
Looks really good, can't wait. I literally do not see what the problem is, just change the channel if you have an issue with it.

Other urls found in this thread:


This if you don't like pedophilic suggestive material being spread to the masses the solution is to not watch it individually.

>implying you wouldn't fuck his face


>kid wears a gag and is transgender
This can't be real

is that to widen it for the bbc?

2017 is the pedophilia promotion year.

2017 better be the year we round up all these fucking pedos and make an example of them

Nope. Pedophilia is going to once again be an acceptable thing. The bullshit from the 20th century is finally coming to an end.

It's real, it's all real. Slippery slope is in full effect.


looks okay, the trailers they ran on tv made it look like shit


absolutely degenerate.

Shotas are loyal, lolis are slutty whores.

The comment section brought a tear to my eye.

shut up pedo... you're part of the problem you degenerate!

This looks awful.

>it's this meme again


so how are you all getting this pedo message from this?

lolis are pure and gods gift to us so we can endure this miserable and dull life full of old hags, sandniggers, niggers and general subhumans.

>lolis are pure
Youtube dance videos say otherwise.

Who are you people? Shills, TRS, reddit?? Are you paid by jews?

Are you just trolling? Why are you defending this show?


i'm not defending the show. if you consume any kike media you're a bluepilled faggot anyway.

i'm actually asking retard, a kid in drag and another kid saying vagina are jokes not pedo promotion

I've been here for a long too many count of years.
Couldn't care less about the show. Didn't even watch the vid. If it's on Fox, it's gonna be ass.

Why would TRS be defending the show?

>(((female))) comedy

shut the fuck up pedofag

I mean, who really gets this idea in their head: "Hey, I know! Let's put a ball gag in a nine year old's mouth." What kind of perverted fucker thinks of shit like this? And for a big film company like Fox to okay this and air it on television...

That's not a ball gag.

That's clearly a spreader gag.

it's a joke dude, take some time off Sup Forums for fucks sake, i'm getting called a pedo because I don't fall in line with your "kikewood nonsense

I want to fuck his mouthpussy!


I saw it last night. After about 10 minutes it got tiring. Just people insulting each other and it is clearly anti-white male all the way.

Man don't any of you anti-peds ever watch Hunter x Hunter.

....and what's up with the name "The Mick", would they make a show called The Nigger or The Spic?


No, Greece!


We need a war.

Go home faggot

it aired already? anything you liked or did suck completely?

I think you guys are reading into this too much. They are making fun of this stuff.

The worst part is they are going to force this turd into the Fox Sunday night lineup. I only go to Sup Forums for the Sunday night live watch thread and they weren't happy a year ago when Fox put another stupid live-action series in. Surprise, it got cancelled before it even finished its initial run of shows.


you're a fucking moron if you believe that...

The two chicks (aunt and niece) are attractive and the main actress (the aunt) puts herself into her role.

I wanna post this on my kikebook, but how do I go about posting this and adding some text to make it seem passive aggressive, kind of like hey look at this trash, but without actually saying it.

i know i know, but at least i wanna do positive things, help me Sup Forums

Bird* comedy

just say whoever likes this is a degenerate piece of shit. that seems subtle enough...