Okay Sup Forums what are the pros and cons of both Socialism and Capitalism.
Links to sources.
Okay Sup Forums what are the pros and cons of both Socialism and Capitalism.
Links to sources.
Socialism sucks because a guy giving me a Starbucks coffee does not deserve to be treated like a brain surgeon
All commies should be shot directly in the face on the spot.
Even after he smugly reminds you that by saying "large" that you really want a Venti?
Socialism sucks because every socialistic nation is dead or dying
To be fair, in REAL socialism a brain surgeon is treated like a guy that gives you a Starbucks coffee.
Shit Quality
Welfare handouts
>give all your money to Jews
>one Jew corporation rises so high and destroys any other small firm's chance
>homeless people
>tax the rich Jews
>tax Apple and Google and Microsoft 50%
>with 5000 trillion dollars from taxig Jews you get free healthcare, education and other services
>everyone has a job
>euro logic
Who's managing that money and running the government """"""""""services""""""""""?
Exactly that's what I was saying, socialism is cancer
>Having an opinion that no one will take seriously
>All that while getting buttfucked in a threesome with his wife's boyfriend Muhammad
>passive aggressively spills brains then texts his xyrfriend
socialism require too much enforcement, just think about everything that are technically "means of production", it will naturally turn into a dictatorship. Dictatorships end in revolutions, revolutions lead to the dissolution of much of the sate's power, without complete police control of every movement you cannot prevent trade and private owndership.
There you go, you just took a 100 year ride back to capitalism and all you got for it is millions of people starved to death and a shit economy.
Socialism cons:
It's shit.
Socialism pros:
When in effect, everyone knows how shitty it really is.
Capitalism cons:
Having to deal with privileged liberal idiots who idolize murderers like Che and Fidel.
Capitalism pros:
Freedom, happiness, a full belly.
>I'll tax the rich xd
That's why no one takes socialists seriously. There's no actual way to overtax the rich, too many taxes and they either find loopholes to evade them, bribe public officials or simply leave your country since all these things are cheaper than playing big taxes.
>not swaswaswaswaswaswaswaswa
Check your privilege non-heli scum
both look good on the paper, but suck at execution.
in theory capitalism will lead to competition which will lead to improvement, better products and cheaper prices, but in practice will lead to a small group of people (financial elite) exploiting the rest
socialism looks good in theory since it will adapt to the countries and peoples needs using th ressources in the most affective way without wasting them for useless stuff. but in practice its will just again be some small group of people (government) controlling every ressources and exploiting people
the monetary system is fucked up and needs to be replaced
also people need to understand that one extreme being bad doesnt mean the other extreme will be good
>socialism pros
Capitalism - Slave to the bank
Socialism - Slave to the government
You are pretty much a nigger either way.
Gettin some shitpostin in before clean up your wife after abdulah?
capitalism: ups and downs and winners and losers but the overall trajectory of quality of life over time is an average upwards slope
Socialism: a more evenly distribution in society of classes (except with an extremely small, rich and powerful elite class) and a steady downward slope in quality of life over time
negatives to socialism: it doesnt work
positives to capitalism: it works
Which kind of Socialism? There are quite many. Free market kind?
Jokes on you rotofag, one of my many poly gnders is a stinger missile.
Socialism pro:
>the poor have a slightly nicer lifestyle for the first few years until the corruption inevitably boils over
>doesn't work in practice
>capitalist countries so rich the poorest people can eat until they die of obesity
The problem is that people are obsessed with how mcuh they have reality to others, and not even just others but others in their own country. "Poor" people in the western world are unbelievably rich.
You don't think Capitalist corporations are corrupt? They can just get away with it. Both are cuck systems in the current form.
Yeah, the healthy food they can afford really kills their medical bills. :^)
capitalism doesnt work because it needs the poor people in order to have rich people. if noone would be poor prices will just rise until noone is rich either, since the rich dont want that they will exploit the less wealthier until they are poor so they can be rich again. and its not only bound to a country. we keep africa poor for the same reason so they dont have anything, the a bit more fortunate in the 1st worldcountries can think "man am i lucky to not be born in africa and am this wealthy that i can eat all the time" while the rich people just laugh about our ignorance. the capitalists countries can only be so rich because other countries arent
Meanwhile in capitalist America.... at least 80% of the population is all making 30k or less a year.
You can eat healthy for way cheaper than you can eat unhealthy if you just cook it yourself from raw ingredients.
The economy is not a zero sum game you fucking retard.
I dont understand how socialism will fail
means of production belong to the people, people work and are paid labour vouchers they can themselves can only use in a public market, once the voucher is used it disappears, putting it out of circulation. No currency, only labour vouchers for the amount of work you do and the type of work you do, you cannot invest with them, only use them in the public market where all the goods are. Automation is in full effect, everyone is given basic needs like housing water and electricity, you can upgrade from the basic stuff by using labour vouchers,
the system is controlled and operated by elected councils from members of society, workers, managers, scientists, etc.
>resources are infinite and everyone can be rich at the same time! Poor people just don't work hard enough!
The problem is not the system but who maintains it.
As the saying goes "With Jews you lose."
I remember when I was a libertarian and used to say "the pie is not a finite size" then I studied science in uni. Turns out
That the planet doesn't grow who knew ?
the amount of natural resources the rich consume is not that significant
>resources are infinite
they are, unless you can prove the universe isn't infinite, there is an infinite amount of ressources.
>everyone can be rich at the same time
they can as long as "rich" is tied to a fixed and not relative standard of living. The average standard of living has been going up for as long as man has been man with a couple bumps due to war and our population also keep going up, whcih means clearly there are more and more ressources in the system.
Who gives a shit. Everyone knows socialism helps the poor. So fuck the poor. Rich people need to be the forefront of our society to lead capitalism. I want to be able to live to see the first trillionair of our generation even if it means that hundreds of millions of other americans being so poor they can't afford anything. If you're above average smart you'll do fine. Poor=stupid.
>implying we use all the the earth's ressources
>implying we won't be space faring by the time it happens
>I want to be able to live to see the first trillionair of our generation
the lefts inflationary policies are what is going to make sure that happens
You are so stupid. So so stupid I think I've lost at few million neurons by just reading your stupid post.
>Links to sources.
people like OP should be executed
>there are not infinite resources yet the system needs to keep growing
>not all industries benefit from profit motive I.E health care
>environmental issues
>backdoor favors take the place of backdoor bribes
>usually collapses in on itself trying to compete with the productions of their capitalist neighbors
>even though this system is the favored of sjw, they tend to be far more racist and genocidy
Hahahahhahahahaha yup we have the resources to send even 1/10th of us in space.
>look at the current food supply growth vs current population growth.
>they are, unless you can prove the universe isn't infinite, there is an infinite amount of ressources.
Sure just let me know when that shipment of iron from the Andromeda galaxy gets here.
Maybe but with trump we'll win.
How is it stupid? If you're smart you'll win in capitalism. Poor people don't deserve anything because they constantly make bad decisions. It's the reason why they are poor in the first place. Tax dollars should go to benefit the rich to create more wealth. Not to stupid bottom feeder welfare leeches who would squander it.
If the speed of light is a hard limit on physical travel, then we are never leaving the solar system.
Meanwhile in socialist comunist chjina people are starving to death.
Post a pay stub then Richie rich
New thread ,lads.
Implying people aren't starving to death in the south of America
Socialism is not communism... Germany is a socialist state. Most of Europe are socialist states. Are you starving to death?
Interesting. And on who's authority do you intend to enforce this?
What type of socialism are you thinking of?
Social darwinism? National socialism? Marxist Socialism?
>they are, unless you can prove the universe isn't infinite, there is an infinite amount of ressources.
how about proving that the universe is infinite first? its just a theory which could be disproven as soon as tomorrow. also assuming that the universe is infinite with an infinite amount of ressources, shouldnt there then be an infinite amount of demand for those ressources as we surely arent the only ones looking after them in the universe. furthermore you would need to bring the ressources to where its needed which again is a limitation of usable ressources
>they can as long as "rich" is tied to a fixed and not relative standard of living. The average standard of living has been going up for as long as man has been man with a couple bumps due to war and our population also keep going up, whcih means clearly there are more and more ressources in the system.
people becoming not poor and more and more wealthy will unavoiable lead to a rise in prices which again will eventually lead to the rich not being rich anymore. the standard of living increasing isnt due to capitalism working so great, but through technology becoming more and more advanced increasing our livingconditions.
>implying we need to go to space
we can send robots to get the ressources, a newman probe can take over the whole galaxy.
no but its not true that moast of eu is socialist state ,this is not socialism this is capitalism we are not paying up to 80% income tax
newman probe, we can conquer the whole galaxy in 1 million years
Long before we are done with our own galaxy
I never said I was rich but I also don't take free handouts like most lefty scumbags like yourself. I believe in the rich doing good for our country. Like I said if you're remotely smart you'll do fine in capitalism.
Capitalism is a meme of marxist theory for "everything what is bad". I`m not into false dichotomies.
Get real... A lot of industries that are private here in the US are government run in the EU.. like healthcare, infrastructure, telecommunication, etc.
Almost all countries today have mixed economies, and Europe and Canada lean more towards the socialist side than the US does.
>doens't understand socialism and communism
ussr and NK are socialist, communism is something that never happened and can't happened as it requires the dissolution of state whcih means it's basically a fancy anarchy.
>implying capitalism isn't driving technology
>All the jews leave because it's far easier to just jew someplace else.
>Your shitty authoritarian welfare state collapses.
Communism is not anarchy you moron. There is a difference between socialism and communism. USSR and NK was/is communist. Canada is socialist.
You mean von Neumann probe.. and now you're just talking sci-fi stuff that doesn't exist.
>emphasis on helping out your fellow man
>the poorest of society are given equal footing
>guaranteed employment and quality of life
>government isn't supposed to be involved
>discourages business
>little or no opportunity or insensitive to be better
>practically impossible to sustain unless you cheat
>government is extremely involved
>innovation isn't encouraged
>insensitive to improve is never ending
>government isn't supposed to be involved
>you can go from dust to gold if you have a little bit of luck and a lot of hard work
>relatively easy to maintain
>encouraged innovation
>the less fortunate you are the harder you're required to work
>opportunity generally skips the poorest
>government is usually involved and hurts business
>job security isn't guaranteed
>innovation can kill markets
> you're on Sup Forums
> there are no sources
sure it is driving technology, but technology will advance either way. however that doesnt change the fact that capitalism needs poor people in order to have rich which makes it a broken system as a good system wouldnt depent on peoples misery
Contractum Trinius 1555 AD , USURY LEGALIZED 20 yrs after the REFORMATION because Vatican wasn't receiving as much Indulgences. Goldsmith Jesuit Sabbateans create force loans on Protestant states/kingdoms of the northern Holy Roman Empire.
Technically it is described as a stateless system as I recall.
But that's in fancy Marxist fantasy-land, where there are also probably wizards and unicorns that shit out equality and happiness rainbows and whatever other unrespectable idiocy that commies imagine.
Stateless communism is a dreamland. Thus USSR and starving and... well, actual communism.
>communism isn't anarchy
It actually is. Communist Manifesto explicitly states that the destruction of the state (a.k.a. Anarchy) is required for a communistic society. Leaf is, amazingly, correct. The transitional "state" between capitalism and the anarchic society of communism is what Karl Marx called "socialism".
However socialism has multiple meanings depending on who's definition you use. Most Americans use Marx's definition where conmunism is the end goal of communism, but in Europe it's somewhat strangely used where the means of production are in the "community's" control, but it usually just means the government has extreme oversight on it making it more akin to authoritarianism.
> communism is the end goal of communism
Communism is the end goal of *socialism*
>Stateless communism is a dreamland
There's a reason communism (marxist communism, not Maoist communism or Leninist or the cute "communistic" attempt by Kim Jong-Il) has not and can not exist. There's no way to enforce collectivism when you dismantle authority. Someone will be forced (whether willing or not) to assume the role of an authority, and as soon as you do, you cease being communist and start enforcing totalitarianism.