that nobody gives a fuck.
The people played a game with a set of rules, half the country didn't vote because 90% of the country's votes don't actually matter, you cannot infer what would have happened had the rules been different as the voting pattern would also have been different.
Just another example of why democracy on a large scale is horrible.
I don't give a fuck if 10 gorillion more voted for that wench she lost the electoral college get over it the founding fathers came up with this system to avoid people like Clinton winning by making every state count not just the nigger and illegal polluted areas
Reminder that Clinton won less States
Reminder that Clinton didn't have a majority but a plurality
Reminder that the presidential election is not a national election
Reminder that you lost
The same system is used in the EU and that's fine by everyone. Finland has 4 times more influence per capita compared to germany.
And that 2million+ lead came from one state, CA, where illegals get registered to vote automatically with a drivers license
Spics that's illegally hanging out in California are considered Americans now?
The only people that voted for Trump are rural idiots.
City people voted for Hillary.
Not for long
>they will shitpost about this until the end of time
>trump is still president-elect
daily reminder that california covered the spread for useless votes by idiots
Yet she is not your Madam President.
Live with it, or kill yourself. The world won't care.
delet your account
haha there r no account u dum fagot
Why remind me?
She's the bitch that ignored the rust belt.
she shouldn't have taken them for granted.
Jebem ti majku dosadnu.
3 million out of how many people in the entire United States?
that's not how it works. You vote per state. Its not a national election, its 50 elections. Each state is a democracy, and its a federation of 50 democracies.
Its like saying "oh, well millions of people in Russia want trump therefore MORE PEOPLE WANT HIM"
some votes count more than others, deal with it.
United States of America isn't a Democratic country.
Winning the popular vote doesnt mean jackshit.
>Now, who is it that will be President on 20th of January 2017?
I know this is bait but i want to remind you anyway that illegals and liberals are not americans. Only city retards voted for hillary. Suburban and Rural people voted for Trump.
Oh look its the Serbian Hillary supporter
Hillary won the most popular loser award
Deal with it
Alaska has 3 electors 738,432 people.
California has 55 electors and 39 million people.
Let's do some quick maths: how many people from each state equal one elector?
One elector from Alaska = you need about 250,000 people.
One elector from California = you need about 700,000 people.
Does this seem like a system which fairly represents the opinion of the public to you? to me it does not.
Parasites AKA liberals, illegals and welfare leeches voted for Hillary. People that want a job to earn an honest day's pay voted for Trump.
>I've never been to California
How can you support hillary when she and her husband bombed your country?
Maybe if Hillary had actual logistics in place and had the mental capacity to consider that the Rust Belt actually was culturally and demographically favorable to Trump she would have allocated her resources there instead of losing crucial states by half a percentage point. But obviously she didn't do that because women don't make good decisions.
Yeah fuck off.
Yeah, NAFTA really fucked them over. And you wonder why an anti-NAFTA nationalist won. Fuck off you stupid leaf. The rake is coming.
Actually, each state automatically gets two votes. Then they get more votes based on their population with a minimum of at least one more vote. So Alaska gets one vote with 738k people while California gets 53 votes with 39 million people, or one vote per 736k people.
>Yeah, NAFTA really fucked them over.
Nice meme.
Not understanding that most of those companies that are blue, outsource work and the red states got fucked by china manufacturing.
You're stacking the cards in your favor because those states are trade hubs so obviously their GDP will be higher. It does not change the fact those demo states are infested with parasites that sucks the lifeblood out of the nation while giving nothing back. Cut federal funding from those places and they will collapse while the rest of the country can survive and move on.
>Clinton looked like she was losing popular vote
>trump gets electoral college voters
Like poottery
>NAFTA only screwed with red counties
They're getting fucked by China manufacturing because outside of 3 or 4 blue states, your country is an uneducated third world shithole.
>Drumpftard mental gymnastics
Funny how democrats can just post facts, but Republicans have to resort to saying complete bullshit
>literally create all the GDP in America
>sucks the lifeblood out of the nation while giving nothing back
he is an antifa faggot
literally hates himself
but unable to leave serbia
You are not a real Serbian if you support Hillary Clinton. You fucking cuck.
not a single american voted for Hillary clinton.
I like how you totally ignored my statement about those states being infested with parasites and word your reply to imply I meant the entire state is a parasite. Thanks for making a dumb nigger like me feel smart. Day of the rake can't come fast enough.
Ebem ti picku materino, stop making these threads
Fuck off, drumpftards.
Tfw I'm a white male and voted for Trump three times.
To point it out more specifically, there is no national popular vote for the office of the Presidency. The 'national' election for Presidency is a fictional product of news casters.
Cry more. This is how our system works. Besides, the majority of states wanted Hillary. Why let California decide every president we ever get simply because they have more people in it? Is that what is best for the UNITED States of America? One state deciding the fate of all others and the country as a whole?
While I do not think this system is perfect, its far more balanced than the popular vote system. If we were one giant super state, then the popular vote would make more sense, however, popular vote makes no sense at all in the US as each state has completely different needs.
That's some basement level reading comprehension right there. Do you understand what trade hubs are?
Like how you're admitting that equality is bullshit and you want to have a tyrannical government. Also, using proxies doesn't hide the samefagging. You can get away with that on Sup Forums and Sup Forums but not here.
I wonder how they are going to keep this up for the next 4 to 8 years from now.
Trump already won and is going to be President. I don't know why fallen CTR tards keep doing this shit with stale and weak memes.
>4 times as many people live in state A that state B.
>State A gets more vote ecause more people paying more into taxes right?
Your local SJW: "THATS UNFAIR GET RID OF THE SYSTEM ITS BROKEN!?!?! *slobers on spic and nigger cock whilst getting raped*
t. ctr shillposter with nothing to do after election
What I understand is that all the best schools and most important industries are in the blue states and that the red states are just full of meth heads.
God damn you're a retarded leaf cuck , why do you think trump won the rust belt? Because libshits are destroying jobs for everyone in middle America. Take away LA and New York City from your graph and you will see that graph flip. Not only that take away either of those in the popular vote and you'll see trump ahead by 3 million votes. Stay mad we Trump nation now kid! Still enjoying your cuck tears
TLDR you just proved why trump won
>libshits are destroying jobs for everyone in middle America
It's so funny how Drumpfniggers keep saying that but never actually show any examples of that being even remotely true.
Face it, it's over
NY and California have the highest populations and they voted for her. Two states will run this nation when I run out of bullets.
will you cry if Radule "Pada Vlada" Dinkić v2.0 shits himself on the elections next year too?
Today I will remind them.
Shouldn't it be called an Oligarchy if some people's votes are worth more than others?
Wow, your state must literally be the pinnacle of human evolution if it's superior to NY and California.
That CTR slush fund is bound to dry up eventually.
>Daily reminder that Hillary WON the commiefornia vote by over 4 million
Trump won over 3000 counties across America.
Hillary won a couple of cities.
30 million, you say? oh vey! how could she recieve 300 million more votes and still lose the election? 3 billion votes... I can't believe it.
Why do you care ((((((((Serbian))))))))
Pic related.
Spoiler: Black as represented by Hillary gets rekt.
How the fuck do you people still shill for Hillary??? Is it ironic and supposed to be edgy or do you actually think anyone gives a shit. Must suck that of all people you have to shill for, that it's the stinky shit filled diaper that is Hillary Clinton, it must induce suicidal thoughts. Have a (You), nigger.
this game was obviously played against a low level bot, there were many opportunities to get a serious advantage as black. Honestly trump would be black and pull a fool's mate on white (clinton)
People actually like Hillary.
Nobody gives a shit about Trump.
The game was played in 1851 between two masters, son.
Daily reminder she won the votes of people who actually stop the USA being a third world shithole
Thanks for your non-abhorrent post, leaf.
Alice pays Bob 20k to eat her shit. Bob agrees. Then offers Alice 20k for shit covered cunnalingus. Alice agrees. Neither party made money, but 40k GDP created.
>not going to be president
Facts. Ok.
Hillary accepted money from foreign countries while running for govt. office, textbook treason.
There is no evidence from any agency that Russia hacked her emails.
The dnc has yet to actually deny those emails.
All of the big businesses backed Hillary because they know they can bribe her and Trump's tax plan includes closing corporate tax loopholes.
The media was always biased in her favor.
When the hurricane hit the south coast during the campaigns, trump donated money,food,meds,clothes,and toys out of pocket, while Hillary and Obama were golfing on Martha's vineyard.
The entire election was as stacked in her favor as the dnc could possibly make it, they even flat out admit they use voter fraud to boost numbers.
Hillary still lost to trump.
How's them for facts? Now hurry up and brexit already so the eu can die.
Russia hacked the elections and gave Hillary 27 million more votes.
> serbtards
Not even once
>remember muh 3 million
daily rEminder you're a bored faggot
Today I learned that computers, smartphones, satellites, self-driving electric cars, and 100% of the cultural industry in America are exactly the same as shit covered cunnilingus.
Didn't Obama also lose the popular vote? I didn't see heartbleeding liberals protesting then.